TNA Impact! Results – Oct. 24, 2024 – Six-Man Scramble Match

October 24, 2024
Nashville, TN – Skyway Studios
Commentary – Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt
Results via Matt Boone of

Quick Match Results

  1. Six-Man Scramble match – AJ Francis defeated Frankie Kazarian, Sami Callihan, Laredo Kid, Jake Something, and Jason Hotch via Pinfall
  2. Josh Alexander defeated Jonathan Gresham via C4 Spike (pinfall)
  3. Wendy Choo defeated Jody Threat via Sleeper Uranage (pinfall)
  4. Eight-Man Tag Team match – ABC & The Hardys defeated The System via The Fold (pinfall)

Six-Man Scramble Match
Frankie Kazarian vs. AJ Francis vs. Sami Callihan vs. Laredo Kid vs. Jake Something vs. Jason Hotch

As soon as the bell sounds, Kid takes out Kazarian and starts with fast-paced offense. Each guy gets a moment in the showcase spotlight, culminating in AJ Francis being the last man left standing in the ring, while everyone else brawls on the floor.

Francis teases a big dive to the floor, but decides against it. Callihan starts to take control of the offense in the ring. He goes for a big dive, but is cut off by Hotch. Slowly but surely, everyone ends up back in the ring.

We start to see a number of near falls, with everyone getting a turn at a two-count along the way. Callihan hits a Cactus Driver ’97 for a close two-count, which Francis breaks up and then steals the cover for the win himself.

Winner: AJ Francis via Pinfall.

With the win, Francis will be the No. 20 spot in the Call Your Shot Gauntlet at TNA Bound For Glory. Kazarian will be No. 1.

Backstage: Jonathan Gresham

Backstage, Gia Miller is standing by with Jonathan Gresham. She asks him about the recent change in attitude that Josh Alexander has had ahead of their one-on-one showdown later in the show. Gresham says he can relate to it. He then remembered who the f**k he is. The best technical wrestler in the world.

He’s ready to get back everything he lost. He doesn’t care about Alexander’s problems or attitude. All he cares about is stepping into the ring with another man who has earned the reputation, like he has, of being one of the best wrestlers in the world. Gresham calls this a comeback.

Video: Mike Santana

Mike Santana vignette where he takes us through a tour of the Lower East Side of New York in his childhood neighborhood. He talks about the significance of the area and how big of a role it played in his life and wrestling career.

Ringside: Ash By Elegance, Personal Concierge, Heather By Elegance, Xia Brookside, Brinley Reece

When that wraps up, we shoot back inside the Impact Zone, which is decked out for the next segment, the unveiling of Heather Reckless Makeover by Elegance by Ash By Elegance and George Iceman. We see some candles on a table, bottles on ice, etc.

Iceman does a long build-up and then introduces whom he refers to as “Heather By Elegance.” Out comes Heather Reckless looking dolled up. Matthew Rehwoldt does an excellent job on commentary talking about being breathless and near-tears at the sight of the new and improved Heather By Elegance.

Heather loses her breath when Iceman shows her a mirror so she can see herself. He wants to celebrate with a glass of champagne. As they clang glasses, the theme for Xia Brookside hits to spoil the party. Out she comes with a microphone in-hand.

Xia warns them that karma has a way of coming back at you. With that said, Brinley Reece attacks from behind. Reece and Brookside dunk Heather and Ash’s faces in the bowls of champagne punch.

Josh Alexander vs. Jonathan Gresham

When the show returns from the break, Josh Alexander’s theme hits and “The Walking Weapon” comes out accompanied by Sinner & Saint. He settles in the ring and the entrance tune for his opponent hits. “The Octopus” Jonathan Gresham emerges.

The bell sounds and Gresham starts off with a sign of honor. Alexander wants nothing to do with it. The two circle and Alexander backs Gresham into the corner of the ring. The two hit the mat with Alexander looking for a submission, but Gresham avoids it and pops back up.

As Alexander dominates on offense, he stops and tells Sinner & Saint at ringside to keep an eye on what he is doing so they can learn his veteran ways. The show heads into a mid-match commercial break as Gresham begins fighting back into competitive form.

