WWE NXT Notes: Results, NXT Women’s North American Title, Women’s Title, Tag Titles, North American Title, & NXT Title Matches Set for NXT No Mercy 2024, Jacy Jayne Group Gets Official Name, 8/27 Show Card

WWE NXT Results – August 20, 2024

August 20, 2024
Orlando, FL – WWE Performance Center
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T

Quick Match Results

  1. Axiom & Nathan Frazer defeated Chase U (Riley Osborne & Duke Hudson) via Chasing The Dragon (pinfall)
    • Axiom pinned Hudson after Axiom & Hudson hit a double team Chasing The Dragon for the victory.
  2. Wendy Choo defeated Lola Vice via Pinfall
    • Near the end of the match, Kelani Jordan ran out and entered the ring attempted to go after Choo leading to Vice attempting a back fist strike to Choo who ducked and Jordan getting laid out instead. As the referee and Vice were distracted with Jordan, Choo grabbed her black pillow from the corner and struck Vice laying her out. Choo then covered Vice for the pinfall victory.
    • Following the match, Jordan grabbed a microphone and stated that if Choo wants to take her NXT Women’s North American title, she can earn it at NXT No Mercy. Choo accepted leading to Jordan stating that she is getting her title back and rushed into the ring. This led to Choo attempting to strike Jordan with her pillow only for Jordan to dodge the attack and grabbed Choo’s pillow laying her out with a strike. Jordan then grabbed inside the pillow case to reveal her NXT Women’s North American title had been hidden inside it.
  3. NXT Women’s Championship Gauntlet Eliminator match – Jaida Parker defeated Sol Ruca, Wren Sinclair, Kendal Grey, Brinley Reece, and Adrianna Rizzo via last eliminating Ruca
    • This match was originally announced to feature Karmen Petrovic as one of the competitors but she was attacked earlier in the show by Izzi Dane at the dreaded NXT Parking Lot. In a follow-up, Petrovic was announced to not be medically cleared to compete and was officially replaced by Reece.
    • The rules of this match featured competitors coming out one after another at timed intervals and eliminations could be scored by pinfall or submission.
    • The first two competitors for the match were Wren Sinclair and Sol Ruca. Rizzo was the third competitor to come out and was also the first to be eliminated after Ruca hit a powerbomb for the pinfall elimination. Reece was the fourth competitor to come out. Grey was the fifth competitor to come out. Reece was the second to be eliminated after Grey hit Parker was the final competitor to come out. Grey was the third to be eliminated after Parker hit a Gourdbuster for the pinfall elimination. Sinclair was the fourth to be eliminated after Ruca hit a Sol Snatcher for the pinfall elimination. Ruca was the last eliminated after Parker hit the Tear Drop Hip Check for the pinfall to win the match.
    • Following the match, OTM’s Lucien Price & Bronco Nima came out to the ring to celebrate with Parker. Sarah Schreiber interviewed Parker about her victory leading to Parker stating that she is a difference maker and called out Roxanne Perez saying she might be a great champion but she has next.
  4. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger defeated The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) via Shoulder Tackle & Powerslam combo (pinfall)
    • Walker pinned Anderson after Walker & Ledger hit a double team running shoulder tackle and powerslam combination.
    • Following the match, Walker and Ledger celebrated with Vic Joseph and security leading to the Good Bros trying to confront Walker & Ledger only for security to keep them separated.
  5. Ashante “Thee” Adonis defeated Dion Lennox via Superkick (pinfall)
  6. NXT Championship #1 Contender Triple Threat match – Joe Hendry defeated Pete Dunne and Wes Lee via Pinfall
    • Prior to the start of the match, NXT Champion Ethan Page was seen seated at the announcer’s table for guest commentary.
    • Near the end of the match, Hendry hit a Standing Ovation to Dunne for a near fall that was broken up by Page yanking the referee out of the ring. Hendry then laid out Lee on the apron and followed it with a Standing Ovation onto the announcer’s table. Hendry then went back into the ring only to get his hand stomped on by Dunne. After some more action, Page ran towards the ramp to stop a second referee from getting to the ring. This led to Hendry getting distracted and Dunne attacking Hendry with a kick and Bitter End. As the second referee was still being preoccupied by Page, Trick Williams ran out from the crowd and hit a Trick Knee laying out Dunne and left the ring. This led to Hendry covering Dunne and the first referee recovering and got back into the ring for the three count victory as Page desperately tried to run into the ring to break it up to no avail.
    • Following the match, Zachary Wentz ran out from the crowd and attacked Lee leading to the two brawling in the ring and security running out to separate the two as the show went to a close.

