AEW Collision Results – Sept. 6, 2024 – Blackpool Combat Club & PAC vs. The Elite

September 6, 2024
Hoffman Estates, IL – NOW Arena
Commentary – Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness
Results via Jerome Wilen of

Quick Match Results

  1. AEW Continental Contender’s Challenge match – Mark Briscoe defeated Lance Archer via Froggy Bow (pinfall)
  2. Grizzled Young Veterans defeated The Iron Savages via Grit Your Teeth (pinfall)
  3. AEW Continental Contender’s Challenge match – Orange Cassidy defeated “Bad Apple” Bryan Keith via Tornado DDT (pinfall)
  4. The Outrunners defeated Davey Bang & August Matthews via Total Recall (pinfall)
  5. AEW Continental Contender’s Challenge match – Konosuke Takeshita defeated The Beast Mortos via Raging Fire (pinfall)
  6. Hikaru Shida defeated Deonna Purrazzo via Kitana (pinfall)
  7. All Star Eight-Man Tag Team match – Blackpool Combat Club & PAC defeated The Elite via Giant Swing and Dropkick combo (pinfall)
    • This match continued into Friday’s special live AEW Rampage show.

Video: Jon Moxley, Marina Shafir

Jon Moxley is shown backstage arriving in an SUV with Marina Shafir in the parking lot. We go to the announce table as Tony and Nigel run down tonight’s Collision, prior to Rampage. They also give us a run down of tomorrow’s All Out in the same venue.

AEW Continental Contender’s Challenge Match
Mark Briscoe vs. Lance Archer

Reach for the Sky Boy! The music of the ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe hits, as Mark comes out, but Lance Archer hits Briscoe from behind, taking out Mark. Lance takes Mark down to the ring and tosses him into the barricade. Lance grabs Mark, but he fires back with big rights. Its not enough, as Lane hits Mark, sending him into the ring.

The bell rings now as Mark is bleeding from above his right eye. He runs the ropes, attempting to take down Lance, but he won’t go down…Mark Briscoe now goes tumbling to the floor. Archer follows and sends Briscoe into the barricade. Lance pulls Mark’s shirt over his head and then chops him in the chest. Lance rolls into the ring to break the count. Lance then tosses Mark into the barricade again. Archer attempts a cannonball, but he moves as Archer hits the barricade. Mark is back in the ring and sets up a chair to springboard over the top rope, taking out Lance. Briscoe uses his bloody shirt to choke out Archer. Mark tosses it to a fan in the front row. Mark rolls Lance back in the ring and covers him for only a two count. Lance is bleeding about his right eye…

Picture-In-Picture: Lance chokes out Mark and now uses the second rope to choke him. Briscoe fires back and charges at Lance, but he moves and chops Mark as he is in the corner of the ring. Lance swings at Mark, but he moves and chops Archer…Archer takes him down and has him in the corner, dropping him to the mat. Lance puts a big boot to Mark’s throat in the corner. Briscoe drops to the mat as Archer puts a knee to his throat.

Back from picture-in-picture: Lance nails Mark with a big knee in the mid-section. Archer sends Briscoe to the floor with a big forearm shot. Archer goes to the floor, choking Briscoe and then picking him and dropping him back first on the ring apron. Lance grabs Mark, but he fights it off. Briscoe is up on the apron and drops Archer with a big running neck breaker onto the floor. Both men are back in the ring. Briscoe picks up Archer and drops him with a big death valley driver…Briscoe comes off the top with a big frog splash and covers Archer for only a two count…Mark fights off a choke hold from Archer. Archer hits Briscoe with a pump kick and chokeslams him…Archer then drops Briscoe with a buckle bomb and then picks him up again and drops him. Archer covers Briscoe, but he kicks out at two. Briscoe is up on the top rope…Archer follows as Briscoe bites Archer, sending him down…Mark comes off the top with a big froggy bow, but Archer kicks out at one…Mark nails Archer and comes down with another big froggy bow and covers Archer to get the three count.

Winner: Mark Briscoe via Pinfall.

Backstage: The Learning Tree, Tomohiro Ishii

We go to a backstage vignette with The Learning Tree Chris Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith trashing talking the Conglomeration. They show Tomohiro Ishii with a chair wrapped around his neck.

Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake & Zack Gibson) vs. The Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson)

The bell rings as Zack Gibson and Boulder start off. Boulder kicks Gibson and then picks him up. Gibson fires back and takes down Boulder. James Drake drop kicks Boulder. Gibson is tagged in as GYV slam Boulder. Boulder fights back and takes out GYV. Boulder tags in Bronson…GYV sends both Boulder and Bronson to the floor…Bronson is back in and sends Drake to the floor. Bronson then picks up Gibson, who blind tags Drake. GYV double team Bronson and drop him with a grit your teeth. Drake covers Bronson to get the three count.

