ROH TV Results – Sept. 12, 2024 – Rocky Romero vs. Lio Rush

September 12, 2024
Arlington, TX – Esports Stadium Arlington
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Jeff Moss of

Quick Match Results

  1. ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground match – Atlantis Jr. defeated “Pretty” Peter Avalon via Frog Splash (pinfall)
  2. Queen Aminata defeated Harley Cameron via Headbutt (pinfall)
  3. Six-Man Tag Team match – Top Flight & Action Andretti defeated Dante Leon, Vin Parker, & CD Bennett via Modified Spinning Side Slam (pinfall)
  4. The Outrunners defeated Fly Def via Total Recall (pinfall)
  5. Robyn Renegade defeated Angelia Risk via Pumphandle Flatliner (pinfall)
  6. The Righteous defeated James Blackheart & JC Valentine via Autumn Sunshine (pinfall)
  7. Sammy Guevara defeated Ariya Daivari via GTH (pinfall)
  8. Lady Frost defeated Promise Braxton via Temperature Drop (pinfall)
  9. Willie Mack defeated Exodus Prime via Frog Splash (pinfall)
  10. Preston Vance defeated KM via Discus Lariat (pinfall)
  11. Six-Man Tag Team match – Spanish Announce Project & Fuego Del Sol defeated Ace of Space Academy & Joe Alonzo via Scorpion Cross Lock (submission)
  12. AR Fox & Komander defeated Ariel Dominguez & Brillante RB via Rope Walk Shooting Star Press (pinfall)
  13. Lio Rush defeated Rocky Romero via Final Hour (pinfall)

ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground Match
“Pretty” Peter Avalon vs. Atlantis Jr.

For those not in the know, a Proving Ground match gives the challenger a 10-minute time limit to beat the Champion. If Avalon could last the 10 minutes or score a pin on Atlantis Jr, he’d earn a future shot at the ROH World Television Title.

Both men were evenly matched, so it wasn’t a shock when the match started off with some pretty standard lockups and holds. Avalon got the first big move, sending Atlantis to the mat with an arm drag and then bragging about it for a long time. It’s possible his strategy was to talk trash long enough for the clock to run out, but Atlantis wasn’t having it and silenced him with a falcon arrow.

After a few minutes, Avalon faked a knee injury, presumably to drain more time from the clock. Atlantis, ever the sportsman, let him recover, which he did with gusto delivering a running knee to the champion. Atlantis recovered and landed a high crossbody followed by a Chris Adams Superkick.

Avalon tried a quick rollup, but Atlantis was able to kick out. Same result with a big moonsault from the top rope. A suicide dive from Avalon got Atlantis’ attention though, and the luchadore decided enough was enough. Atlantis hit a huge frog splash from the top rope to get the pin and leave Avalon, unproven.

Winner: Atlantis Jr. via Pinfall.

Backstage: Billie Starkz, Athena

Billie Starkz called an emergency MEM with the ROH Women’s Champion Athena. Starkz wanted to know what was going on to which Athena began gushing about how great Lexy Nair is. Athena suggested Lexy get a jacket that says “MINION NUMBER ONE” on it and Starkz lost her cool. Starkz complained that Lexy was getting credit for her work. Athena suggested that Starkz not let her jealousy overshadow her happiness. Also, not to snitch on Lexy. Athena left an upset Starkz to think about things.

Harley Cameron vs. Queen Aminata

The Outcast’s Harley Cameron has most recently been spending her time in ROH following Rachael Ellering around to make fun of her fashion sense. Aminata has been keeping Red Velvet’s back safe in their never ending feud with ROH Women’s Champion Athena and her newly demoted Minion-In-Training, Billie Starkz.

Aminata was aggressive off the top, working Cameron’s arm and neck. Cameron was able to reverse one of the holds though and Aminata ended up in a headlock. Cameron dragged Aminata to the outside and bounced her head off the ring apron (the hardest part of the ring!). Aminata returned the favour and tossed Cameron back into the Ring.

The two traded forearms with the hard-hitting Aminata coming out on top. She followed it up with a swinging neckbreaker, sending Cameron crawling to the corner. Aminata delivered a vicious running kick to Cameron, but it only resulted in a two-count. Cameron fought back with a headscissors and a backstabber. Then, out of nowhere, Aminata hit a lights out spinning back elbow knocking Cameron cold and got the pin.

