WWE NXT Results – Sept. 3, 2024 – Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

September 3, 2024
Orlando, FL – WWE Performance Center
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T
Results via Chris Aiken of F4WOnline.com

Quick Match Results

  1. NXT Tag Team Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat match – The Rascalz defeated Hank Walker & Tank Ledger and Gallus via Swanton Bomb (pinfall)
  2. Lexis King defeated Oro Mensah via Roll-up (pinfall)
  3. Tatum Paxley defeated Rosemary via Psycho Trap (pinfall)
  4. Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne ended in a Double Countout
  5. Je’Von Evans defeated Joe Coffey via Twisting Splash (pinfall)
  6. Oba Femi defeated Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo via Pop-up Powerbomb (pinfall)
  7. Jaida Parker defeated Jazmyn Nyx via Hipnotic (pinfall)

In-Ring: Trick Williams, Ethan Page, Pete Dunne

Arguably the NXT brand’s most over act, Trick Williams, opens the show by entering the ring and calling out Pete Dunne. Instead of Dunne, out comes NXT Champion Ethan Page to interrupt Trick. Page says tradition is after a champion defends a championship, then he gets to open the following show. Page sarcastically says that Trick would know that, but Trick only got to defend his title once.

Trick responds to Page by telling him to shut up. Trick goes on to caution Page that Trick is coming for his title, but Trick has unfinished business first. Page scoffs at Trick claiming the title is his, as Page is the one set to defend the title on the CW debut of NXT. Page plugs the debut date and place as he insults Trick by adding that he doubts Trick will make it to Chicago (for the debut episode on CW).

Suddenly, Pete Dunne runs in trying to ambush Trick. Williams ducks a clothesline, and Trick brawls with Dunne. Security runs down to separate them.

Backstage: Hank Walker, Tank Ledger, Gallus, Jaida Parker, Fatal Influence

Backstage, Hank Walker & Tank Ledger have words with Gallus ahead of their match. Jaida Parker also has word with the trio known as Fatal Influence.

NXT Tag Team Championship #1 Contender Match
The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) vs. Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey) vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

Miguel pinned Ledger to win the match. The Rascalz move on to title against NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazier & Axiom next Tuesday on NXT.

Lots of action in this match, but it mostly action for the sake of action. Nothing wrong with it as everybody got their moment to shine. The bout goes through a split-screen commercial break. Before the show cuts to the break, Hank & Tank are cleaning house. When the show returns from the break, Gallus take turns working over Hank. Wentz joins in to double team Hank, but Hank clotheslines both. Hot tag to Tank, and he runs wild. Moments later, Wentz breaks up a pinning attempt and tags Miguel, who proceeds to run wild with unique moves. They did a cool spot where Miguel gives Coffey a neckbreaker as Coffey is giving Hank a DDT.

Joe Coffey jumps on the apron to distract the referee, and out runs Je’Von Evans to pull Coffey off the apron. Evans throws hands with Coffey. The Good Brothers also run in, and they distract Hank & Tank. Coffey clotheslines Tank, and Coffey rolls out of the ring for some reason. That allows Wentz and Miguel to climb the turnbuckles. Miguel leaps off the top rope with a meteora on Tank, and Wentz follows up with a senton bomb. Miguel then covers Ledger for a three count.

Winner: The Rascalz via Pinfall.

Backstage: Axiom, Nathan Frazer, The Rascalz

After the match, the tag champs (Frazier & Axiom) are interviewed on their thoughts about The Rascalz winning the match. In comes The Rascalz to confront the champs. Wentz vows to win the titles next week and take the belts back to TNA. Wentz questions the loyalty between Frazier & Axiom. Frazier scoffs at the notion.

Backstage: Trick Williams, Pete Dunne

Trick Williams is being interviewed in the locker room when Pete Dunne rushes in to start another pull-apart brawl.

Lexis King vs. Oro Mensah

King, with his feet on the bottom rope, pinned Mensah to win the match. They started what is supposed to a grudge match with a collar and elbow. At least it was a very aggressive collar and elbow lock up. The match itself was good, but the story got uncomfortable by the end.

