AEW Rampage Results – Sept. 27, 2024 – House of Black vs. Lio Rush & Action Andretti

September 27, 2024
Springfield, MA – MassMutual Center
Commentary – Tony Schiavone and “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard
Results via Joseph Collins of

Quick Match Results

  1. House of Black defeated Lio Rush & Action Andretti via Black Mass Kick (pinfall)
  2. Anna Jay defeated Robyn Renegade via Gory Bomb (pinfall)
  3. Konosuke Takeshita defeated Angelico via Raging Fire (pinfall)
  4. The Acclaimed defeated Ryan Clancy & TJ Crawford via Double Team Pendulum Slam (pinfall)
  5. Willow Nightingale defeated Taya Valkyrie via Babe With The Powerbomb (pinfall)

House of Black (Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black) vs. Lio Rish & Action Andretti

At least Top Flight wasn’t dressed like airline pilots. Black calmy sat in his corner while Rush and Andretti argued over who would start. Rush caught Black with a quick stunner which didn’t really phase Black. Andretti and Matthews got the tags and there was more dissension between Andretti and Rush. Rush was aggravated and it was distracting Rush. Rush ate a knee from Matthews that sent him to the floor. 

On the floor, Andretti kept trying to get into it with Matthews. Back in the ring, Andretti flew in and hit Matthews with a springboard forearm. Matthews blocked a double-suplex attempt, only to get hit with a double dropkick. The Righteous was shown watching the match from the back. 

After a split-screen break, Black nearly choked out Andretti with a chinlock. Andretti fought out of it, and both guys went for crossbody blocks and crashed into each other. Rush and Matthews got the tags, and Rush caught Matthews with a poison rana and a springboard cutter. Black got the tag and floored Rush with an elbow. Rush came back and set up Black for a splash off the top, but Andretti got the blind tag. Rush and Andretti argued, but that gave Black the opening to hit Andretti with the Black Mass kick and got the pinfall. 

Winner: House of Black via Pinfall.

After the match, Andretti threw a water bottle at Brody King, who mauled him with a clothesline. Top Flight drug Andretti out of the ring before things got worse for him. 

Backstage: Anna Jay

Lexi Nair interviewed Anna Jay, who’s going to find her new place in AEW tonight after a tour of Japan.

Anna Jay vs. Robyn Renegade

This is Jay’s first match back from a tour of Stardom. Jay blocked a hip toss attempt and buried a series of knees in Renegade’s gut. Jay yanked Renegade out of a corner and hit a shotgun dropkick. Renegade came back with a stiff forearm. Renegade clawed at Jay’s face… then licked her own fingers afterward. Jay fired back with chops, ducked a clothesline and hit a forearm. Jay hit a rolling neckbreaker, then hit a Gory bomb to get her 60th win all time in the women’s division.

Winner: Anna Jay via Pinfall.

Video: Ricochet, Will Ospreay

Renee Paquette moderated a face-to-face between Ricochet and WIll Ospreay. Ospreeay kind of ran down Ricochet for not winning the IWGP Junior Heavyweight  Championship, and Ricochet responded that it didn’t matter against his decades of experience. The full interview is available on YouTube. 

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Angelico

Takeshita hit a flying cutter just before the long commercial break. 

After the break, Angelico caught Takeshita with a pair of clotheslines and a small package for a near fall. Angelico tied up Takeshita’s arms, but Takeshita broke free and hit a forearm. Angelico tied up Takeshita with a leg scissors and chinlock combination, but Takeshita made it to the ropes. Both guys climb the ropes, but Takeshita raked Angelico’s face to send him to the mat. Angelico climb back up again and backdropped Takeshita off the turnbuckles! Angelico then went for a blind dive, but dove right into a forearm from Takeshita. A spinning blue thunder bomb followed by a falcon arrow finished off Angelico.  Most of the match took place in the split screen before the break, but the finish was awesome.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita via Pinfall.

Video: Nigel McGuinness, Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley, Darby Allin

Recap of Bryan Danielson & Nigel McGuinness and Dabry Allin & Jox Moxley from Grand Slam.

The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) vs. Ryan Clancy & TJ Crawford

Max Caster’s rap was quite political. He rapped about “eating cats and dogs in Springfield,” but they weren’t in that Springfield. A few weeks ago it looked like Acclaimed was thisclose to getting the tag titles back, but they look further away from the top of the division than ever. Clancy had a nice looking dropkick. Other than that, this was a squash for the Acclaimed. Bowens hit the uranage on Clancy, followed by the mic drop from Caster. He wasn’t the legal man, so Caster and Bowens hit some kind of double team powerbomb out of a press slam on Crawford for the finish.

Winner: The Acclaimed via Pinfall.

After the match, Caster cut a promo on the MXM Collection (calling them the Maximum Male Models), The MXM Collection responded with just an incredible promo from the big monitor in the arena.

Willow Nightingale vs. Taya Valkyrie

Valkyrie has a victory over Nightingale in AEW. 

Valkyrie tried to whip Nightingale out of the corner, but Nightingale did a cartwheel and caught Valkyrie with an enziguri. Nightingale followed up with several slams. Nightingale hit a shotgun dropkick off the middle rope, and Valkyrie dropped to the floor. There was no respite for Valkyrie on the floor, as Nightingale followed her out with a cannonball. 

Nightingale was fighting from underneath after the split screen break. Nightingale floored Valkyrie with a lariat. Nightingale mauled Valkyrie in the corner and hit a spinebuster for a near fall. Crowd chanted for Willow, but she missed a shotgun dropkick. Valkyrie came back with a clothesline and hit a meteora in the corner for a near fall. 

Valkyrie hit a superkick and went to the top, but Nightingale cut her off with a superplex. Valkyrie hit a series of forearms, but Nightingale came back with the pounce. Willow got the pinfall after a Doctor Bomb.

Winner: Willow Nightingale via Pinfall.