Winner: Queen Aminata via Pinfall.

Six-Man Tag Team Match
Top Flight (Darius & Dante Martin) & Action Andretti vs. Dante Leon, Vin Parker, & CD Bennett

Footage of Top Flight and Action Andretti at AEW All Out was shown as the match kicked off. Andretti started things off against Parker, tossing him around until Darious could tag in. That brought Bennett in off the bench, but he didn’t manage to fare any better. Dante tagged in and so did Leone, completing the trifecta for both teams.

Duante and Darious double teamed Leone for a while, until Parker tried to help. He was quickly dispatched of but the distraction opened the door for Leone to get in a bit of offence. Dante found himself double teamed by Parker and Bennett, but somehow hit a headscissor takedown on both of them at the same time! That brought in the Martins who cleaned house. Andretti planted Bennett with a sinning side slam and Dante was able to get the pin.

Winner: Top Flight & Action Andretti via Pinfall.

Backstage: Harley Cameron, Rachael Ellering

Harley Cameron was interviewed backstage about her loss, but who should interrupt Rachael Ellering. Ellering mocked Cameron’s loss in a condescending manner usually used by Cameron. Cameron left in a huff.

The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) vs. Fly Def (Warren J & Zack Zilla)

The previous trios match was so much fun, ROH served up another helping! The Outrunners made a big splash on Dynamite this week in the Tag Team Casino Gauntlet Match to earn a shot at the Young Bucks AEW Tag Team Titles. They didn’t end up the winners there, so they had a lot of frustration to work out on J and Zilla. 

The OUtrunners had the crowd on their side from the start. Floyd started things off and immediately pulled J into a technical mat-based battle. Magnum tagged in and the Outrunners began double teaming Zilla. J tried to come back with some chops, but that just made Magnum angry. He showed the youngster what a real chop feels like and dragged him to the corner for a big right hand from Floyd.

In the end The Outrunners were able to over power J and Floyd got the pin.

Winner: The Outrunners via Pinfall.

The standard posing began but was interrupted by Jacked Jameson and the Iron Savages! The trio attacked the Outrunners, knocking them from pillar to post, until the Infantry arrived to even the odds! The Savages were run back to Titty City as The Infantry and Outrunners shook hands and posed in the ring.

Robyn Renegade vs. Angelica Risk

It’s been a while since we’ve seen Renegade or Risk making themselves known in ROH. To be honest, I feel like they are a missed tag team opportunity. Renegade and Risk. Risky Renegades. R&R Connection. These things practically write themselves. For this episode though, they were opponents, and got down to it right away.  

Renegade began by mocking Risk’s height. To be fair, Renegade seemed to be a bout a foot taller, but Risk was having none of it and the two traded blows for what seemed like a really long time. Risk came out on top though until she tried to Irish Whip Renegade who simply reversed it and kicked her in the face.

Renegade hit a massive suplex but Risk refused to quit. Renegade tossed her onto the mat, in complete control. She took a little too much time though and Risk surprised her with a dodge. Renegade decided enough was enough and hit a pump handle slam to put Risk down for good.

Winner: Robyn Renegade via Pinfall.

Backstage: Jacoby Watts, Nick Comoroto

Jacoby Watts cut a promo via “purchased” airtime. He called out EJ Nduka issued a challenge to him for next week on behalf of himself and Nick Comoroto.

The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) vs. James Blackheart & JC Valentine

Last week, The Righteous (along with Lance Archer) annihilated three somewhat remembered wrestlers. This week they looked to do the same to Valentine and Blackheart. 

Vincent kicked things off by giving Blackheart a “hug of honor.” Then he kicked him in the stomach. Vincent caught him with a big knee next, driving Blackheart back into the corner. Valentine tagged in, so Dutch decided to get in on the action as well. Valentine lasted about 3 seconds before Dutch KO’ed him with a lariat and a brain buster. Blackheart tagged back in and tried to fight Dutch but the bigger guy no sold everything.

Vincent was tagged in and grabbed Blackheart in a carry. Dutch slammed them both, and the duo hit Orange Sunshine to pick up the win.

Winner: The Righteous via Pinfall.

