CMLL 91st Anniversary Show Results – Sept. 13, 2024 – Mistico vs. Chris Jericho

September 13, 2024
Mexico City, Mexico – Arena Mexico
Results via LuchaBlog and Luis Pulido of

Quick Match Results:

  1. Los Viajeros del Espacio (Futuro, Max Star & Hombre Bala Jr.) defeated Los Depredadores (Magnus, Rugido & Magia Blanca) via Avalanche Tijeras (pinfall 8:28)
  2. Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Trios match – Los Hermanos Chavez (Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja) & Soberano Jr. defeated Neon, Star Jr., & Templario, 2 Falls to 1 Fall (17:11)
  3. Copa Independencia 2024 Finals match – Titan defeated Masaca Dorada via Llvae Inmortal (submission 14:40)
  4. CMLL Women’s World Championship – Zeuxis defeated Willow Nightingale (c) via Spanish Fly (pinfall 11:07)
  5. Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Trios match – Volador Jr., Atlantis Jr., & Ultimo Guerrero defeated Rocky Romero, KOJIMA, & Orange Cassidy, 2 Falls to 1 Fall (14:26)
  6. Lucha de Apuesta, Mask Four-way match – Hechicero defeated El Valiente, Esfinge, and Euforia via Crucifix Double Arm Breaker (submission 36:05)
    • Hechicero submitted Euforia resulting in Euforia unmasking himself as per match stipulation. Euforia revealed his real name of Jose Leobardo Moreno Leon.
  7. Best 2-out-of-3 Falls match – Místico defeated Chris Jericho via La Mistica, 2 Falls to 1 Fall (submission 22:11)
    • The Learning Tree’s Big Bill came out with Jericho to be in his corner for the match.
    • Following the match, The Learning Tree attacked Mistico resulting in Orange Cassidy running out to save Mistco and cleared the ring of The Learning Tree. Cassidy and Mistico stood tall in the ring and celebrated to end the show.