WWE: Big E Neck Injury Update, Mercedes Mone on Issues with Vince McMahon Being Reason for Leaving WWE, Janel Grant Attorney Issues Statement on Mr. McMahon Docuseries

Big E Neck Injury Update – Big E Getting Updated Neck Scans in Three to Six Months

As noted before, Big E has been out of action for WWE since March of 2022 due to a broken neck injury.

Sports Talk Philly held a recent interview with Big E. One of the topics discussed included Big E providing an update on his recovery from a neck injury and stated that he will be undergoing a new scan on his neck in three to six months.

“More than anything, I’m just taking every day as it comes. I know that sounds like a cliche. But I get scans again in another three-to-six months, and if they look great and the doctors say it’s healthy for me to go back, then that’s something where we’ll sit down and talk about it. But I try not to spend too much time worrying about things I can’t control. It’s nice to know that if I get the opportunity to get back in the ring, and I can do it healthily, then let’s do that. Let’s attack it fully. But if not, I know exactly what I want to do, and I’m excited about that path, too.”

Big E also gave his thoughts about being at peace with the potential of him never wrestling again and revealed that he is currently working on new projects.

“There’s a myriad of things open to me, and so many things I’m excited about. That’s really the lovely thing that while I’m not in the ring right now, I have so many things I’m excited about and projects I’m working on. Every day, I wake up with that excitement and that passion. If this is the end of my career in the ring, I know exactly what I want to do and all of those things are in motion right now.”

Mercedes Mone Comments on Her Reason for Leaving WWE Over Issues with Vince McMahon & No Interest in Future WWE Return

A recent episode of The Breakfast Club podcast featured Mercedes Mone, former Sasha Banks in WWE, as the guest. One of the topics discussed included Mone’s thoughts about her decision to leave WWE.

“I left for many different reasons. A lot of personal stuff happened with myself and the Chairman at the time. I didn’t like how he talked to me and how I was talked down to. I was like, ‘It’s time to legit listen to your soul and your heart.’ There was a light that came to me and I left WWE.

It was enough for the source of my light to come into my body and go ‘If you stay, that’s not okay. This is for the rest of your life. What are you going to teach your kids? What are you going to teach people?’ If you’re feeling like this from words, after being here for ten years, you have to stand up for yourself.’ That’s what I did. The same light that came to me when I was 10 years old [when I got into wrestling] saying ‘This is your sole purpose this is what you’re going to do.’ Another light came to me being like ‘You gotta walk away and do something better for yourself.'”

Mone also gave her thoughts about having no interest in a potential return to WWE in the future.

“After the way that AEW’s been treating me, I don’t know [if I’d go back to WWE]. I don’t think so. I feel like I have the best relationship with AEW right now and it’s legit, I’m living my dreams and it’s the best place I’ve ever been mentally and physically and to be able to have new dreams after being in the industry for 14 years, it’s the best feeling in the world so, AEW is my home right now.”

Transcript h/t: PostWrestling.com

Janel Grant’s Attorney Issues Statement on Netflix’s Mr. McMahon Docuseries

As noted before, former WWE employee Janel Grant filed a lawsuit this past January against former TKO Executive Chairman Vince McMahon accusing McMahon of committing sex trafficking and sexual abuse towards her during her time in the company. McMahon released an official statement this past Monday claiming that the producers for the recently released Mr. McMahon docuseries on Netflix had purposely misrepresented and created a deceptive portrayal of the “Mr. McMahon” character and his true self.

Following Netflix’s release of their new doscuseries on Wednesday, Grant’s attorney Ann Callis released an official statement to Wrestlenomics’ Brandon Thurston about the Mr. McMahon docuseries in regards to its portrayal of the allegations against McMahon towards Grant.

“The ‘Mr. McMahon’ docuseries makes it clear there is no difference between Vince McMahon’s on-air persona and his true self, they are one and the same. His “character” – known for violent outbursts, sexual deviance, and manipulation – is the real Vince McMahon and exactly what Janel Grant experienced behind closed doors at WWE for years.

While the docuseries put McMahon’s obsession with power and control on full display, it only scratches the surface of his criminal behavior and it fails to tell the full story of his abuse, sexual assault, and human trafficking of Ms. Grant. She deserves the opportunity to tell her story, on her own time, and in her own way. We look forward to her day in court and to seeing McMahon at last held accountable for his actions.”