ROH TV Results – Oct. 10, 2024 – Mark Briscoe vs. Josh Woods

October 10, 2024
Toledo, Ohio – Huntington Center
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Jeff Moss of

Quick Match Results

  1. NJPW Strong Openweight Championship – Gabe Kidd (c) defeated Anthony Henry via Piledriver (pinfall)
  2. Katsuyori Shibata defeated Brandon Cutler via PK (pinfall)
  3. Billie Starkz defeated Ella Elizabeth via Swanton (pinfall)
  4. Shane Taylor Promotions defeated The Infantry via O’Connor Roll (pinfall)
  5. ROH Women’s World Television Championship – Red Velvet (c) defeated Diamante via Disqualification
  6. Lance Archer defeated Sam Beale via Blackout (pinfall)
  7. 2005 ROH Glory By Honor V – ROH World Championship – Bryan Danielson (c) defeated KENTA via Cattle Mutilation (submission)
  8. ROH World Championship Proving Ground match – Mark Briscoe defeated Josh Woods via Froggy Bow (pinfall)

Backstage: Lexy Nair, Billie Starkz, Athena, Lady Frost

As a certain Big Poppa Pump once said “I legally can punch someone in the face and not get arrested for it, which most human beings can’t do.” Flying in the face of that though is ROH on Honorclub episode 85 which hit the airwaves (streamwaves?) running with Lexy Nair and Billie Starkz!

The pair were setting up a big party for Athena who happened to arrive mid conversation. Athena handcuffed herself to Lexy in order to “keep her safe” from Abadon because she’s too important. Starkz took issue with this and Athena assured her that she can take care of herself, but Lexy can’t. This is for her protection only. With that, Starkz stormed out., and Lady Frost stormed in.

Athena said that Frost was afraid of her and Frost countered with a match challenge for next week! Athena had no choice but to accept, and the show kicked off proper with a NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship match!

NJPW Strong Openweight Championship
Anthony Henry vs. Gabe Kidd (c)

It was a surprise to see a NJPW Title defense on ROH, but it was a welcome addition to the card. Gabe Kidd has held the NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion for 151 days since defeating Eddie Kingston at NJPW STRONG RESURGENCE 2024.  That was a No Rope Last Man Standing match and it put Kingston on the shelf for the better part of a year. Kidd laid out an Open Challenge that was answered by none other than Beef’s second cousin, Anthony Henry! With his Workhorsemen partner JD Drake’s return imminent, this was a great chance for Henry to have some new gold to show off when he arrived. 

Henry came out with guns blazing, sending Kidd to the outside and driving him into the barricades with high knees. Kidd recovered though and brought the fight back into the ring. Henry kept up the speed, with seemed to throw Kidd off guard. Henry didn’t count on Kidd’s strength though, and Kidd picked him up and tossed him out of the ring. Literally. He threw him.

Kidd grabbed a mic and started running down the American crowd, mid-match. That fired up Henry and the two traded chops. Kidd went to the outside to grab a weapon and this offended Beef. He stepped up to Kidd, who knocked him out allowing Henry to get an opening for a suicide dive.

Henry went to the top rope, but Kidd joined him up there and hit a second rope suplex. Kidd hit a massive piledriver and managed to get the pin to retain his title. We know now that Henry was injured in this match, but he did an amazing job carrying through to make it a really good opening bout.

Winner: Gabe Kidd via Pinfall to retain the NJPW Strong Openweight Championship.

Brandon Cutler vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Cutler came out to no music, raving about the excellence of the AEW EVPS, the Young Bucks. He issued an open challenge for “any former ROH champion” in the back. The challenge was answered by former ROH PURE Champion Katsuyori Shibata!

Shibata is having a hell of a year. He has had an 80% win rate across AEW, ROH and Japan.  In ROH specifically, he’s won every match (singles and multi-person) since May. Cutler on the other hand has lost to Preston Vance, Colt Cabana and even Jacoby Watts. 