King forces Mensah into a corner, and King screams that Mensah’s father should have burned to ashes. This plays off a brawl between the two last week where they took pot shots at each other over their fathers. King screaming the insults at Mensah leads to Mensah snapping on King. Mensah gets admonished by the referee for not breaking on the five count when pummeling King in a corner. The ref offers a final warning to Mensah. King then catches Mensah in a cradle, and King puts his feet on the bottom rope for illegal leverage.

Winner: Lexis King via Pinfall.

Backstage: The D’Angelo Family, Oba Femi

In a locker room skit, NXT North American Champion Oba Femi confronts the D’Angelo Family (minus Tony D’Angelo). Femi insults Adrianna Rizzo by saying in many cultures, a woman is meant to be seen and not heard.” Rizzo has to be held back. In comes Tony D’Angelo to take up for Rizzo. The Don also says Stacks will handle business tonight.

Backstage: No Quarter Catch Crew, Gallus

No Quarter Catch Crew were seen walking backstage only to stop after hearing loud sounds coming from nearby. This was revealed to have been caused by Gallus and Joe Coffey being angry over Je’Von Evans costing Gallus a shot at the NXT Tag Team Championship earlier.

Wren Sinclair told Gallus that Charles wants them to keep the sound down because Myles Borne has sensitive ears. Sinclair then asked Coffey why does he want to face Je’Von again.

After some back-and-forth banter between Sinclair and Coffey over Coffey wanting the NXT Heritage Cup and Sinclair starting to issue a challenge for it, Charlie Dempsey interrupted Sinclair and covered her mouth. After Gallus left, Dempsey told Sinclair that she needs to mind her own business.

Tatum Paxley vs. Rosemary

Rosemary from TNA is back for another NXT bout where she drops the fall. She at least gets her heat back this week when her and Choo attack Paxley after the match, which leads to the return of Lyra Valkyria to save Paxley.

Rosemary took most of the offense, while Paxley got the win. Paxley used a wicked looking finisher that I can hardly describe.

Winner: Tatum Paxley via Pinfall.

Choo jumps Paxley after the match, and Choo applies a chokehold. Paxley escapes the choke, only for Rosemary to spear Paxley. Choo and Rosemary are about to double team when in runs the returning Lyra Valkyria to make a save. After the heels are sent packing, Paxley jumps into Valkyria’s arm with glee.

Backstage: Pete Dunne, Trick Williams, Ava, Ethan Page

Pete Dunne is cutting a promo on Trick Williams when Trick interrupts to start yet another pull-apart brawl. They brawl around the backstage area, and they eventually separated as NXT General Manager Ava gets between them. She then orders them to the ring for their match. NXT Champion Ethan Page steps forward from the background to remark how out of control things have gotten with Ava as GM.

Video: Jordynne Grace

Before the grudge match can start, a video clip from social media shows TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace announcing she will defend the Knockouts title next Tuesday on NXT in an open challenge.

Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

Williams pummels Dunne around ringside before the bell sounds to officially start the match. They finally get into the ring, and Dunne eventually counters Williams. Dunne punishes Williams until Trick fires up on Dunne.

They tease a high spot by the announce desk. Instead, Williams gets crotched with his leg trapped in the ring skirt. Dunne uses the opportunity to stomp on Trick. Dunne then places Williams’ head on the ring steps, and Dunne stomps on his head. The show cuts to a commercial with Williams in peril.

The show returns from the break with Dunne still in control. Comeback by Williams, and Williams runs wild. Dunne cuts off Williams as Ethan Page is shown watching the match from a backstage monitor. Williams trades moves with Dunne, and they tease a high spot off the top rope. Dunne goes on to execute a sunset bomb of sorts on Trick.

The fight again spills out of the ring. They fight atop the barricade around ringside near the announce desk. Williams teases a chokeslamming Dunne, but Dunne counters by snapping Trick’s fingers. Dunne then executes a Russian leg sweep that puts Trick through the announce desk. The desk shatters on impact. Meanwhile, the referee was counting both out. The bell sounds with both laid out on the floor, resulting in a double count-out.

Winner: None.

They brawl again after the match for yet another pull-apart between the two. A return match is all but official.

Video: Ridge Holland

Ridge Holland cuts a promo within a video package, where Holland explains why he turned on Chase U. Great video package, and Holland makes a lot of sense. Holland then promises a step-by-step destruction of Chase U like he is a super villain.