When the show returns, Alexander is doing the old Razor Ramon insult-to-injury foot slap as Gresham tries to get back to his feet. It angers “The Octopus,” as one would expect, and he gets back to his feet and blasts Alexander with some stiff forearms and wild kicks.

Gresham begins focusing his offensive attack on the knee of Alexander. The crowd starts to come to life in the background as he takes over. Gresham knocks Alexander to the floor and follows up with four big dives.

None put him down, so he tries for a fifth. Alexander moves, Gresham pumps the breaks and then hits an incredible moonsault off the ropes in the corner to the floor. At ringside, Gresham beats down Sinner & Saint before rolling back into the ring.

Gresham slips on a slingshot attempt on the ropes, but keeps control of the lead. Alexander fights back and looks for a C4 Spike, but Gresham avoids it. Alexander gets some help in the form of involvement from Sinner & Saint, which leads to him scoring the pin.

Winner: Josh Alexander via Pinfall.

Once the match wraps up, Alexander, Sinner & Saint begin a three-on-one attack of Gresham until Alexander’s opponent for Saturday’s TNA Bound For Glory, Steve Maclin, hits the ring. He tries to make the save, but ends up getting blasted with a steel chair by Alexander.

Alexander zip-ties Maclin’s hands behind him as he, Sinner & Saint continue their assault. They zip-tied his hands to the ring ropes and continue hitting a defenseless Maclin. Security tries to run down to intervene.

Alexander, Sinner & Saint kick at them to keep them from entering the ring. Maclin is smiling while locked to the ropes staring at Alexander holding a chair. Sami Callihan and Deaner end up hitting the ring with Ace Steele to finally put an end to the madness.

Video: Mike Santana

When the show returns from the break, we see another vignette with Mike Santana in a different part of New York talking about his “dead or in jail” background, while stressing the fact that Moose forgot where he came from. He vows to beat him down at Bound For Glory.

Wendy Choo vs. Jody Threat

Back inside the Impact Zone, Wendy Choo’s theme hits and out comes the WWE NXT Superstar accompanied by Rosemary for singles action in our next match of the evening. Jody Threat makes her way out alone as the commentators inform us Dani Luna is not here tonight due to personal issues.

After some back-and-forth action, Threat quickly realizes she’s going to need eyes in the back of her head with Rosemary at ringside and no Dani Luna to back her up. We see Choo dominate the majority of the match. Just as Threat took over and seemed to have it won, Rosemary throws Choo’s pillow in the ring. The distraction leads to Choo picking up the win.

Winner: Wendy Choo via Pinfall.

Backstage: The System

Backstage, we see The System standing by. Alisha Edwards, as always, asks if we want to know something. Moose then responds to the vignettes from Mike Santana addressing him ahead of their Bound For Glory showdown this Saturday.

TNA Bound For Glory 2024 Card Rundown

When the show returns, we see Matthew Rehwoldt and Tom Hannifan on-camera at the commentary desk. They run down the lineup for this Saturday’s Bound For Glory as the official match graphics flash on the screen.

After that wraps up, where Ash & Heather By Elegance vs. Xia Brookside & Brinley Reece is announced for the Countdown to Bound For Glory pre-show at 6:45pm EST

Eight-Man Tag Team Match
The System (JDC, Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, & Moose) vs. ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) & The Hardys (Matt & Jeff Hardy)

The System’s theme hits. Out comes the team of Moose, JDC, Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards, accompanied by Alisha Edwards.

The Hardys and ABC make their respective entrances next. Chris Bey and Moose kick things off for their respective teams. We see some high spots from the ring to the floor before the commentators lead the show into a mid-match commercial break as the action continues in the ring.

When the show returns, Jeff Hardy is being beaten down by JDC. The System keeps Jeff isolated on their side of the ring, and begin utilizing frequent tags to keep a fresh man on him at all times. Alisha Edwards even gets some cheap shots in from ringside.

Matt Hardy finally gets the hot tag and helps his team shift the offensive momentum in their favor. Fans in the Impact Zone come to life in the background with loud “Delete! Delete! Delete!” chants. As Alisha Edwards gets involved again at ringside, pulling down the ropes, The System take control of the offense again.

