ROH TV Results – Sept. 19, 2024 – Sammy Guevara & Dustin Rhodes vs. The Dark Order

September 19, 2024
Dayton, OH – Nutter Center and Wilkes-Barre, PA – Mohegan Sun Arena
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Jeff Moss of

Quick Match Results

  1. ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground match – Red Velvet defeated Allysin Kay via Stir It Up (pinfall)
  2. The Gates of Agony defeated Trip Jordy & Dante Leon via Open The Gate (pinfall)
  3. Preston Vance defeated Brandon Cutler via Discus Lariat (pinfall)
  4. John Silver defeated KM via Airplane Spin Slam (pinfall)
  5. Rachael Ellering defeated Maggie Lee via Bosswoman Slam (pinfall)
  6. The Infantry defeated Spanish Announce Project via Boot Camp (pinfall)
  7. Anthony Ogogo defeated Kit Sackett via Pop-up Punch (ref stoppage)
  8. Brian Cage defeated Deonn Rusman via Inverted Cloverleaf (submission)
  9. ROH World Tag Team Championship Proving Ground match – Sammy Guevara & Dustin Rhodes defeated The Dark Order via Swanton Bomb (pinfall)

ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground Match
Allysin Kay vs. Red Velvet

This was power vs. finesse as Velvet picked up a victory in this proving ground match. Ian Riccaboni noted on commentary that Velvet’s rivalry with Diamante is heating up.

Velvet started strong but Kay used a fallaway slam, suplex, and other power-based moves to gain the advantage. Kay put Velvet in an ankle lock and a straight jacket before Velvet started to make her comeback. Kay cut off her momentum at one point with a spinebuster but then it was all Velvet.

Velvet hit a running knee while Kay was draped in the ropes before landing a facebuster-type move, not unlike LA Knight’s Blunt Force trauma.

Winner: Red Velvet via Pinfall.

Video: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, Dark Order

A video aired hyping up the ROH World Tag Team Championship Proving Ground match between the Dark Order and Sammy Guevara & Dustin Rhodes later in the show.

The Gates of Agony (Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun) vs. Trip Jordy & Dante Leon

This was a total squash win for the Gates of Agony. Riccaboni noted on commentary that Gates of Agony have one of the best win/loss records in the ROH tag division, which could mean a title shot is not too far off for them.

Winner: the Gates of Agony via Pinfall.

Video: Bryan Danielson, Nigel McGuinness

A video on the history between Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson aired.

Brandon Cutler vs. Preston Vance

On commentary, they played up how Vance is looking to honor Brodie Lee’s legacy now.

Cutler came out to cut a promo and ran down the fans until Preston Vance came out. Cutler told Vance he wasn’t allowed to lay a hand on him until he showed him respect and adhered to the code of honor. Vance then punched him in the face immediately after shaking his hand.

Vance took the early offense while Cutler ran away. Cutler eventually hung him up on the ropes and got a period of offense, which mainly consisted of rest holds. Cutler did hit a superkick and pump handle slam at one point but that was about it.

Vance picked up the win with a discus lariat, not unlike the one Brodie Lee used.

Winner: Preston Vance via Pinfall.

Backstage: The Outrunners

The Outrunners cut a promo on the Iron Savages backstage and it was just wonderful. They said they would take them on anytime any place. So, we’ll likely get that match booked at some point.

John Silver vs. KM

Silver and KM had a pose down before the match began, with the crowd heavily favoring Silver.

The Dark Order have been heels of late, but that was not the case here. Silver was playing to the crowd and KM was being a heel.

Silver suplexed KM and gave him an airplane spin into a slam for the win, which looked really impressive considering the size difference between the two. Riccaboni noted on commentary that Sid Vicious used to use a similar move and Silver has adopted it of late.

Winner: John Silver via Pinfall.

Backstage: Josh Woods, Mark Sterling

Mark Sterling and Josh Woods cut a promo in the back. Sterling played up his collegiate record and said there was more to come. He concluded the promo by saying Woods would take on anyone at any time.

Rachael Ellering vs. Maggie Lee

They noted that Lee was trained by former ROH World Champion Tyler Black, aka Seth Rollins. Riccaboni with some sly plugs for Black’s matches being available on Honorclub.

