WWE Reportedly Interested in Signing Several AEW Talents Including Ricky Starks

WWE reportedly is currently interested in signing several AEW talents to potential contracts, according to PWInsider.

Mike Johnson reported that his sources within WWE stated that the company currently has an interest in a number of AEW talents whose contracts are close to expiring or have off of AEW television for some time.

Johnson reported that one of the AEW talents currently interested by WWE is Ricky Starks. Johnson also reported that it is currently not known if WWE officials and Starks have been in any contact nor how long Stark remains under contract with AEW.

Besides Starks, WWE officials reportedly currently have interest in Daniel Garcia as well. Johnson reported that Garcia has still yet to sign a new deal with AEW.

Johnson reported that The Lucha Bros’ Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero are also among the AEW talents on WWE’s list for potential signings.

Dave Meltzer reported in this week’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter that his sources confirmed that Starks is currently expected to be leaving AEW once his contract expires and join WWE. Meltzer reported that Starks has yet to sign any new deal with AEW.