TNA Victory Road 2024 – Sept. 13, 2024 – Nic Nemeth vs. Moose

September 13, 2024
San Antonio, TX – Boeing Center at Tech Port
Commentary – Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt
Results via

Quick Match Results

  1. Countdown to Victory Road Pre-show: KUSHIDA defeated Leon Slater via Cross Armbreaker (submission)
  2. Countdown to Victory Road Pre-show: Hammerstone & Jake Something defeated Eric Young & Steve Maclin via Into The Void (pinfall)
  3. The Hardys defeated FIR$T CLA$$ via Swanton Bomb (pinfall)
  4. TNA X-Division Championship – “Speedball” Mike Bailey defeated Zachary Wentz (c) via Flamingo Driver (pinfall)
  5. Mixed Tag Team match – Matt Cardona & Steph De Lander vs. PCO & Rhino went to a No Contest
  6. TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship – Spitfire defeated Masha Slamovich & Tasha Steelz (c) via Pressure Drop (pinfall)
  7. Joe Hendry defeated Josh Alexander via Ankle Lock (submission)
  8. TNA World Tag Team Championship – The System defeated ABC (c) via Boston Knee Party (pinfall)
  9. TNA Knockouts World Championship – Jordynne Grace (c) defeated Wendy Choo via Juggernaut Driver (pinfall)
  10. TNA World Championship – Nic Nemeth (c) defeated Moose via Danger Zone (pinfall)

KUSHIDA vs. Leon Slater

Slater hits an Enzuigiri to gain the early advantage. Slater is perched on the top but KUSHIDA knocks him down with a handspring. KUSHIDA goes high-risk, soaring off the top to take out Slater on the floor. Slater bounces back with a running dropkick in the corner. Slater leaps over the ring post, colliding with KUSHIDA on the outside. Back in the ring, KUSHIDA locks in the armbar to win by submission.

Winner: KUSHIDA via Submission.

Eric Young & Steve Maclin vs. Hammerstone & Jake Something

The brawl starts before the opening bell as all four men go at it. Something inadvertently collides with Hammerstone, allowing Maclin to gain the advantage for his team. Hammerstone avoids Caught in the Crosshairs as Maclin gets run over by Something at ringside. Minutes later, Hammerstone is down in the corner, allowing Young to make the much-needed tag. Hammerstone is Caught in the Crosshairs, followed by the top rope elbow drop Young. They have the match won but Something breaks the pin. Something sends Young Into the Void to score the victory.

Winner: Hammerstone & Jake Something via Pinfall.

The Hardys (Matt & Jeff Hardy) vs. FIR$T CLA$$ (KC Navarro & AJ Francis)

Jeff hits Navarro with Poetry in Motion, followed by a modified Sidewalk Slam from Matt. Francis takes a cheap shot at Matt from the apron. Navarro capitalizes off the distraction with a dropkick. Francis begins to wear Matt down but crashes and burns on a Swanton Bomb attempt. Matt makes the tag to Jeff who brings the fight to Navarro. Francis blindsides Jeff with a World’s Strongest Slam but Matt prevents him from going high-risk. The Hardys hit Francis with a thunderous suplex as Navarro catches Jeff with a splash. The Hardys send Francis over the top with a double clothesline, followed by a Twist of Fate neckbreaker combo to Navarro. Jeff soars with the Swanton Bomb on Navarro to win.

Winner: The Hardys via Pinfall.

TNA X-Division Championship
“Speedball” Mike Bailey vs. Zachary Wentz (c)

Wentz hits a superkick, then dives through the ropes to drop Bailey on the outside. Now it’s Bailey’s turn as he takes out Wentz with a Moonsault to the floor. Back in the ring, Bailey secures a leg lock submission but Wentz crawls to the bottom rope to break the hold. Both men avoid each other’s running Shooting Stars, then connect with in-sync superkicks. Wentz charges at Bailey as both competitors go toppling over the top rope to the floor. Bailey catches Wentz with a springboard Moonsault. Wentz hits a double stomp the Bailey’s back before flying off the second turnbuckle. Wentz drives him face-first into the steel ramp but Bailey makes it back into the ring before the referee’s 10 count. Wentz connects with a cutter off the second rope but it’s not enough to keep Bailey down. Moments later, Bailey hits the Shooting Star for a near fall of his own. Wentz spikes him with the modified DDT but Bailey kicks out at two. Bailey hits the Flamingo Driver to win the match and become the new X-Division Champion!

Winner: “Speedball” Mike Bailey via Pinfall to become the new TNA X-Division Champion.

Backstage: The System

The System vow to dominate at Victory Road tonight.

Mixed Tag Team Match
Matt Cardona & Steph De Lander vs. PCO & Rhino

Before the next match begins, Steph De Lander thanks the fans for supporting her during the ups and downs of her career. SDL reveals hat she needs neck surgery and can’t compete in tonight’s matchup. SDL thanks her best friend Cardona and her husband PCO. SDL says that they need them to figure things out without her – but she’ll be back. PCO escorts her to the backstage area. Meanwhile, Cardona blindsides Rhino and takes him out with Radio Silence!

Winner: None.

Backstage: Nic Nemeth

Gia Miller interviews Nic Nemeth who promises to retain the TNA World Championship against Moose tonight.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship
Spitfire (Jody Threat & Dani Luna) vs. Masha Slamovich & Tasha Steelz (c)

Slamovich and Steelz are in control as they cut off the ring and wear Threat down. Threat leaps towards the corner in an attempt to make a tag but Steelz intercepts her. Threat finally creates separation with a tornado DDT to Steelz, allowing her to tag in Luna. The pace quickens as Luna goes on the attack. Luna hits a series of clotheslines, followed by a running dropkick to Slamovich. Luna brings Steelz into the ring with a suplex from the ropes. Luna powerbombs Slamovich for two. Steelz superkicks Threat into a German suplex from Slamovich for another near fall. Spitfire are in control following the Pop-Shove It and Luna Landing. Spitfire hit the double team Pressure Drop on Slamovich to win!