Backstage: Brooks Jensen, Shawn Spears, Dion Lennox

In a backstage skit, Shawn Spears tells Brooks Jensen “thank you” for saving him. Spears vows to never leave Jensen like others did. Jensen wonders why everyone thinks Spears is manipulating him. Spears asks Jensen what he believes, and Spears tells him thanks one more time. As Spears walks away, Dion Lennox approaches Jensen to tell Jensen that Spears is gaslighting him.

Joe Coffey vs. Je’Von Evans

Evans gets his win back after pinning Coffey to win their return match. Cedric Alexander ran down to save Evans from outside interference from Gallus. As Alexander has words with Gallus at ringside, Evans leaps over the ropes with a dive. Evans follows up by leaping off the top rope into a tornillo splash. Evans then covers Coffey for a pinfall.

Winner: Je’Von Evans via Pinfall.

Backstage: Lyra Valkyria, Tatum Paxley

Tatum Paxley and Lyra Valkyria patch things up between them, and they agree to team up. This was quite silly.

Backstage: Ava

Sarah Schreiber interviews NXT GM Ava, and Ava announces Trick Williams against Pete Dunne in a last man standing match for next Tuesday. The winner earns a title shot against Ethan Page for the debut episode on CW the following week.

Oba Femi vs. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo

Femi pinned Stacks to win the match. Stacks gets pummeled by Femi for much of the bout. Stacks makes a valiant, albeit brief, comeback, but Femi thwarts Stacks. Femi hurls Stscks through the air, and Femi signals for his finisher. A powerbomb later, and Femi covers Stacks for a three count. Femi glares at Tony D’Angelo while pinning Stacks.

Winner: Oba Femi via Pinfall.

Backstage: Brinley Reece, Karmen Petrovic, Ashante “Thee” Adonis, Eddy Thorpe

Ashante “Thee” Adonis tries to hit on Brinley Reece. Adonis is interrupted by Eddy Thorpe, and they have words. This plays off a similar skit last week, so a match between the two is clearly in the works.

Backstage: Je’Von Evans, No Quarter Catch Crew

This show seemingly has more skits than an episode of SNL, and here comes yet another. It at least sets up a title match, after Wren Sinclair interviews Je’Von Evans as a potential challenger for the Heritage Cup. Sinclair grants Evans a Cup match next week, much to the chagrin of Charlie Dempsey (who is actually the one defending the Cup). This plays off a skit earlier in the show where Dempsey scolded Evans for being too quick to accept challenges.

Jazmyn Nyx vs. Jaida Parker

Parker pinned Nyz after a running hip check.

Winner: Jazmyn Nyx via Pinfall.

Jayne and Henley jump Parker after the match. Fatal Influence beat down Parker, and Parker fights back. Not for long, as the numbers game is too much. Parker is left laying, as she apparently has no friends to save her.

Backstage: NXT Women’s Locker Room

After a commercial break, Fatal Influence crashes a watch party. Jacy Jayne mocks others for being excited about Giulia possibly showing up (although they did not actually say her name). NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan and Lola Vice stand up to Fatal Influence. Jayne warns Jordan that her days as champ are numbered.

In-Ring: Roxanne Perez, Chelsea Green, Giulia

NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez enters the ring for a monologue, where she proceeds to brag on herself. Perez boasts she is breaking records as NXT women’s champ, and Perez brags on being at the top of the women’s division. Perez says nobody can defeat her for the title. Not if your are the hottest prospect in NXT, nor if your are the former champion. Perez then says not even if you are “the hottest free agent from Japan trying to steal my shine.”

Perez holds her title overhead as the lights in the sound stage go dark. While most people might have expected Giulia’s entrance, instead out comes Chelsea Green. She insults the live studio audience by saying they smell like mildew and body odor. Green then claims she beloved by the WWE Universe. She would be anything for her fans, except the creepy fans. Green gets in Perez’s face to rant. Green proclaims that no one can tell her she is not the number one contender.

The lights go dark again, and this time it is indeed Giulia. After doing a full entrance with theme music, Giulia gets in the ring. Green tries to intervene, but Giulia lays her out. Giulia then grabs a microphone. She only says two words and two letters.

“Me… You… C-W.”

Looks like Giulia is challenging Perez for the NXT Women’s Championship for the debut episode on The CW.