The match began with chops. Lots and lots of chops, with Cutler on the losing end of most of them. A back elbow got the momentum back on Cutler’s side, and he worked Shibata in the corner. Shibata fought back though, and delivered a big dropkick in the corner. A snap suplex followed and Shibata locked Cutler in a sleeper hold to soften him up for a shining wizard and the pin.

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata via Pinfall.

Backstage: Brian Cage

Brian Cage cut a promo from the back. If you didn’t know, he’s a machine. One that’s been programmed to become the best wrestler on the planet. He wants Atlantis Jr’s ROH Television Title, and he will take it from him at Wrestledream. This continues the strange thing that ROH does where people cut promos about matches that are not happening on their show.

Billie Starkz vs. Ella Elizabeth

As we saw off the top, Starkz has been in a nasty mood ever since Athena demoted her to Minion-In-Training. Starkz and the Forever Champion haven’t been getting along recently, with Starkz’; work to help Athena being over looked and credited to Lexy Nair. Starkz would be looking to take out some of that aggression on Ella Elizabeth, a product of Al Snow’s OVW, making her ROH debut.

Starkz seemed to cheer up a bit while kocking Elizabeth around the ring. But her mind definitely wasn’t on the match, letting Elizabeth get a few flurries of offense in. Starkz got cocky and almost got caught in a suplex by Elizabeth. That got Starkz’ focus back, but she moved to end the match quickly.

Elizabeth screamed in Starkz’ face, and Billie returned the favour, followed by a swan dive headbutt. She pinned Elizabeth and got the win, but seemed distracted and “over it” as she left.

Winner: Billie Starkz via Pinfall.

Shane Taylor Promotions (Lee Moriarty & Shane Taylor) vs. The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Capt. Shawn Dean)

This was a renewing of a long-standing rivalry dating all the way back to before ROH on Honorclub Episode 33. Having lost to The Outrunners last week, Dean and Bravo looked to finally get a win over STP in this match. Taylor and Moriarty are 5-0 in tag team matches, with three of those victories coming over the Infantry!

Taylor and Bravo started things off and circled each other like two men who know the other very well. Taylors powerful style was a great matchup for Bravo’s faster and more agile moves. Of course, you know what happens when an agile wrestler runs into Shane Taylor? Same thing that happens to everyone else, causing Dean to jump in for a double team.

Taylor socked Dean right in the kisser, dazing him and allowing Moriarty to tag in. On the outside, Bravo and Taylor continued getting in each other’s faces until it was broken up by Trish Adora. Dean got isolated in the STP corner and Taylor and Moriarty worked him over. Dean managed a hot tag to Bravo who took Moriarty to the cleaners.

Dean went to the top rope, but Morairty shoved Bravo into him, knocking him down. off of that, Moriarty rolled up Bravo and got the 1-2-3.

Winner: Shane Taylor Promotions via Pinfall.

Backstage: Dark Order, Iron Savages, Jacked Jameson

Backstage, the Iron Savages said a lot of words, some of which made sense. The Dark Order was there too, and the Savages and Jameson challenged them to a trios match. I think they accepted? It was hard to tell with all the slogans.

ROH Women’s World Television Championship
Diamante vs. Red Velvet (c)

Even though they have some pretty hard feelings about one another, Velvet and Diamante haven’t actually faced off since 2021 on an episode of AEW Dark. In spite of that, the ROH Women’s World TV Championship would be on the line in this match. Surprisingly, this would be Red Velvet’s first defense of the title since defeating Billie Starkz for it at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024. 

Velvet had control off the top, keeping Diamante off her feet with an arm scissor. Velvet hit a “leg lariat” (aka a kick) and knocked Diamante back down. Diamante wouldn’t quit though, slamming Velvet’s face into each turnbuckle in succession, like so many strap matches.

