AEW Rampage Results – Sept. 20, 2024 – Lio Rush vs. Nick Wayne vs. Rocky Romero vs. Kip Sabian

September 20, 2024
Wilkes-Barre, PA – Mohegan Sun Arena
Commentary – Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni, and “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard
Results via Joseph Collins of

Quick Match Results

  1. Mark Briscoe defeated Bryan Keith via Jay Driller (pinfall)
  2. Wheeler Yuta defeated The Butcher via Cattle Mutilation (submission)
  3. Hikaru Shida defeated Harley Cameron via Falcon Arrow (pinfall)
  4. The Beast Mortos & Roderick Strong defeated Marcus Mathers & Joe Keys via Leaping Knee Strike and Pop-up Samoan Drop combo (pinfall)
  5. Four-way match – Nick Wayne defeated Kip Sabian, Rocky Romero, and Lio Rush via Pinfall

Mark Briscoe vs. Bryan Keith

Briscoe is ROH World champion, but this was non-title. Briscoe sent Keith to the floor, hit Keith with a dropkick through the ropes, then dropped a Cactus Jack style elbow on the floor. Back in the ring for some hard chops and redneck kung-fu. The fight went to the floor again, and Briscoe tossed a chair in the ring to use as a springboard for a plancha, but Keith cut him off. While Aubrey Edwards got rid of the steel chair, Keith hit a low blow behind her back to take control.

When Keith was offense, it was pretty uninspired. Keith chopped away at Briscoe on the floor, then hit a snap suplex on the floor.

Aftert a split-screen break, Keith cut off a comeback from Briscoe with a boot and a headbutt. Keith went for Diamond Dust, but BRiscoe countered with a face rake. Briscoe hit a top rope superplex. Kieth and Briscoe exchanged forearms mid-ring, then exchanged chops around the ring. Briscoe hit a flying forearm, but Keith came back with an enziguri. Briscoe came back with one of his own, then hit an exploder suplex. But Keith came back with an exploder suplex of his own!

Briscoe charged into a boot from Keith, but caught him with a death valley driver. Briscoe missed the froggy bow, and Keith hit a knee strike out of a tiger driver attempt for another near fall. Keith went for the Diamond Dust again, but Briscoe hit a pair of lariats to counter, then hit the Jay Driller to get the pinfall. Great opener for Rampage.

Winner: Mark Briscoe via Pinfall.

Before Briscoe could celebrate his victory, Chris Jericho ran in and attacked Briscoe with a bat. Orange Cassidy, Big Bill and Kyle O’Reilly all ran in, with Big Bill dominating O’Reilly and Cassidy.

Wheeler Yuta vs. The Butcher

Butcher jumped a disinterested Yuta before the bell and dropped him with a backbreaker. On the floor, Butcher dropped Yuta against the ring barricade and clotheslined him against the ring apron. Back in the ring, Butcher hit a pair of short-arm lariats. Yuta tried for a German suplex, but got a back elbow. A couple of slaps woke up Yuta, who fired up with a shotgun dropkick and mauled Butcher in the corner with forearms and chops. Yuta took Butcher down with a high angle slam and rolling German suplexes. After the hammer and anvil elbows, Yuta locked in the Cattle Mutiliation and got the submission.

Winner: Wheeler Yuta via Submission.

Yuta held on the hold until well after the bell, and almost attacked the ref after the match. Yuta is playing up this new conflicted character great.

Backstage: MxM Collection

The MXM Collection have stolen Max Caster’s “Best Wrestler Alive” jacket! And they’re planning to give it makeover.

Harley Cameron vs. Hikaru Shida

Two and half minutes of almost every women’s match on Rampage takes place during the picture in picture break, usually after the first two minutes of action. Then there’s a full commerical (no split screen) before the show starts back up again with the babyface making her comeback.

Shida hit a kneestrik for a near fall. Shida went for the Falcon Arrow, but Saraya distracted her and Cameron hit a blind side kick for a near fall. Cameron avoided an enziguri and exchanged pin attempts with Shida. Cameron went for a knee strike, but Shida blocked it and hit a question mark kick. Saraya distracted Shida again, and Cameron hit another knee strike for a near fall. Saraya grabbed Shida’s kendo stick to use as a weapon, but Jamie Hayter (still being dressed by Disco Inferno) ran out to chase Saraya away. Saraya hit the Falcon Arrow to get the pinfall.

Winner: Hikaru Shida via Pinfall.

After the match, Saraya challenged Jamie Hayter for Grand Slam in a “Saraya’s Rules” match, which Hayter accepts.

The Beast Mortos & Roderick Strong vs. Marcus Mathers & Joe Keys

Strong hit one of the Mathers with a knee strike and Mortos dropped Keys with a pop-up Samoan Drop and they got stereo pinfalls.

Winner: The Beast Mortos & Roderick Strong via Pinfall.

Video: Deonna Purrazzo, Taya Valkyrie

Deonna Purrazzo has some wine and finds a friend in Taya Valkyrie.

Four-Way Match
Nick Wayne vs. Kip Sabian vs. Rocky Romero vs. Lio Rush

Sabian tripped of Rush and hit an Arabian Press on Wayne and Romero on the floor. Rush caught Sabian with a back kick then took him out with a plancha. Rush tricked Romero into a rollup for a near fall. Sabian caught Romero with an enziguri and Rush with a knee strike. Nick Wayne then crotches Sabian on the ringpost.

Wayne hit a snap suplex on Romero and taunted the crowd. Wayne backdroped Rush and hit him with a kick while the rest of the Patriarchy looked on approvingly from the back.

Wayne dominated through the split-screen break. Rush faked Wayne out and caught him with a Spanish Fly for a near fall. Sabian sprung in with a dropkcik on Rush, then followed up with a cannonball. Romero hit a Northern Lights suplex on Sabian, then hit forever clotheslines on all his opponents in the corners. Romero hit the Sliced Bread on Rush for a near fall.

Wayne and Sabian dumped the other two the floor so they could have the ring for themselves. Wayne went for the Wayne’s World, but Sabian blocked it and hit a half-and-half suplex. Romero and Rush got back into it, and Rush went for a frog splash on Romero, but instead caught a cutter from Wayne.

Sabian went for a Burning Hammer on Wayne, but Wayne made the ropes. Sabian hit Romero with a Burning Hammer, but Wayne dumped Sabian to the floor, and then Wayne covered Romero to get the victory.

Winner: Nick Wayne via Pinfall.