Winner: Grizzled Young Veterans via Pinfall.

After the match, the music of FTR hits. They make their way to the ring. We get an FTR chant. All four men brawl! FTR gets the better of GYV. Jacked Jamison is in the ring, raising the hands of FTR, but he is dropped with a shatter machine by the former AEW World Tag Team Champions.

Video: Will Ospreay, PAC

Backstage: Orange Cassidy

Back from the break, Lexy Nair is talking backstage to Orange Cassidy about his match tonight against Bryan Keith. Cassidy says he is going to punch Keith for what he did to Ishii. He said he will take the Continental Title and put it in his backpack with the $7,000 cash at All Out.

The music of Orange Cassidy hits, as he makes his way to the ring to a big ovation.

AEW Continental Contender’s Challenge Match
Orange Cassidy vs. “Bad Apple” Bryan Keith

The bell rings, as we get underway. Cassidy tries to punch Keith in the face, but he ducks it. Cassidy then sends Keith to the floor. Cassidy runs through the ropes, dropping Cassidy. Cassidy does this two more times and sends Keith into the barricade. Cassidy punches Keith and then rolls in the ring and then rolls back out to break the count. Cassidy sends Keith into the barricade again. Keith gets up and charges at Cassidy, slamming his hand on the steel steps. Keith hammers Cassidy and drops him to the floor, as we go to picture-in-picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Keith works on the hand of Cassidy and uses the bottom rope to further hurt the hand of Cassidy. Both men go back in the ring, as Keith puts a big boot to the throat of Cassidy. Keith stomps on the hand of Cassidy and then holds his foot on the hand.

Back from the full break, we get a test of strength…Cassidy takes down Keith…Cassidy drop kicks Keith as he tumbles down…Cassidy stomps on Keith and then hits him with a running drop kick. Cassidy holds his injured hand. Cassidy picks up Keith, but drops him to the mat. Cassidy tries for a beach break, but Keith blocks it…Cassidy comes back with a running knee on Keith, but he quickly gets up…Cassidy hits Keith with a big boot to the face. Both men are up on the top rope. Cassidy fights off Keith…Keith grabs Orange and sends him head first into the turnbuckle…Keith covers Cassidy, but he kicks out at two.

Keith grabs the hurt right arm of Cassidy, working on the arm…Cassidy rolls up Keith, but he kicks out at two. Cassidy picks up Keith and drops him with a beach break and cover Keith, but he kicks out at two! Cassidy goes for an orange punch, but its blocked by Keith. He nails Orange and then covers him for only a two count…Cassidy then hits Keith with an orange punch and then hits him with a DDT. Cassidy then hits a tornado DDT on Keith and covers him to get the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy via Pinfall.

Backstage: Chris Jericho

We go backstage with Chris Jericho saying congrats to Orange. Jericho says he won’t get the $7,000 from Orange…Jericho has the backpack of Orange and if Orange doesn’t give him his $7,000 he will keep the backpack and has a big pair of scissors.

Backstage: Mercedes Mone, Kamille

Back from the break, Lexy Nair is backstage with Mercedes Mone’ and Kamille. Mone’ talks about Kamille being banned from ringside in her title match at All Out and asks why Christopher Daniels is in her business.

The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) vs. Davey Bang & August Matthews

The bell rings as August and Truth start off. August hits Truth, but it has no effect. Truth then chops August, who tags in Bang…he is quickly dropped by Truth. Floyd is tagged in as he drops Bang, who tags in Matthews as he is kicked. Floyd tags in Truth. They do a double elbow drop on Bang and then do a double hip toss and double axe handle, sending Bang to the floor. August is tagged in as they drop August with the total recall to get the win.

Winner: The Outrunners via Pinfall.

Backstage: Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander

We go to a sitdown interview with Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander talking to both women about their street fight.

AEW Continental Contender’s Challenge Match
The Beast Mortos vs. Konosuke Takeshita

The bell rings as we are underway. We get a stare down…Takeshita shoves The Beast…both men try to take down each other with shoulder blocks. The Beast powerslams Takeshita. The Beast charges at Takeshita, but he blocks it, sending Mortos to the floor. Takeshita then takes flight, landing on Mortos on the floor. Takeshita sends Mortos to the barricade….Takeshita then rolls into the ring and rolls out to break the ten count. Taekshita sends Mortos into a chair at ringside. Takeshita grabs Mortos and sends him into the ring. Takeshita is up on the apron as Mortos nails him, sending him to the floor and then drops Takeshita with a big tornado. Mortos sends Takeshita back in the ring. Mortos charges at Takeshita, but he moves and hits the Beast with big rights. Both men are on the top rope, biting Mortos on the head…both men come down, crashing hard on the mat…

Picture-In-Picture: Takeshita in up. He kicks the Beast and puts a big boot to the throat of Mortos. Takeshita comes off the second rope, biting on Mortos. Takeshita picks up Mortos, but he fights back. Takeshita fires back and drops Mortos, putting him in a headlock. Takeshita tries to take off the mask of Mortos, but he blocks it. Takeshita then hits the Beast with big rights.