Ariya Daivari vs. Sammy Guevara

One-half of the ROH Tag Champions (with Dustin Rhodes), Guevara has been pulling double duty the last little while, having matches on Dynamite as recently as yesterday when he took on Ricochet in a losing effort. Diavari and his cronies in the Premier Athletes have been getting mixed results in both tag and singles matches in ROH.

Mark Sterling ran the Texas crowd down on the way to the ring, mocking native Texan Guevara. The two men were on the same page in terms of size and speed, but Guevara’s timing seemed to be a little better that Daivari’s. The showboating was on display as usual though, with Guevara asking the crowd to quiet down so he they could hear him chopping Daivari on the outside.

Back in the ring, Daivari took control, throwing Guevara into the turnbuckle again and again. Daivari hit a Dory Funk-style drop toehold on Guevara then distracted the ref so that Sterling could choke a prone Guevara. A sleeper was applied and Guevara nearly passed out but fought back at two and sent Daivari into the ropes.

After a double clothesline a chop exchange began ending with Guevara getting some steam and knocking Daivari into the corner. One stalling suplex later Guevara got a two count on Daivari who’s head was now a disturbing shade of purple.

Guevara hit a high knee and climbed the ringpost only to be knocked off by the Premier Athletes! Daivari tried to capitalize, but Guevara kicked out. Guevara took out the Athletes with a backflip on the outside, and nailed Sterling for good measure. One GTH later and Guevara pinned Daivari for the win.

Winner: Sammy Guevara via Pinfall.

Backstage: Red Velvet, Diamante

Next, Lexy Nair reluctantly interviewed Red Velvet in the back. The two disagreed about what a Champion should be like. Velvet called Nair “bitter.” Velvet stated that now that she’s Champion, the “mean girl” era is over. Suddenly, Diamante appeared. She called Velvet “Captain Save-a-ho” which was really weird. The two had a really awkward conversation and that was it.

Lady Frost vs. Promise Braxton

Last week, Frost took on ROH Women’s World Television Champion Red Velvet in a Proving Ground match. She came up short in that bout, but didn’t seem to be letting that bother her while addressing Braxton. Braxton was last seen on the losing end of a match with Leila Grey. Both women here could use a victory.

They locked up with speed and duelling chants from the crowd. Braxton hit a really nice spinning backbreaker on Frost, but it only got a two count. Frost seemed a little on her heels, letting Braxton lock in a sleeper. Frost fought out of it though and took control with a flying forearm.

Frost hit a hurricanrana from the outside (yeah, I know!) and sent Braxton into the corner. Promise ducked and delivered an exploder suplex. Frost followed it up with a hard kick and went to the top of the ringpost. She landed a frostbite from the top and got the victory over Braxton.

Winner: Lady Frost via Pinfall.

Willie Mack vs. Exodus Prime

Mack arrived to a big ovation, and Prime arrived in the form of a truck.

Anyway, The match was a really fun one. Mack had the size advantage on Prime and used it to control most of the match pace. He didn’t really seem to take Prime seriously at first, but Prime’s killer speed got his attention. Mack countered by keeping Prime off his feet, tying him up in the ropes and delivering massive chops.

Mack went to the darkest timeline and gave Prime a double nipple twist in the corner. That seemed to fire him up more though and he actually suplexed the big man. Prime dropped a knee on Mack and hit a really cool slingshot legdrop through the ropes.

Mack hit a devastating running suplex that seemed to do more damage to him than Prime. The two nearly got counted out, but they were able to get to their feet at 8. Mack fired up and hit some running knees. He scooped up Prime and slammed him, setting him up for a standing moonsault that should not have been possible.

Mack caught Prime looking with a stunner, and climbed the ring post. He hit a big splash from the top and got the three-count.

Winner: Willie Mack via Pinfall.

Backstage: Anthony Henry, BEEF

Anthony Henry cut a promo from the back about the status of the Workhorsemen. Beef arrived to interrupt with the power of enthusiasm. Henry asked him to chill and the concept seemed foreign to Beef. Henry begged him and Beef tried, but failed to be able to chill.

Preston Vance vs. KM

Vance felt like he has let down his mentor Brodie Lee, so he has come back to ROH to prove himself. KM happened to be there as well, so he seemed like a good opponent.

