WWE NXT Notes: Results, Joe Hendry Confronts Ethan Page Over NXT Title, NXT Women’s Title Gauntlet Eliminator & More Set for 8/20 Show, Dempsey Wins NXT Heritage Cup, Wes Lee Explains Rascalz Attack, Chase U Wins NXT Tag Titles

WWE NXT Results – August 13, 2024

August 13, 2024
Orlando, FL – WWE Performance Center
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T

Quick Match Results

  1. NXT Heritage Cup Championship – Charlie Dempsey defeated Tony D’Angelo (c), 2 points to 1 point
    • The D’Angelo Family came out with D’Angelo to be his corner people while No Quarter Catch Crew’s Myles Borne & Wren Sinclair came out with Dempsey to be his corner people.
    • D’Angelo scored the first point after hitting the – to Dempsey for the pinfall in the second round.
    • Dempsey tied the score at one point each after catching D’Angelo in a roll-up for a bridging pinfall in the fourth round.
    • During the fifth round, D’Angelo placed Dempsey on the top turnbuckle leading to Borne getting on the apron trying to interfere. This led to to D’Angelo punching Borne off the apron and Stacks getting into the ring for D’Angelo to use him as a weapon and hip tossed him to Borne on the outside. As the referee was distracted, D’Angelo went up the turnbuckle with Dempsey leading to Sinclair getting on the apron and shoved D’Angelo off onto the mat. This led to Dempsey hitting a bridging butterfly suplex to D’Angelo for the pinfall for the championship victory.
  2. Lexis King defeated Eddy Thorpe via The Coronation (pinfall)
  3. Lola Vice defeated Tatum Paxley via Backfist (pinfall)
    • Prior to the start of the match, NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan was seen seated at the announcer’s table for guest commentary.
    • Near the end of the match, Wendy Choo came out from the crowd and attacked Jordan and locked in a sleeper laying her out. This led to Paxley being distracted on the top rope for a moment before regaining her focus on the match. Paxley attempted a high flying move only for Vice to dodge away and responded with a backfist for the pinfall victory.
    • Following the match, Vice helped Paxley up to her feet and both looked on concerned at Choo at ringside, who stood over Jordan’s body and held up the NXT Women’s North American title.
  4. NXT North American Championship Open Challenge match – Oba Femi (c) defeated Otis via Sit-out Powerbomb (pinfall)
    • Alpha Academy’s Maxxine Dupri & Akira Tozawa came out with Otis to be in his corner for the match.
  5. Izzi Dane defeated Brinley Reece via Modified Side Effect (pinfall)
  6. NXT Tag Team Championship – Chase U (Andre Chase & Ridge Holland) defeated Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) via Hammerlock DDT (pinfall)
    • Chase U’s Thea Hail, Duke Hudson, & Riley Osborne came out with Chase & Holland to be in their corner for the match.
    • Near the end of the match, Axiom held up Holland to setup a Spanish Fly and Phoenix Splash combination as Frazer went to the top turnbuckle. This led to Chase getting on the apron and shoving Frazer off the top rope causing Frazer to crash onto the announcer’s table. Axiom hit a Golden Ratio to Chase sending him off the apron that led to Holland hitting a clothesline to Axiom and followed it with a Hammerlock DDT for the pinfall victory.
    • Following the match, Chase & Holland celebrated their title victory with the rest of Chase U and Chase U students in the ring. Axiom and Frazer were seen seated on the ground at ringside dejected over their loss.

Joe Hendry Confronts Ethan Page for Shot at NXT Title on Tuesday’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show featured Joe Hendry confronting Ethan Page and wanting a shot at his NXT Championship.

During the show, Page came out to the ring and grabbed a microphone. Page talked about his victory over Oro Mensah last week and how Wes Lee grew a spine and got rid of some dead weight, in reference to Lee turning heel on The Rascalz. Page stated that he is going to address the audience. Page stated that the NXT Universe wanted Oro to beat him so badly but Oro found out that when Ethan Page says it, it happens. Page stated that he had the skills to back it up and he has every right to call himself All Ego. Page then stated that no one is taking this title from him and he heard Lee chirping and he is not getting the title. Page stated that if Trick can figure out Pete Dunne, he won’t be taking the title from him either. Page then stated that Dunne can break every one of his fingers and it will not loosen his grip on the title. Page stated that the “Era of Ego” will roll on and this is not NXT, its NX-Me.

This led to Hendry’s music playing to interrupt and came out to the ring. Hendry stated that Page didn’t have to say his name and he would just appear. Hendry stated that Page may think you are the talk of NXT because you are the champion. Hendry then talked about Page’s NXT title victory at Heatwave being quickly overshadowed by his face showing up to close the show.