Diamante was confident throughout the match, laying in lots of big slams and whips. At one point, she raked Velvet’s eye along the ropes in a particularly nasty move. It looked like Diamante had the match and title won a few times, but Velvet wouldn’t let Diamante put her down. Velvet kicked out of everything thrown at her, but took a beating in the process. Every time Velvet managed a reversal or kickout, Diamante answered back with more violence.

Diamante lost control though, and despite repeated warnings from the Ref, she smashed Velvet in the face with the ROH Women’s TV Title. The Ref called for the bell, and Velvet was awarded the win (and title retention) via DQ.

Winner: Red Velvet via Disqualification to retain the ROH Women’s World Television Championship.

Diamante realized that she had just cost herself the title, and stomped out of the arena.

Lance Archer vs. Sam Beale

Lance Archer is not only a brutally hard-hitting monster in the ring and new member of the Don Callis Family, he’s also best friends with The Righteous. That doesn’t mean much in this match, but I think it’s nice to mention. Beale on the other hand, has 3000+ X followers and was making his ROH debut.

Archer offered his hand to Beale for the Code of Honor, but Beale saw betrayal coming and actually hit Archer in the face. That upset the Murderhawk, and he proceeded to beat the ever loving life out of hometown hero Beale. Suplexes, stomps,big punches. It was a textbook squash. The match ended with a big Blackout and that was that.

Winner: Lance Archer via Pinfall.

Backstage: The Infantry, Shane Taylor Promotions

Backstage, the Infantry broke down their match against STP…. who just happened to wander in and tell them that they are the most impressive team in ROH. Taylor told them to stop trying to prove they can wrestle, and learn how to rumble. Also, Taylor and Adora seemed to have a side thing going on, which weirded out the Infantry.

2005 ROH Glory By Honor V
ROH World Championship
KENTA vs. Bryan Danielson (c)

Last week, ROH aired the classic match between Samoa Joe and Kenta Kobashi from 2005. They heard that I really liked that, so this week they showed another classic match. This time it was the ROH Champion Bryan Danielson taking on the one and only KENTA.

It was an amazing match, which should come as no surprise. If you thought the 2010’s KENTA and Danielson were amazing, you should see them in 2006. Tons of hard hitting, amazing slams and splashes, and a ton of down-to-the-second submission attempts …

Winner: Bryan Danielson via Submission to retain the ROH World Championship.

This was another great move by ROH, I love seeing these classic matches in amongst the current stuff.

ROH World Championship Proving Ground Match
Josh Woods vs. Mark Briscoe

Mark Briscoe’s dance card is pretty full these days, especially with an upcoming match against Chris Jericho at Wrestledream. That wouldn’t stop him from mixing it up with the Premier Athlete’s Josh Woods though, as the two competed in a Proving ground match. If Woods was able to pin Briscoe or last to the 10-minute time limit, he’d get a shot at whoever the ROH Champion might be after the aforementioned Wrestledream.

Mark Sterling ran down the hometown crowd (and pretty much everyone in ROH and AEW). Briscoe entered to a hero’s ovation and the match was on. Woods jumped Briscoe right off the bat, knocking him to the outside. Briscoe’s chaotic style was definitely at odds with Woods’ more technical and brawling style, but Red Neck Kung Fu was a pretty good counter.

Briscoe introduced a chair to the proceedings and used it as a launching point for a big flip onto Woods on the outside. Briscoe resorted to wrestling moves, hitting Woods with suplexes and rolling drivers. Woods for his part wasn’t going down easily, catching Briscoe’s Froggy Bow with an armbar. Sterling got involved off of a Ref distraction, but Biscoe is the will-not-lay-downiest of all wrestlers, and he would not lay down.

Briscoe went for a Jay Driller, buy his shoulder wouldn’t co-operate and Woods got a chance to get him on the top rope. Briscoe bit Woods and delivered some big head butts before launching himself with a Froggy Bow. Woods was out of it this time, and Briscoe landed it to get the pin and the win. Bring on Jericho!

Winner: Mark Briscoe via Pinfall.