AEW Dynamite Results – Sept. 4, 2024 – Kazuchika Okada vs. Kyle Fletcher

September 4, 2024
Milwaukee, WI – UW Panther Arena
Commentary – Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz
Results via Alex Kahrs of

Quick Match Results

  1. AEW Continental Championship – Kazuchika Okada (c) defeated Kyle Fletcher via Rainmaker (pinfall)
  2. Jamie Hayter defeated Robyn Renegade via Hayterade (pinfall)
  3. AEW Women’s World Championship – “The Glamour” Mariah May (c) defeated Nyla Rose via Storm Zero (pinfall)
  4. Trios match – Blackpool Combat Club & PAC defeated The Conglomeration & Will Ospreay via Giant Swing and Dropkick combo (pinfall)

In-Ring: Daniel Garcia, MJF

We kick things off with Daniel Garcia making a beeline for the ring, grabbing a microphone quickly as he recounts the old saying that patience is a virtue…but he’s not feeling very virtuous, and he wants to see MJF right now so he can break his neck. MJF is hanging out up in the crowd, however, addressing Garcia by saying he’s up there because he doesn’t want to ruin their big match by whooping him tonight. He wants to wait until All Out so he can break Daniel’s pencil neck. He runs down Garcia some more until the former ROH Pure Champion cuts him off, calling everything about MJF fake.

The thing that makes Daniel the most sick, however, is the fakest thing about MJF, his fake love for AEW. Max doesn’t love these people like Daniel does, and no amount of fake tattoos will prove otherwise. MJF tries to interrupt with a warning, but Garcia cuts him off again to say that if he meets a girl that will pretend to love him for longer than a year, to marry her and have a kid…but picking up that kid will remind him of Daniel. When that kid asks Max if he was a wrestler, MJF will have to say the truest statement he’s ever made…”I was, until Daniel Garcia broke my neck!”

MJF mocks Daniel for his remarks, saying he was trying to do Garcia a favor when he attacked him during his match against Will Ospreay. Max then talks about how these people used to love him, prompting some chants and cheers…but MJF tells them it’s too little, too late, before saying he got too big and like rats these people left him. Daniel doesn’t want these fans’ affections, because the more he succeeds the more they will want him to fall.

Max says he’s gonna do Garcia a favor, these folks will leave him but he’s going to help make sure they don’t hurt him like they hurt Max. His next statement is cut off by the fans, but eventually says he will help Daniel Garcia by putting him in a wheelchair. He then brings up Daniel’s mother, remarking on how she will be able to help him out as well. Garcia has had enough as he charges through the crowd, fighting off security in his efforts to go after MJF. Daniel manages to get to where Max is…but the former International Champion cracks a bottle over his head, sending Garcia to the floor!

MJF brushes himself off before grabbing the mic again, sitting next to Daniel as he thanks Garcia for waking up something in him that has been dormant for far too long. Quoting an old saying that a man must go through hell to reach paradise, Max says he will send Garcia straight to paradise…and for that, you can thank him later. MJF rises back up, smiling as he leaves behind a busted-open Garcia.

Backstage: The Conglomeration, Willow Nightingale, Will Ospreay

Backstage, Renee talks to the Conglomeration and Will Ospreay ahead of tonight’s main event. Ospreay thanks the Conglomeration for letting him team with them tonight, leading to Mark Briscoe recounting the conversation that was had leading to the agreement. Tonight’s word is stupendous, something that describes the trio to a T. With that, the group leaves as we cut away.

AEW Continental Championship
Kyle Fletcher vs. Kazuchika Okada (c)

Both men start things off with a feeling-out process, exchanging holds as each takes to the ropes to build momentum…only for the other to keep things at a standstill. Things pick up as Okada gets sent to the outside by Fletcher, who hits the ropes for a big dive onto the Rainmaker that sends him to the floor once again before we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Fletcher maintains control, keeping Okada down before finally bringing the champ back into the ring…but Okada fights back, sending Fletcher into the corner to turn things around. He taunts the crowd before turning his attention back to Kyle, bringing the challenger to his feet for a neckbreaker that gets him a nearfall. He follows up with a chinlock, but Kyle fights back to his feet as we come back from break!

Fletcher takes to the ropes, evading the grasp of Okada before taking the champ down with a clothesline. Okada heads to the corner but is cut off with mounted punches by Fletcher, who drops him to the mat for a close nearfall. Kyle brings the champ back to his feet, but Okada fights him off before dropping the challenger’s neck onto his knee. With his opponent still down, Okada takes to the top turnbuckle for an elbow drop before taunting the crowd again to let them know what he thinks of them. He brings Fletcher up to his feet for a Rainmaker lariat, but Fletcher evades it before dropping the champ for a two count!

