Rich Swann Disorderly Intoxication Arrest Update – Swann Pleaded No Contest, Found Guilty of Public Disorderly Intoxication Charge

As noted before, Rich Swann was suspended by TNA Wrestling this past August and entered substance abuse rehab program following his arrest for disorderly public intoxication this past June in Florida. The reason for the big gap in time from Swann’s arrest to his suspension was due to TNA officials only found out about the incident earlier this week.

PWInsider’s Mike Johnson reported that Swann appeared before the court on Wednesday and pleaded no contest to the charges of disorderly public intoxication and causing a disturbance based on recent court records. Johnson reported that under Florida law, a no contest plea is called a “nolo contendere” plea and in legal terms it means that a defendant neither admits nor denies a charge.

Johnson reported that following Swann’s plea, the court ruled him guilty of the charges against him, fined him $203, and sentenced him to serve six months probation. Swann reportedly was also fined an additional $285.38 in related legal fees. Johnson reported that once Swann pays the fines and completes the probation, the case against him will be officially closed.