Back from Picture-In-Picture: Mortos fights back, dropping Takeshita. Mortos picks up Takeshita and drops him with a back breaker and then drops him. Mortos covers Takeshita, but he kicks out at two. Mortos is dropped on his head, but he comes back as Takeshita drops Mortos with a big blue thunder bomb…Takeshita covers the Beast, but he kicks out at two. Mortos is up on the top rope as Takeshita follows…Mortos fights off Takeshita, but he counters. Mortos picks up Takeshita and drops him face first. Mortos covers Takeshita, but he kicks out at two. Takeshita sends the Beast to the ring post. Takeshita takes a spear from the Beast. Mortos covers Takeshita, but he kicks out at one. Mortos hits Takeshita with a big lariat in the jaw. Both men headbutt each other. Takeshita is bleeding a little from the mouth. Takeshita then drops Mortos with a big running knee and then drops him with a raging fire to get the three count.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita via Pinfall.

Backstage: The Outcasts

We go backstage with Sarya and Harley Cameron trash talking to Jamie Hayter. They say Hayter is in a lot of trouble.

Backstage: “The Glamour” Mariah May

Back from the break, Mariah May talks about things changed once the Women’s World Title touched her waste.

Hikaru Shida vs. Deonna Purrazzo

The bell rings as we are underway. Both women lock up and then they both break the hold. Both women lock up again. Purrazzo hits Shida and then stomps on the in the corner. Shida comes back as both women make back and forth pin attempts…Shida kicks Deonna and then hits her with a lariat…Deonna comes back and sends Shida into the turnbuckle pad…

Picture-In-Picture: Deonna works on the left arm of Shida. Deonna covers Shida, but she kicks out at two. Deonna grabs the leg of Shida, pulling her into the center of the ring. Deonna grabs the arms of Shida, who fights back…Deonna kicks Shida and drops her to the mat. Deonna stomps on the left arm of Shida…

Back from the full break, Shida fires back, but Deonna locks up the arm of Shida. Deonna hits Shida, but she comes back and drops Deonna with a big shotgun drop kick. Shida nails Deonna with a big right hand…Shida nails Deonna with a big running knee to the side of head and covers her for only a two count…Shida comes off the ropes but Deonna moves out of the way…Deonna locks in the arm bar on Shida, but she gets out of the hold…Deonna covers Shida, but she kicks out at two. Deonna picks up Shida, but she gets out of the hold and grabs the leg of Deonna and twists the knee, but Deonna breaks out of the hold…Deonna hits Shida with a big pump kick…Shida fires back and drops Deonna with a falcon arrow and covers Deonna, but she kicks out at two…Shida then hits Deonna hard in the face…Deonna is down and Shida covers her for the win.

Winner: Hikaru Shida via Pinfall.

After the match, the music of Mercedes Mone’ hits…from behind Kamille hits the ring and drops Shida from behind. Mercedes is in the ring and has a kendo stick. She swings it, but Shida ducks, hitting Kamille. Shida then sends Kamille to the floor. Mone’ attempts to drop Shida, but she turns around and drops Mone’

Backstage: FTR

Alicia Atout is backstage with FTR talking to the team about the Grizzled Young Veterans attacking them…Dax Harwood talks about how they like GYV…next week’s Collision it will be GYV vs. FTR.

Backstage: The Acclaimed, Billy Gunn, MxM Collection

Back from the break, Lexy Nair is backstage talking with The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn…they talk about all the tag teams they have beat and the road to the tag team titles continues…the MxM Collection come in the picture and trash talk The Acclaimed and how no one wants them in AEW

All Star Eight-Man Tag Team Match
Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, & Bryan Danielson) & PAC vs. The Elite (The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson), Kazuchika Okada, & Jack Perry)

Danielson and Okada start things off. We get a holy s— chant. Okada tags in Jack Perry. Both men attempt to lock up…Perry gets Bryan to the corner as the heels attack him. Matt Jackson is tagged in. Bryan gets Matt to the corner and tags in Yuta. Yuta picks up Matt and drops him back first. Yuta covers Matt for only a two count. Matt tags in Nick…the Bucks double team Yuta. Yuta comes back and picks up Nick and slams him down…PAC is tagged in. He kicks Nick in the back and covers him for only a two count. Matt is tagged in. He punches and kicks PAC. PAC rebounds and works on Matt with kicks of his own. Claudio is tagged in. Claudio picks up Matt and stomps on him. Claudio tags in Danielson. He is up on the top rope and comes down with a big knee to the back of Matt…PAC is tagged in…he covers Matt for only a two count. All four men are in the ring as we get the faces punching the heels…The Elite are on the floor…