NXT Tag Titles Match Set for NXT No Mercy 2024

Tuesday’s NXT show featured the first of five new matches announced for the card of NXT No Mercy 2024.

This new match announced was a NXT Tag Team Championship match of Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. Chase U (Ridge Holland & Andre Chase) (c).

At the start of the show, Chase U’s Thea Hail, Riley Osborne, and Duke Hudson came out from through the crowd while NXT Tag Champions Andre Chase and Ridge Holland came out from the entrance stage and broke a giant Chase U banner. Chase stated that it is a new year at Chase University … new students, new classrooms, and new NXT Tag Team Champions. Hail, Hudson, and Osborne proceeded to give their praises of Hudson for proving he belongs in Chase U and for winning the gold. Chase stated that without Ridge, he would not be a tag team champion and everyone wants to thank Ridge. This led to everyone in the ring hugging Holland.

Chase U’s hug and celebration party was cut short by Nathan Frazer’s music playing and him and Axiom coming out to the ring. Frazer congratulated Chase U on their win last week and stated that he hates to break up the party but they want to talk to Chase U about something. Axiom responded stating that Chase U might have been the better team last week but they are the best tag team in NXT.

Frazer responded stating they might have run themselves into the ground over the last few weeks and Ridge picked the perfect time to challenge them. Frazer then attempted to say more only to be interrupted by Holland who stated that he appreciates the kind words but he can not appreciate the interruption of a Chase U moment. Holland stated that they are the underdogs who never give up and that is what Chase U taught him. After some more words about Chase U being the only ones to support him in NXT, Holland stated that last week was bigger than him. Holland stated it was about bringing gold to Chase U and he cashed in all of his favors and it is Mission Accomplished. Axiom responded stating that is lovely but they still want their title rematch. Osborne responded backs stating that if they want a title match, then they have to go through the heart of Chase U. Hudson responded stating that if they can beat him and Riley, maybe you will get a rematch at NXT No Mercy 2024. Frazer responded accepting the match and stated that they will see them later. This led to Hudson stating that they are always ready and both him and Osborne ripping off their pants revealing they have been in their wrestling gear the whole time. This led to the match for Axiom and Frazer’s potential shot at the NXT Tag title taking place right afterwards.

In a follow-up, Axiom and Frazer managed to defeat Osborne and Hudson to secure a potential shot at the NXT Tag titles at NXT No Mercy 2024.

Later in the show, NXT commentator Vic Joseph announced that NXT GM Ava made this match official for NXT No Mercy 2024

NXT Women’s North American Title Match Set for NXT No Mercy 2024

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured the second of five new matches announced for the card of NXT No Mercy 2024.

This new match announced was a NXT Women’s North American Championship match of Wendy Choo vs. Kelani Jordan (c).

This match was set up following a promo segment by Jordan. Following Choo’s victory over Lola Vice with some accidental help by Jordan, Jordan grabbed a microphone and stated that if Choo wants to take her NXT Women’s North American title, she can earn it at NXT No Mercy. Choo accepted the challenge and Jordan responded stating that she is getting her title back and rushed into the ring. This led to Choo attempting to strike Jordan with her pillow only for Jordan to dodge the attack and grabbed Choo’s pillow and struck her to lay her out. Jordan then grabbed inside the pillow case to reveal her NXT Women’s North American title had been hidden inside it.

Jaida Parker vs. Roxanne Perez for NXT Women’s Title Set for NXT No Mercy 2024

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured the third of five new matches announced for the card of NXT No Mercy 2024.

This new match announced was a NXT Women’s Championship match of Jaida Parker vs. Roxanne Perez (c).

This match was setup following Parker defeating Sol Ruca, Wren Sinclair, Brinley Reece, Adrianna Rizzo, and Kendal Grey in a 6-Women Gauntlet Eliminator match for the #1 Contender for the NXT Women’s title.

Jacy Jayne’s Group Gets Official Name of “Fatal Influence” on Tuesday’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured Jacy Jayne’s group getting the official name of “Fatal Influence.”