Okada rolls to the outside as Kyle slowly gets to his feet, leaving the ring to pursue the champion…but this turns out to be a ruse as Okada fights him off, sending him to the apron before climbing up. He’s looking for a tombstone piledriver on Fletcher, but the challenger fights out of it…driving Okada onto the hardest part of the ring with a brainbuster! Both men are down on the outside, the ref starting the count as we go to picture-in-picture again.

Picture-in-Picture: It takes some time but both men eventually make it back in the ring, getting to their knees as they fight their way back up to their feet trading strikes. Fletcher is rattled before hitting the champ back with an elbow, but the exchange finally ends with Okada taking control with a modified chinlock as we come back from break!

Fletcher manages to fight out of the champ’s grip, connecting with a pair of thrust kicks that sends Okada to the corner. Fletcher fights Okada up on the top turnbuckle as we get the five minute warning announced, before Okada sends Fletcher to the outside with a dropkick! Fletcher uses the barricade to get back to his feet, but is sent over into the crowd with a running kick from the champ. Okada brings his challenger back in, but Fletcher hits him with a vertical suplex onto the barricade instead!

Okada slowly gets back to his feet as Fletcher creates enough space for a running leap over the barricade to send the champ crashing down once more. He eventually brings Okada back into the ring, playing to the crowd as Okada gets on the ropes…only to be dropped by the challenger! Fletcher gets cut off with a lariat by Okada, who brings Kyle back up for the Rainmaker. Fletcher fights out, but is cut off with a dropkick by the champ. Fletcher manages to fight back enough to drop Okada to the mat, but it’s only good for a two count.

We get the one minute warning as Fletcher hits Okada with a scoop slam, but the champ uses the ref to intercept him…before nailing the challenger with a low blow and the Rainmaker, picking up the win to retain his title tonight!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada via Pinfall to retain the AEW Continental Championship.

Okada’s celebration is forced to the outside by the arrival of Konosuke Takeshita, who looks to challenge for the title at All Out by defeating “The Beast” Mortos on Collision this Friday as part of the Continental Championship Challenge.

Video: Swerve Strickland, Prince Nana

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland signs a contract extension with the company, and uses the bonus money to buy his childhood home.

Jamie Hayter vs. Robyn Renegade

Robyn catches Hayter with a slap, but this only angers Jamie as she goes after Renegade with a flurry of offense leading to a nearfall while we notice Saraya and Harley Cameron watching from backstage. Robyn manages to turn things around as she gets Hayter onto the ropes, but is intercepted by Jamie at the turnbuckle before being driven to the math. Hayter hits a series of backbreakers on Renegade, culminating in a massive Hayterade that gets her the win over Robyn Renegade tonight!

Winner: Jamie Hayter via Pinfall.

Hayter celebrates with high fives to the front row of the crowd before we get a look back at last week’s match between Roderick Strong and HOOK.

Backstage: Roderick Strong, Christopher Daniels, HOOK

We go backstage where Roderick Strong confronts Christopher Daniels about his foot being under the rope last week, before HOOK shows up to offer a shot at the FTW Championship tonight in Milwaukee. Strong doesn’t want to wrestle in “this dumpy town” but will take him up on the offer in due time.

Backstage: Jon Moxley, Marina Shafir, The Elite

Commentary runs down what’s to come tonight before we cut backstage, where Marina Shafir fights off security as she and Jon Moxley make their way through. They find themselves face to face with The Elite, with Mox calling Jack Perry a “sweet kid” before the pair leave. Up next, we will hear from Jon Moxley!

In-Ring: Jon Moxley, Marina Shafir

We head back to ringside as Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir make their way through the crowd toward the ring. The crowd are cheering for Mox, even as the mood on the former AEW World Champion feels different as he and Shafir continue walking. Mox gets a microphone from ringside as the crowd chant his name. Mox says he wonders if Darby Allin is out here somewhere tonight, but doesn’t think so.

A while back he faced someone he didn’t know anything about, a kid who smiled after getting beaten up, and Mox knew that kid was special and he still feels that way. He gives Darby his proverbial flowers, stating that one is not entitled to such things. Mox says the clock is ticking, and that he “just wants to talk” to Darby before dropping the mic. Mox and Shafir leave through the crowd, making their way out as we cut away.

Backstage: The Learning Tree, Orange Cassidy

Backstage, we hear from The Learning Tree as Chris Jericho says he wants to remind everyone of what Orange Cassidy did to him four years ago. He still wants his $7000 for that jacket, and promises that Bryan Keith will “freshly squeeze” the money out of him on Friday at Collision. This is followed up by his students reiterating that they will make him make good on his debts…leading to Orange Cassidy stepping in, telling Bryan Keith to tell Chris Jericho (who is standing right beside him) that if Keith wins on Friday he will pay the $7000 Jericho wants so badly. Orange walks off, leaving a visibly confused Learning Tree to reiterate their statement before we cut away.

AEW Women’s World Championship
Nyla Rose vs. “The Glamour” Mariah May (c)

Mariah calls Nyla to the middle of the ring for a big slap, but Nyla seems unfazed as she sends the champion to the corner to lay into her. May tries to mock her challenger with another slap attempt, but this only angers the Native Beast further who drops the champ back to the mat for a leg drop and a nearfall.

She brings May back to her feet as she looks for a suplex, but Mariah counters to hang the challenger up on the ropes. This lets her turn things around as she sends Rose to the corner for some stomps as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: The champ maintains control, sending Nyla to the mat for a front facelock before Rose fights back to her feet…only for the champ to cinch in a guillotine as we come back from break!

May ends up sending the challenger back to the mat, but it’s only good for a two count before she gets back up…before Nyla connects with a headbutt, forcing both women to the mat as the ref begins the count. They eventually make it back to their feet, with May sending Nyla to the ropes with a strike…but the challenger fights right back, sending Mariah to the corner! Corner splash followed by a spear lets Nyla get the cover, but the champ kicks out!

Nyla back to her feet once more, setting up for a Beast Bomb in the corner before Mariah fights out of it…but gets caught with a fall away slam by the challenger. May rolls to the outside for a breather as the ref checks on her. Nyla heads to the ring steps, only for the champion to trip her up and force her to the floor before rolling back into the ring. The ref begins the count as May mocks the challenger…but doesn’t see Rose slide into the ring at the count of nine! Despite her best efforts, however, Nyla gets dropped with a Storm Zero allowing the champ to retain tonight!

Winner: Mariah May via Pinfall to retain the AEW Women’s World Championship.

Video: Deonna Purrazzo

Deonna Purrazzo promises she has only just begun “making art” as she looks to bounce back from recent setbacks.

In-Ring: Mercedes Mone, Kamille, Hikaru Shida

Back at ringside, Mercedes Mone’ makes her way to the ring as we get a look at her defending the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship at New Japan’s Capital Collision event last weekend. Mone’ and Kamille enter the ring, where Mercedes tells Milwaukee to say hello to their CEO. Mone’ talks about her recent NJPW title defense before addressing Hikaru Shida ahead of their TBS Championship match at All Out. She says she is the face of this company, and promises there will be a price to pay when Shida faces Mercedes Mone’.

We cut to the screen where a suited-up Shida calls out Mercedes, saying she would’ve beaten Mone’ if Kamille hadn’t gotten involved. She rips off the suit to reveal a new t-shirt, saying Mercedes will not be able to beat the Ace…before Christopher Daniels steps in to reveal that Kamille will be banned from ringside at All Out! Shida mocks Mone’ with the Japanese lesson Okada gave her last week, leaving us with an angry TBS Champion before we cut away.

Backstage: The Elite

Backstage, we hear from The Elite as Jack Perry addresses his opportunity to face Bryan Danielson for the AEW World Championship at All Out. Perry addresses the hardships he’s gone through the past couple years, mocking Bryan’s “fairy tale ending” before promising that he won’t have a happy ending at All Out. Perry steps away as Matthew tells Bryan they will look to bring the World title back to The Elite this Saturday.

Trios Match
The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly) & Will Ospreay vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) & PAC

We cut back to ringside to see Bryan Danielson making his way to commentary before we cut to a commercial break.

We start off with O’Reilly and Yuta circling the mat before locking up, exchanging holds before Yuta takes Kyle down. The two go at it before ending things with a standoff, with Yuta fighting out of a wristlock to put on a hammerlock on O’Reilly. Kyle fights out of that, looking for a cross arm breaker until Yuta gets him on his shoulder for a nearfall.

Cassidy with a tag as the two trade off attacks on Yuta, with Orange standing over a former Best Friend as he threatens putting his hands in his pockets…but Yuta takes him down to fight that off, tagging in PAC immediately after. PAC sends Cassidy to the corner, saying he wants Will Ospreay…who obliges with a tag!

We get a staredown between the two men facing off at All Out, before they go at it. Ospreay uses the ropes to gain the upper hand, eventually hitting a dropkick to force PAC to the corner. The ref is forced to intervene before things completely break down into chaos, as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Kyle tags in to keep on the attack, but things start to swing in favor of the trios champs as Cassidy’s tag leads to the former International Champion being worn down by all three men, and Yuta gets a nearfall as we come back from break!

Yuta takes him down with a German suplex, not once but twice with the second leading to a tag to Claudio…who takes Will and Kyle off the apron before sending Orange to the corner! Tag made to PAC, who makes a beeline for Orange on the turnbuckle before taking him to the mat. He locks in the Brutalizer but Ospreay breaks the hold, leading to Claudio lunging at Will to send him to the outside!

Orange evades PAC to go for a tag, but Claudio tags in to cut him off. Tag made to Yuta to keep Cassidy isolated as Claudio goes to the outside to lay out O’Reilly. PAC tags back in to keep on the attack, but Cassidy manages to get the tag to Ospreay who fends off BCC with a flurry of offense! He clears them away from the ring before PAC gets involved, only for Kyle to help intervene as we go to picture-in-picture again.

Picture-in-Picture: It doesn’t take long for the trios champs to get back in control as we end up with Cassidy and Claudio in the ring, the latter taking Orange to the canvas with an uppercut and a nearfall broken up by O’Reilly. This allows Cassidy to get back into it, taking PAC down before Claudio catches him for a big suplex and a close nearfall before we come back from break!

Cassidy manages to send Castagnoli to the outside before hitting a dive, which is followed by O’Reilly and PAC before Opsreay gets the jump on his future challenger. Ospreay sends PAC up the ramp, looking for revenge from last week before Yuta intervenes. Ospreay drops Yuta to the ramp, looking for a Hidden Blade before PAC tries to hit him with a poison rana like before. Ospreay shoves him off his shoulders, sending him to the floor before hitting a rolling dive onto PAC!

Back in the ring, Claudio counters a Stundog Millionaire but is caught with a kick by O’Reilly, leading to a Beach Break that gets Cassidy a nearfall. Tag made to Kyle as the pair trade kicks that eventually takes him down to the mat. Yuta manages to intervene, keeping Cassidy at bay as Kyle locks in a guillotine on Castagnoli.

Yuta and Cassidy still fighting on the outside as Claudio does everything he can to fight out of the hold before getting to his feet. Kyle wears him back down, but Claudio manages to power back up before breaking the hold!

Claudio calls for it before sending O’Reilly on a ride with the giant swing…and Wheeler Yuta slides in for the dropkick! Claudio makes the cover and gets the win in our main event!

Winner: Blackpool Combat Club & PAC via Pinfall.

Bryan leaves commentary to congratulate his friends on the win, but the three of them are blindsided by The Elite! Perry grabs a steel chair looking to lay out Danielson, but Claudio trips him up as Yuta slides back in to help even the odds. They force The Elite out of the ring, the quartet escaping up the ramp as Claudio grabs a microphone to tell them they made the biggest mistake of their lives. Claudio says he’s on a mission to collect gold, and since he has nothing going on at All Out…how about he and Wheeler Yuta face The Young Bucks for the AEW tag titles? The crowd cheers as Bryan grabs the microphone to proclaim that he will kick Jack Perry’s head in this Saturday night in Chicago!

Backstage: PAC, Will Ospreay

The crowd chant “Yes” as BCC stand tall in the ring, The Elite staring them down from the ramp as we cut backstage. PAC and Ospreay are still at it, but PAC brings things to a screeching halt as he suplexes Ospreay onto one of the road cases! Officials rush in to break things up as PAC says he will beat Ospreay this Saturday at All Out.

In-Ring: Swerve Strickland, Prince Nana, Hangman Adam Page

With that, we cut back to ringside as Tony Schiavone sets up for our big contract signing by introducing the former AEW World Champion, Swerve Strickland. Tony Schiavone thanks Strickland for agreeing to no physicality during this contract signing, before introducing Hangman Adam Page. Page’s music hits, but there is no sign of Hangman.

Tony tries to do the intro again, but to no avail…until we cut to the screen, where Page is seen at Strickland’s new home that he bought. Page tells Swerve he wasn’t about to sign off on something they both knew was happening, before saying Strickland messed up by showing the world something he loves so much…his childhood home.

He starts messing with windows as he runs down Swerve’s childhood, insinuating that things would’ve been better off if Strickland had never been born. He brings up Swerve’s comments from last week, about making a choice between vengeance and peace. For the Hangman it’s not much of a choice at all…because to him, it’s all the same.

We hear something splashing as Page says that for months he has wanted nothing more than to burn Swerve’s world down. He takes a seat on a recliner outside the house as he says he was happy to help Swerve’s championship dream slip from his fingers. He says if he hasn’t already he should kiss his dreams of being champion again goodbye. Page says that Strickland will have to kiss a lot of things goodbye, and tonight he’s gonna help him get started as he says goodbye to Swerve’s house.

With that, he sparks a large match that he drops beside him, leading to flames that eventually envelop the childhood home of Swerve Strickland! Swerve is absolutely beside himself, forced to simply watch as the thing he cherished goes up in flames with Page simply sitting in the chair, taking in the moment as Dynamite comes to a close.