WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 Results – Sept. 1, 2024 – Ethan Page vs. Joe Hendry

September 1, 2024
Denver, CO – Ball Arena
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T

Quick Match Results

  1. NXT Tag Team Championship – Axiom & Nathan Frazer defeated Chase U (Ridge Holland & Andre Chase) (c) via Phoenix Splash (pinfall)
    • Chase U’s Thea Hail, Duke Hudson, & Riley Osborne came out with Chase & Holland to be in their corner for the match.
    • Frazer pinned Chase after Axiom hit a top rope Spanish Fly to Chase that was followed by Frazer hitting a Phoenix Splash for the title victory.
    • Following the match, Chase U’s Hail, Hudson, & Osborne went into the ring to console Chase & Holland over their loss leading to Holland attacking Hudson & Osborne from behind sending both out of the ring. This led to Chase confronting Holland over what he just did only for him to get attacked as well. Holland continued his attack on Chase U on the outside as Hail kept pleading for him to stop only for Holland to ignore her. Holland’s rampage ended after he placed Chase on the announcer’s table and hit The Redeemer leading to medics rushing out with a stretcher for Chase.
  2. Zachary Wentz defeated Wes Lee via UFO (pinfall)
    • Wentz came out with his newly won TNA X-Division Championship belt.
    • Near the end of the match, Lee hit a punch and trust kick to Wentz on the outside sending him onto the announcer’s table. As Lee went to the top rope, the announcer’s table suddenly broke leading to Lee being caught off guard for a bit before htting a Meteora to Wentz on the floor. Lee then shoved Wentz shoulder first into the ring post and went to grab the X-Division title before dropping it and picked up a chair. Lee then walked towards Wentz and prepared to hit him with a chair only for Trey Miguel to show up from the crowd and yanked the chair away. After some banter between Lee and Miguel, Wentz hit a Destroyer off the apron to Lee and tossed him back into the ring. Wentz then went up to the top rope and hit a UFO to Lee for the pinfall victory.
    • Following the match, Miguel celebrated with Wentz in the ring over his big victory over his former best friend.
  3. NXT Women’s North American Championship – Kelani Jordan (c) defeated Wendy Choo via Split-Legged Moonsault (pinfall)
    • Near the end of the match, Jordan hit a handspring flatliner to Choo and followed it up with a 450 Splash and then a split-legged moonsault for the pinfall victory.
    • Following the match, Choo grabbed her black pillow and sat in the ring dejected over her loss. This led to Tatum Paxley emerged from under the ring holding a Choo doll and hooked in a Dragon Sleeper to Choo from behind. Paxley then placed her Choo doll on top of Choo’s pillow and left.
  4. NXT North American Championship – Oba Femi (c) defeated Tony D’Angelo via Sit-out Powerbomb (pinfall)
    • The D’Angelo Family’s Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Luca Crusifino, and Adriana Rizzo came out with D’Angelo to be in his corner for the match.
    • Near the end of the match, Femi confronted the D’Angelo Family on the outside and after taking out Crusifino, he grabbed the crowbar from Crusifino and laid out Stacks who tried to take it away from him. Femi then charged at D’Angelo who dodged out of the way causing Femi to crash into the steps. After some more back-and-forth action, Femi hit a powerbomb to D’Angelo and followed it with a sit-out powerbomb for the pinfall victory.
  5. NXT Women’s Championship – Roxanne Perez (c) defeated Jaida Parker via Pop Rox (pinfall)
    • Near the end of the match, Parker hit a Hipnotic to Perez causing her to fall out of the ring and onto the floor. Parker then left the rign and attempted another Hipnotic to Perez only for Perez to dodge away causing Parker to crash through the timekeeper’s barricade. Perez and Parker both managed to get back into the ring before the ten count leading to Perez hitting the Pop Rox to Parker for the pinfall victory ro retain her title.
    • Following the match, Perez’s victory celebration was cut short after the lights turned off. The camera then panned over to the stage that had a glowing light coming out of the entrance and smoke pouring out filling up the stage area. This led to Giulia coming out making her official debut in WWE’s NXT brand. Giulia made her way to the ring and engaged in a face-to-face staredown with Perez as Perez held up her belt.
  6. NXT Championship Special Guest Referee match – Ethan Page (c) defeated Joe Hendry via Ego’s Edge (pinfall)
    • Trick Williams was the special guest referee for this match.
    • Near the end of the match, Hendry hit a Standing Ovation to Page and went for a near fall that was stopped after Williams noticed Page’s foot was under the ropes. This led to Hendry confronting Williams over his stopped count and Page shoving Hendry from behind into Williams sending Williams out of the ring. This led to Page hitting a Standing Ovation and a second referee sprinting to the ring and made it right as Page went for the near fall. Page then left the ring and grabbed his NXT title and went back into the ring attempting to hit Hendry. This led to the referee grabbing the belt away from Page causing Page to be distracted long enough for Hendry to catch him in a roll-up for a near fall. Hendry then went to go grab the belt on the mat only for Page to catch him in a DDT for a near fall that was stopped by Williams grabbing the referee’s hand to prevent the three count. This led to an angry Page attempting to punch Williams only for Williams to dodge and the other referee getting laid out instead. As Williams was distracted over the other referee falling to the outside, Page hit a low blow kick to Hendry and followed it with the Ego’s Edge for the reluctant pinfall victory count by Williams.
    • Following the match, a dejected Williams looked on as Page smiled in happiness. This led to Pete Dunne running out and yanked Williams out of the ring and hit a Bitter End to lay him out as Page looked on to close out the show.