Ellering hit a big shoulder block, a running elbow, a knife-edge chop that looked like it hurt, a running dropkick, and a running senton. She then hit the Bosswoman slam for the win.

Winner: Rachael Ellering via Pinfall.

Ellering went to shake Lee’s hand but Lee rejected it. Man, I guess Rollins doesn’t teach sportsmanship at his academy.

Video: Anthony Henry, BEEF

A video on Anthony Henry, JD Drake, and BEEF aired. The angle is that BEEF is Henry’s second cousin by marriage and is filling in for the injured Drake. They are undefeated together so far.

The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Capt. Shawn Dean) vs. Spanish Announce Project (Serpentico & Angelico)

This was a good match.

Serpentico and Angelico got the first real period of sustained offense, working on Bravo. He eventually made a hot tag to Dean who hit a DDT on Angelico and a big clothesline on Serpentico. He hit a floating back elbow and then Bravo tagged back in and got a two-count on a Falcon Arrow.

Angelico and Serpentico got back on offense and then started to work on Dean. Angelico hit a flatliner followed by Serpentico hitting a frog splash for a two-count.

Infantry got back on offense and worked two-on-one against Serpentico, finishing him off with the Boot Camp.

Winner: The Infantry via Pinfall.

The Code of Honor was adhered to by both teams and the Infantry raised their opponents’ hands after the match.

Anthony Ogogo vs. Kit Sackett

They snuck in some ads for Forbidden Door in London next year during this squash win for Anthony Ogogo.

Coleman noted on commentary that Sackett has an MMA background. Ogogo played to the crowd a lot. He hit a pump handle powerbomb, running kick to the face, an overhead suplex, and a big running clothesline. He hit his pop-up punch in the face move and referee Bryce Remsburg called for the bell.

Winner: Anthony Ogogo via Referee Stoppage.

Ogogo then went around ringside flipping off fans and generally being a bad guy.

Brian Cage vs. Deonn Rusman

Cage was in “Wolverine” gear for this one. His gear has often been Wolverine-focused since the latest movie came out, I’ve noticed.

Rusman got a nearfall off a uranage after not getting much offense at all in the early going. He then missed a move from the top and Cage took over the match from there. Cage hit a discus clothesline, powerbomb and then finished him off with an inverted cloverleaf for the submission victory. Coleman noted that now that he has submissions in the mix as well, Cage is even more dangerous.

Winner: Brian Cage via Submission.

Backstage: Shane Taylor Promotions

Anthony Ogogo cut a promo backstage. He said it was time for him to win some gold in ROH. Taylor then said STP is going to take every title in ROH.

ROH World Tag Team Championship Proving Ground Match
The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno) vs. Sammy Guevara & Dustin Rhodes

The code of honor was adhered to but Reynolds gave Guevara a little shove after. The Dark Order were definitely heels here. Reynolds left the ring and pointed out that they don’t have to beat the champions in a proving ground match, they can go the distance and they will still earn a tag title shot.

Rhodes broke out a spinaroonie at one point here. Riccaboni pointed out on commentary that Rhodes has been tag champs with hall of famers, such as Booker T and Ricky Steamboat.

Dark Order ended up on offense, working on Rhodes. Rhodes eventually fought back with a powerslam on Uno and went to make a tag tag but Silver got in the ring, distracted the ref so he didn’t see the tag, and the Dark Order were able to gain the advantage again. Uno hit a piledriver on Rhodes for two-count.

Guevara eventually made a hot tag and the crowd got pretty into Guevara. He hit a cutter on Reynolds, Rhodes then ran in with a shrinking wizard for a two-count. The Dark Order retreated to the outside again, because they are trying to run out the time limit. Guevara dove on all three of them and tossed Reynolds back in the ring. Rhodes hit him with what Riccaboni called a “Texas Destroyer,” then a twisting suplex and Guevara hit a swanton on Reynolds for the win.

Winner: Sammy Guevara & Dustin Rhodes via Pinfall.

As Rhodes and Guevara are celebrating, Cage of Agony attacks them. The Dark Order joined in so it was a six-on-two attack to close the show. It looks like Gates of Agony will probably get a shot at Rhodes & Guevara, and then possibly Cage of Agony against Rhodes & The Von Erichs as well.