After some more words by Hendry, Page responded stating that he does not have to listen to Hendry and his opinions or rambles. Page told Joe to take his victory from last week and take his ass back to TNA. Page then stated that he does not know why Joe is hanging around in NXT. Hendry responded stating he is here for the same reason everyone else is … to win the NXT Championship. Page responded stating it makes sense. Page stated that everyone believes in Joe Hendry, TNA believes in Joe Hendry, NXT believes in Joe Hendry, the entire world believes in Joe Hendry. Page stated that the only problem is that he doesn’t. After some insults, Page stated that he believes that if Joe is silly enough to come after him for his title, he will expose Joe for the flash in the pan that he is. Hendry responded back talking about how he has not been an overnight success and how he makes believers out of everyone. Joe stated that he will make a believer out of Ethan when he wins the championship and he will take it to London, Paris, Tokyo that was said in rythm to his entrance song. This led to an upset Page leaving the ring and Hendry looking on only for Lee to run out from the crowd and laid out Hendry as Page smiled on.

NXT Women’s Championship Gauntlet Eliminator & More Matches Announced for Next Week’s Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured four new matches announced for the card of next week’s NXT show on August 20th.

Among the new matches announced was a NXT Women’s Championship Gauntlet Eliminator match of Wren Sinclair vs. Adriana Rizzo vs. Sol Ruca vs. Jaida Parker vs. Kendal Grey vs. Karmen Petrovic.

This match was setup following a backstage segment involving NXT General Manager Ava, assistants Stevie Turner & Mr. Stone, and several members of the NXT Women’s locker room. Ava stated that next week there will be a Gauntlet Eliminator match featuring people who have never wrestled before for the NXT Women’s Championship. Ava stated that the winner of this match will face Roxanne Perez for the title at next month’s NXT No Mercy 2024 event. Turner responded stating that there will be six competitors chosen at random. Ava then proceeded to pull three names out of lottery tumbler, which were in order Wren Sinclair, Adriana Rizzo, and Sol Ruca. Ava stated that concludes the first part of the draw for the match.

In a follow-up segment, Ava was seen backstage with Mr. Stone, Turner, and others. Rizzo joined up and thanked Ava for picking her name out of the tumbler. Ava then proceeded to pull the final three names out of the tumbler, which were in order Jaida Parker, Kendal Grey, and Karmen Petrovic.

Current card for August 20th WWE NXT show:

  • NXT Women’s Championship Gauntlet Eliminator match – Wren Sinclair vs. Adriana Rizzo vs. Sol Ruca vs. Jaida Parker vs. Kendal Grey vs. Karmen Petrovic
  • NXT Championship #1 Contender Triple Threat match – Wes Lee vs. Pete Dunne vs. Joe Hendry
  • Hank Walker & Tank Ledger The O.C. (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)
  • Lola Vice vs. Wendy Choo

Charlie Dempsey Wins NXT Heritage Cup on Tuesday’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured Charlie Dempsey defeating Tony D’Angelo to become the new NXT Heritage Cup Champion.

This was Dempsey second championship victory and his second Heritage Cup victory of his WWE NXT career.

Wes Lee Gives His Reasons for Attacking The Rascalz at Last Week’s Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured Wes Lee explaining his reasons why he attacked The Rascalz’ Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz at last week’s show.

During the show, Lee came out to the ring and grabbed a microphone. Lee talked about how he shocked the world and himself last week. Lee stated that he believed that he was going to win the NXT Tag titles with his best friend but Zach let him down again. Lee stated that this goes back to two years ago when Zach first let him down. Lee stated that one of the greatest tag teams in NXT history is done. Lee stated that MSK was dead when all of that happened and everyone felt sad for Zach. Lee stated that they were not feeling sorry for him and they doubted him. Lee then talked about how he picked himself up and busted his ass to become the greatest North American champion and how Zach and Trey were not here. Lee stated that they reunited in TNA and killed it while he broke his back to become a top star in NXT. After some more words, Lee stated that he is done being a caretaker and is done worrying about what Zach is going to say or do. Lee then stated that he was the one who kept everyone together as the Rascalz. After some more insults directed at Wentz, Lee stated that he knows how this is going to go and he knows that they are going to have a match and you want to get you hands on him. Lee stated that No Mercy is coming but when they have their match, you are going to learn first hand that everything he said here is true. Lee stated that he will show no mercy when he beats the living hell out of you. Lee then stated that when that is done, you and Trey can go back to TNA and have a wonderful career as a TNA wrestler. Lee stated that he will focus on bigger and better things … the NXT Championship. Lee then stated that he wishes them the best in their future endeavors.

This led to Pete Dunne’s music playing to interrupt and Dunne coming out to the ring. Dunne stated that he is impressed and finally someone has figured it out. Dunne told Lee don’t get too carried away because he beat Trick last week and his eyes are fixed on the NXT Championship.

Before anything else could happen, Joe Hendry’s music played and he came out from the crowd and attacked Lee from behind for revenge for what Lee did to him earlier. This led to a brawl breaking out between all three and NXT officials and security running out to seperate them and put a stop to it.

Chase U Wins NXT Tag Team Titles on Tuesday’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured Chase U’s Andre Chase & Ridge Holland defeating Axiom & Nathan Frazer to become the new NXT Tag Team Champions.

This was Chase’s second NXT Tag Team Championship victory of his WWE NXT career and Holland’s first ever championship victory of his WWE NXT career.