On that note, the show heads into yet another mid-match commercial break as the match continues. When the show returns from the break, the match is still in progress, and ultimately culminates with ABC and The Hardys getting the win.

Winner: ABC & The Hardys via Pinfall.

After the match, The System attack from behind. Mike Santana comes out with a giant chain to help out, but ends up getting hit by Alisha with a kendo stick. It doesn’t hurt him, but it distracts him as he was closing in on Moose.

Once he turned, Moose attacked him and he ended up just another victim with the rest of ABC and The Hardys. The System stand tall after the prolonged post-match beatdown and then the show heads into another commercial break.

In-Ring: Santino Marella, Masha Slamovich, Joe Hendry, Jordynne Grace, Nic Nemeth, Frankie Kazarian

When the show returns, the TNA Director of Authority, Santino Marella, is in the ring. He wastes no time in introducing the participants for the dual contract signing for TNA Bound For Glory 2024. Out first comes the challenger for the TNA Knockouts Championship match, Masha Slamovich.

Slamovich takes a seat at the table where the TNA Knockouts and TNA World Championships are sitting. Santino then introduces Joe Hendry, the challenger for the men’s world title main event at TNA Bound For Glory 2024.

The fans loudly sing along with Hendry’s catchy-ass viral theme song as he settles in. Santino does the wave with the fans in the Impact Zone. After the dramatic turn and subsequent “We believe! We believe!” chants from the crowd, Hendry takes a seat.

Santino then introduces the first champion, the TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace. Out comes “The Juggernaut” to a decent crowd reaction. The TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth is out next and he takes his seat.

Slamovich and Grace speak first. Grace says she’s already said everything that needs to be said. She then talks about tonight being a full circle moment for her. She mentions signing her first contract years ago and then puts her John Hancock on the paperwork for Saturday’s defense.

Hendry talks next and mentions how many have called him a flash in the pan. He talks about being a faceless nobody years ago in the role of a lawyer. He talks about how people now know his name and not only do they know it, they believe in it.

Fans chant “We believe! We believe!” Hendry vows Saturday marks the crowning of a new champion. He signs the dotted line on his contract. Nemeth then takes his turn on the mic and tells Hendry that was a sweet story. He tells Hendry he needs him to focus on only him.

Not the naysayers or those who call him a flash in the pan. He doesn’t want him listening to any of those guys. He wants him focused on the main event at TNA Bound For Glory 2024. Nemeth says he doesn’t plan on losing his title, and then signs his contract.

Santino Marella is happy that everything went down without issue. He tries to wrap things up on that happy note, but of course things weren’t over just yet. Frankie Kazarian’s theme hits and out comes the self-proclaimed “King of TNA,” and special referee for the Hendry-Nemeth title tilt at Bound For Glory.

Kazarian apologizes for breaking up the lovefest and then mentions how the star is here. Kazarian talks about going to a referee academy and getting his referee license. He says he went over Santino’s head and talked to Anthem executives.

He says with them he is respected. He is a God. A king. Kazarian makes a crack at Grace and Slamovich, which prompts them to get offended and stand up. Kazarian plays it off as fans chant “Kick his ass!” Kaz tells Santino to hold his glasses and make himself useful. He calls him a stooge.

Kazarian says at Bound For Glory, his little toy badge doesn’t mean a damn thing, because he’s not the law. Kazarian is. So that brings him to the TNA World Champion and his challenger. He assures them he’ll call things down the middle as a fair impartial referee.

He says one thing is for sure — the right man is going to walk out as the TNA World Champion. Nemeth and Hendry bounce Kazarian’s head off the contract signing table. Grace holds Kazarian’s arms behind him. Hendry points to Santino to handle it. Kazarian spits in Santino’s face while still being held.

Santino slaps on his Cobra sock puppet on his hand and blasts Kazarian. Grace, Slamovich, Nemeth and Hendry all grab a limb and at the same time, the four hoist him up and slam him down through the contract signing tables. Afterwards, Nemeth and Grace grab their respective titles and pose with them in face-offs across from Hendry and Slamovich.

Fans chant “TNA! TNA! TNA!” as Hannifan wraps things up on commentary with one final plug for Saturday night’s TNA Bound For Glory 2024. That’s how this week’s show wraps up.