Picture-In-Picture: Matt calls for a time out…Yuta, Danielson, Claudio and Danielson are back in the ring…The Elite get back in the ring…PAC has Matt in the corner and puts a big boot to his throat. Danielson is tagged in. He kicks Matt in the chest with repeated kicks. PAC is tagged in. He his nailed by Matt who tags in Okada. Okada connects with a running drop kick on PAC. Perry is tagged in. He uses the second rope to choke PAC. As the ref is distracted Nick nails PAC…

Back from the break, Nick covers PAC for only a two count. The Bucks double team PAC, but he fights back…Okada is tagged in…Perry comes down with a frog splash on PAC. Danielson and Perry are fighting on the floor…Claudio is up on the apron and is cut off by Okada. Yuta is in…Okada and Perry have Claudio, PAC and Yuta set up on the ropes as Nick comes off the top landing on all three men.

Matt is in and kicks PAC. The Bucks jaw at PAC. Matt pie faces PAC, who fights back. Matt rakes the face of PAC with his shoe…Matt holds PAC as Nick is in and double stomps on PAC. Nick then kicks PAC and sends him headfirst to the turnbuckle. Perry is tagged in as Danielson is down on the floor, having been taken out by Perry…the Bucks send PAC to the ropes, as he takes down the Bucks…Claudio is tagged in taking out the Bucks and Okada. Claudio lays it in on Matt…Yuta is in as he and Claudio drop Matt with a hear attack…Claudio goes for the swing, but is hit with a big thrust kick by Nick…Matt tags in Okada. He kicks Claudio in the face, but he fires up as both men exchange blows to the face. Okada picks up Claudio and drops him….Claudio comes back as Okada tries to pick up Claudio. Claudio has Okada up! Claudio drops Okada back first as both men are down…Perry is tagged in…the AEW World Champ is tagged in…Danielson nails Perry with big rights! The fans count along…Perry comes back and rebounds on Bryan and goes right to the neck of Bryan…Perry picks up Bryan…he hits Perry with a running elbow strike…Yuta is in…its chaos in the ring….Danielson comes down off the top rope and hits Perry with a big shotgun drop kick…Perry is down! Danielson points to Perry…Bryan kicks Perry several times in the chest as the fans chant yes…

*** AEW Collision ended while the match was still going on but the match transitioned over to start off AEW’s Rampage show right afterwards. ***

The match continues on Rampage…the Bucks take down Bryan, but he fights back with a running elbow…Yuta is tagged in as he takes down Perry, but he recovers with elbow strikes and tags in Okada…Okada drop kicks Yuta and then connects with a double drop kick…Okada picks up Yuta and drops him with a tombstone…PAC is in the ring and kicks Okada in the mid-section…PAC sends Okada to the floor and then takes out Perry and Okada an he takes flight…Okada is back in the ring…he lands a big 450 on Okada and covers him for only a two count…we get an this is awesome chant. PAC sends Okada to the corner kicks him…PAC kicks Okada in the head. PAC picks up Okada and then puts a big boot to the face…Danielson is tagged in. Both men exchange uppercuts…PAC is tagged back in. PAC puts a big boot to the throat of Okada. Yuta and Claudio do fast tags…Yuta tags in Danielson as Yuta holds Okada as he connects with a big shotgun drop kick…Danielson has Okada hooked, but Okada gets to the ropes, but Danielson still stomps on the hamstrings of Okada. PAC is in and hits Okada with a big uppercut…

Picture-In-Picture: Claudio is tagged in. He nails Okada with several uppercuts…He finally drops Okada and tags in PAC. PAC has a brutalizer on Okada, dropping him to the mat…the Bucks come in to break the hold…Claudio is tagged in…Yuta is in, PAC is in…we get triple tombstone piledrivers as the Bucks and Okada are dropped on their heads….Matt Jackson is tagged in…Claudio tags in Yuta…he comes down and lands on Nick…Yuta covers Nick, but he kicks out at two. Perry runs through the crowd, as Danielson runs after him….the Bucks connect with an EVP trigger on Yuta. Matt covers Yuta, but he kicks out at two…Claudio comes in and nails Nick and picks him up and swings him around with the giant swing as the fans go crazy…Yuta covers Nick and gets the pin!

Winner: Blackpool Combat Club & PAC via Pinfall.