During the show, a video aired featuring Fallon Henley, Jazmyn Nyx, and Jayne. During the video, Henley talked about what she had to do in her career for the chance to make it to WWE. Jayne responded stating that you can make it and win championships and appear on PPVs. Jayne then stated that then you come to a locker room with D1, D2, and D3 athletes who are only there because they have a social media presence. Jayne stated that they don’t care what sport you play. Jayne and Fallon both stated that they are the leaders of the NXT Women’s division and one person listens to them. This led to Nyx responding talking about how she used to just be an athlete but she knows they are the leaders. After some more words by Henley and Jayne, Nyx stated that they are the “Fatal Influence” as text of their new group name appeared on the screen.

NXT North American Title Match Set for NXT No Mercy 2024

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured the fourth of five new matches announced for the card of NXT No Mercy 2024.

This new match announced was a NXT North American Championship match of Tony D’Angelo vs. Oba Femi (c).

This match was setup following a promo and brawl segment involving No Quarter Catch Crew, Femi, and the D’Angelo Family. During the show, NQCC’s Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, & Wren Sinclair were seen in the ring. Dempsey held up his NXT Heritage Cup and started talking about Lou Thez and Billy Robinson and followed it by talking about how it has been three long, grueling months only to be interrupted by Sinclair, who stated that the title is back and she doesn’t know Billy Thesz or Lou Robinson are but they must be great if Charles says they are good. Dempsey resumed his speech stating that the reign of terror of the D’Angelos is over and they will make the Heritage Cup the most prestigious title only to be interrupted again by Sinclair. Sinclair stated that Charles will defend the title against anyone and at any time, which led to Femi’s music interrupting and Sinclair quickly apologizing to Dempsey as she ran away.

After making his way to the ring, Femi congratulated Dempsey on regaining his title but stated that the most prestigious title on this brand is the North American Championship. Femi stated that the most dominate champion holds that title and he has defended the title against so many tough contenders that he will not hesitate to add a Heritage Cup Champion to that list.

This led to D’Angelo’s music interrupting Femi and the D’Angelo Family coming out to the ring. Dempsey stated that he was expecting Tony to come out to challenge him for his Cup. D’Angelo responded stating that he has his eyes on something else. D’Angelo then turned his attention towards Femi and stated that he doesn’t forget and his family doesn’t forget. D’Angelo stated that they will handle their business leading to him sicking Luca Crusifino, Adrianna Rizzo, & Stacks on No Quarter Catch Crew. This led to a big brawl breaking out in the ring that ended with D’Angelo escaping a powerbomb by Femi and responded laying out Femi with a spinebuster. D’Angelo then posed with the NXT North American title over Femi’s fallen body.

Later in the show, NXT commentator Vic Joseph announced that Femi would be defending his NXT North American title against D’Angelo at NXT No Mercy 2024.

Joe Hendry vs. Ethan Page for NXT Title Set for NXT No Mercy 2024

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured the fifth of five new matches announced for the card of NXT No Mercy 2024, which takes place on September 1st at the Ball Arena in Denver, Colorado.

This new match announced was a NXT Championship match of Joe Hendry vs. Ethan Page.

This match was setup following Hendry defeating Wes Lee and Pete Dunne in a Triple Threat #1 Contender’s match for the NXT title.

Current card for WWE NXT No Mercy 2024:

  • NXT Championship – Joe Hendry vs. Ethan Page (c)
  • NXT Women’s Championship – Jaida Parker vs. Roxanne Perez (c)
  • NXT North American Championship – Tony D’Angelo vs. Oba Femi (c)
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship – Wendy Choo vs. Kelani Jordan (c)
  • NXT Tag Team Championship – Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. Chase U (Ridge Holland & Andre Chase) (c)

Current Card for Next Week’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured three new matches announced for the card of next week’s show on August 27th.

These matches were all setup following promos, storyline angles, and match card graphics throughout the show.

Current card for August 27th WWE NXT show:

  • Izzi Dame vs. Karmen Petrovic
  • Mixed Tag Team match – No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Wren Sinclar, & Myles Borne) vs. The D’Angelo Family (Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Adriana Rizzo, & Luca Crusifino)
  • Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne & Fallon Henley) vs. Meta-Four (Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson)