Vince McMahon Sex Trafficking Lawsuit Update – Janel Grant Files Motion to Strike Dr. Colker’s Bill of Discovery

As noted before, former WWE employee Janel Grant filed a lawsuit this past January against former TKO Executive Chairman Vince McMahon accusing McMahon of committing sex trafficking and sexual abuse towards her during her time in the company. Grant’s lawsuit was put on hold this past April over a request from the U.S. Department of Justice, who launched a criminal investigation into McMahon and joined the lawsuit as an “interested party.” Grant’s lawyers recently filed a petition against a WWE Wellness doctor and his clinic for medical records related to her lawsuit.

Post Wrestling’s John Pollock reported that Grant filed a motion before the Connecticut Superior Court on Monday requesting for Colker’s complaint to be stricken and his bill of discovery to be dismissed in its entirety. In her filing, Grant is also seeking “an award for statutory sanctions, costs, and attorneys’ fees against Plaintiffs.”

In the filing, Grant is claiming that Colker’s bill of discovery is a “desperate and brazen attempt to silence a former patient investigating wrongdoing related to her medical care.” Grant is also claiming that Colker’s complaint failed to establish claims upon which relief could be granted. Colker is also claiming that this is an infringement on her First Amendment right of free speech to report on a matter of public health and concern.

Colker is currently seeking for the court to award her treble damages against Colker and his Peak Wellness Clinic for bringing the bill of discovery without any probable cause listed. Grant is claiming that Colker’s bill of discovery is a “malicious intent unjustly to vex and trouble Ms. Grant.”

The motion to strike the bill of discovery was delivered to Colker and Peak Wellness’ legal reps, Frank Silvestri and Robert Laplaca of Verrill Dana LLC.