Winner: Spitfire via Pinfall to become the new TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions.

After the match, Alisha Edwards berates Slamovich for embarrassing her tonight. Steelz blindsides Slamovich and drops her with a cutter. Alisha and Steelz stand tall over a fallen Slamovich.

Backstage: Hammerstone, Jake Something

Hammerstone and Jake Something send a message to the entire locker room – anyone who steps in their way will suffer the same fate as Steve Maclin and Eric Young earlier tonight!

Josh Alexander vs. Joe Hendry

Hendry puts his strength on display in the early going as he hits a stalling vertical suplex. Moments later, Alexander erases him off the apron with a running crossbody. Alexander momentarily secures an Ankle Lock but Hendry quickly escapes. Alexander hits a German suplex for two. Alexander leaps off the second rope but Hendry sidesteps and connects with the Fallaway Slam. Hendry hits a Pop-Up Powerbomb but Alexander kicks out at two. The fight spills to the outside where Hendry hits a Trust Fall to the floor. Alexander turns the tide with a backbreaker in the ring. Hendry counters the C4 Spike into a back body drop. Hendry hits a Fallaway Slam off the second rope but it’s not enough to keep Alexander down. Alexander has a deep Ankle Lock in but Hendry makes it to the bottom rope. Alexander shoves Hendry into the referee. Hendry locks in his own Ankle Lock and Alexander is tapping – but the referee is down. Alexander hits the low blow but Hendry is wearing a cup. Hendry hits the Standing Ovation, then locks in another Ankle Lock to win by submission.

Winner: Joe Hendry via Submission.

TNA World Tag Team Championship
The System (Eddie Edwards & Bryan Myers) vs. ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c)

Austin hits the ropes but Eddie intervenes from the outside, sending him crashing to the floor. The System cut off the ring and begin to wear Bey down. Myers distracts the referee as Alisha delivers an illegal attack on Bey. Bey finally creates separation but just as he’s about to make the tag, Eddie pulls Austin off the apron. Myers powerbombs Bey into the knees of Eddie, culminating with a modified backstabber. Austin takes out Myers on the outside before Bey is finally able to tag him into the match. The pace quickens as Ace hits Myers with a leg drop. Austin hits a springboard kick on Eddie. Eddie counters 1, 2 Sweet into a Blue Thunder Bomb on Bey. Myers takes out Austin with the Roster Cut clothesline. Alisha trips up Bey from the outside. Myers spears Bey off the distraction, followed by the Boston Knee Party from Eddie to win!

Winner: The System via Pinfall to become the new TNA World Tag Team Champions.

TNA Knockouts World Championship
Wendy Choo vs. Jordynne Grace (c)

On the outside, Choo swings at Grace with her black pillow, then hits a DDT on the floor. Choo taunts Grace’s family at ringside. Grace’s grandmother takes away Choo’s pillow as Grace capitalizes with a clothesline. Back in the ring, Choo regains control, connecting with a running dropkick in the corner. Choo is perched on the top but Grace hits her with an uppercut. Choo locks in a modified Cobra Clutch as both women are sent flying off the top, breaking the hold. Grace hits a Death Valley Driver for two. Grace fights off a Sunset Flip attempt, but Choo hits a top rope belly-to-belly instead. Choo follows up with a Brainbuster for a very close near fall. Choo locks in a Sleeper but Grace breaks free. Grace hits the Grace Driver to win the match and retain the Knockouts World Title!

Winner: Jordynne Grace via Pinfall to retain the TNA Knockouts World Championship.

After the match, Rosemary spears Grace, followed by As Above, So Below. Choo locks in Sleeper as Grace is laid out in the middle of the ring.

Backstage: Santino Marella, Arianna Grace

Director of Authority Santino Marella and TNA-NXT liaison Arianna Grace cross paths backstage.

TNA World Championship
Moose vs. Nic Nemeth (c)

Self-proclaimed “King of TNA” Frankie Kazarian joins Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on commentary for tonight’s TNA World Championship main event.

Moose gets height with a leaping dropkick to Nemeth. Moose attempts a powerbomb on the ramp but Nemeth counters into a back body drop. Back in the ring, Moose regains control with a standing Uranage. Moose catches Nemeth in mid-air and powerbombs him on the apron. Nemeth sends Moose face-first into the corner turnbuckle, followed by a German suplex on the floor. Moments later, Moose hits a thunderous powerbomb through a table at ringside.

Alisha Edwards and JDC make their way to ringside to distract Nemeth. Moose counters the Danger Zone into a Spear for two. Mike Santana stops Moose from using the TNA World Title as a weapon. Santana brawls with JDC to the back. Nemeth blindsides Moose with the Danger Zone but Moose kicks out. Moose hits a Superplex but Nemeth counters the follow-up powerbomb into a Famouser. Nemeth has the match won but Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers pull the referee out of the ring. The referee is about to disqualify Moose but Nemeth doesn’t want to win that way. Instead, he ejects Eddie, Myers and Alisha from ringside. Out of nowhere, John Layfield appears at ringside and takes out Eddie and Myers with a pair of Clotheslines from Hell. The action continues as Moose hits Lariat, followed by another Spear but it’s not enough to keep Nemeth down. Nemeth hits the superkick, followed by Danger Zone to win the match and retain the TNA World Title!

Winner: Nic Nemeth via Pinfall to retain the TNA World Championship.

Nic Nemeth celebrates his monumental victory as Victory Road goes off the air.