KM is huge, so the collisions between these two literally shook the ring. Vance hung him up in the ropes, and delivered some hard clubs to the chest. The fight moved to the outside where it quickly became a brawl. Vance was able to send him into multiple barricades and the steel steps for good measure.

KM broke the count and began stalking Vance up the entrance ramp. Vance countered a suplex on the 315-pounder and dropped him onto the ramp before dragging him back to the ring. Vance hit a spine buster and a big lariat and that was it for KM. A definite surprise win for Vance.

Winner: Preston Vance via Pinfall.

Six-Man Tag Team Match
Spanish Announce Project (Serpentico & Angelico) & Fuego Del Sol vs. Ace of Space Academy (Colon Charles & LSG) & Joe Alonzo

This was a really fun match! Angelico and Serpentico have been teaming really well together for a ling time and Del Sol fit in perfectly. The trio delivered three-part and synchronous moves with ease, picking apart their opponents.

Serpentico got his eyes raked by Alonzo and LSG jumped in for a double team. Charles then tagged in for a big slam and roof raise. Serpentico managed to hit a hot tag to Angelico after a really, uh, interesting, exchange. Angelico cleaned house, fighting off all three and ending up battling LSG in the ring as the legal man.

Del Sol inserted himself into the match with a big DDT off the top rope. Angelico hit a flatliner and Serpentico hit a serpent splash on LSG. Angelico locked in the grapevine and got the very smooth win for his trio.

Winner: Spanish Announce Project & Fuego Del Sol via Submission.

AR Fox & Komander vs. Ariel Dominguez & Brillante RB

The last time we saw Komander in ROH it was in a singles match win over KM. Prior to that, he experienced being thrown at the floor A LOT by The Beast Mortos back in July. Fox also shares the distinction of being thrown at the ground A LOT by Mortos. I guess they decided “safety in numbers” and paired up for this bout. 

Komander kicked things off against Dominguez and the two moved at lightning speed, getting in multiple pinning combinations and moves in just a few minutes. Komander caught Dominguez looking and the two mirrored each other through a double dropkick and kip-up.

Fox tagged in against Brilliante (in an outfit he bought that morning) and towered over the brightly-colored luchador. The size of Fox was too much and Dominguez tagged in only to br crushed by Fox. The two smaller men tried a double team but Fox laughed them both off. He caught Brilliante with a big cutter and tagged in Komander.

Komander climbed the ring post and hit a huge splash on Brilliante to get the hard-fought victory.

Winner: AR Fox & Komander via Pinfall.

Lio Rush vs. Rocky Romero

The Main Event of the evening pitted teach against student. Romero mentored Rush over the years and taught him a lot. Rush was also on this past week’s Dynamite, taking on Jack Perry. Rush failed to win the TNT Title from the Scapegoat, but made an impression doing so. Romero last week bested Aaron Solo on ROH. 

Given their relationship, the two were really ready for each other. They knew what the other was going to do just as they decided to do it. Cause of this, the feeling out process went on for a while and the match began at a slow pace.

Things picked up a bit as the match moved into the “trading chops” phase. Romero seemed to have Rush on the ropes, but Rush was able to counter and dodge until he was able to catch Romero with a dropkick. Rush tried to dive through the ropes, but Romero saw it coming and Rush pulled up in time to avoid disaster.

Romero started playing mind games, playing like he was going to quit, but climbing back into the ring to slap Rush. Rush countered though, chopping Romero back into the corner. Romero caught Rush with a backbreaker followed by a spinning backbreaker. He tosssed rush out of the ring to slam him into the ring apron (the hardest part of the ring).

Back in the ring, Romero continued working the back of Rush, driving knees and kicks right between the shoulder blades. Romero even put Rush up into a surfboard, bending him in half. Romero really poured it on then with a recliner. Rush managed to stand and hit a jawbreaker though, stunning Romero.

Rush countered another backbreaker by Romero into a big DDT. The crowd got into it as Rush hit a big clothesline in the corner. Rush hit a falcon arrow but Romero kicked out a two. The two traded forearms in the middle of the ring until Rush got caught by Romero who delivered a modified GTS but only got the two count. Rush climbed the ringpost and hit a final hour splash to get the 1-2-3 on his mentor, Romero.

Winner: Lio Rush via Pinfall.