TNA Impact! Results – Aug. 8, 2024 – Joe Hendry vs. Wolfgang

August 8, 2024
Tampa, Florida – Florida State Fairgrounds
Commentary – Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt
Results via

Quick Match Results

  1. Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way match – “Speedball” Mike Bailey defeated Trent Seven and Jake Something via Ultima Weapon (pinfall)
  2. KUSHIDA defeated Jonathan Gresham via Hoverboard Lock (submission)
  3. TNA Knockouts World Championship Open Challenge match – Rosemary vs. Jordynne Grace (c) went to a No Contest
  4. Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way match – Zachary Wentz defeated KC Navarro and Dante Chen via UFO Cutter (pinfall)
  5. Joe Hendry defeated Wolfgang via Standing Ovation (pinfall)

Video: Steph De Lander

The show begins with Steph De Lander in a hotel room, discussing her upcoming honeymoon with PCO.

In-Ring: The System, JDC

As promised, The System kicks off the broadcast.

They address the TNA Faithful, reaffirming their status as the most dominant team in TNA. Moose then turns his attention to Nic Nemeth, promising that he will reclaim the TNA World Championship when the time is right. However, his immediate focus is on Mike Santana, whom he challenges to a match next week on iMPACT! 

Backstage: Jonathan Gresham, KUSHIDA

Gia Miller interviews Jonathan Gresham, who explains that his absence was due to not feeling well. As he speaks, KUSHIDA enters the frame, KUSHIDA refuses to shake Greshams hand and walks away.

Video: Santino Marella, “Speedball” Mike Bailey

A video aired featuring “Speedball” Mike Bailey declaring himself for the qualifiers for the Ultimate X match at TNA Emergence 2024 and stated that if he lost his qualifying match, then he would vacate his X-Division Championship.

Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way Match
Trent Seven vs. Jake Something vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey

After some quick teamwork from Seven and Bailey, they manage to dump Jake Something to the floor. Seven goes for the first pin on Bailey, and the two exchange pins back and forth. Jake grabs Trent’s leg and pulls him to the floor, prompting Bailey to attempt a Moonsault, but he accidentally takes out his partner in “Speedball Mountain.”

Bailey eventually tries to dive on Jake, but Jake catches him and powerbombs him into the apron. Jake enters the ring and punches Trent right in the mouth. Trent momentarily turns things around, but Speedball intervenes, delivering a combo of kicks that ends with a Shooting Star on Jake. 

Bailey and Trent engage in a chop-off, but Jake breaks it up by bulldozing through them.

Jake gains momentum, but Bailey shuts it down with a Poison Rana. Bailey tries to catch Trent on the top rope, but Trent reverses and drops Bailey with a huge move from the top.

Seven attempts a Seven Star Lariat on Jake, but Jake is too big. Bailey jumps on Jake’s back, and Jake powerbombs Seven while Bailey is still on his back. 

Ultimately, Bailey catches Jake Something with the Ultima Weapon, qualifying for his own X Division championship title!

Winner: “Speedball” Mike Bailey via Pinfall.

Backstage: Tasha Steelz, Gisele Shaw, Santino Marella

Tasha Steelz talks about her climb back to the TNA Knockouts Championship and takes the opportunity to trash talk Gisele Shaw. Shaw enters the frame, followed by Santino. He announces that next week, the two will face off, but this time, there will be extra referees to ensure a fair match!

Backstage: Santino Marella, Hammerstone, Eric Young

Hammerstone approaches Santino and mentions his newfound interest in the X Division, calling it “cute.” Santino responds by saying Hammerstone can consider himself in a qualifier. At that moment, Eric Young walks into the frame and reminds Hammerstone that they have unfinished business to settle.

KUSHIDA vs. Jonathan Gresham

The match begins with a confused KUSHIDA circling Jonathan Gresham. They go back and forth, exchanging holds. Both competitors outsmart each other with each move, showcasing their technical prowess.

Gresham takes control, hitting a combo of moves on KUSHIDA and attempting a suplex, but KUSHIDA fights back. Gresham deadlifts KUSHIDA and slams him down. 

KUSHIDA counters with a Dragon Screw and takes over the momentum. They grapple for a headlock, but KUSHIDA lands a Pele kick and locks in the Hoverboard Lock. Gresham manages to escape briefly, but KUSHIDA quickly locks it back in, forcing Gresham to tap out! 

Winner: KUSHIDA via Submission.

Backstage: ABC, “Speedball” Mike Bailey

ABC addresses the TNA Faithful, proudly talking about what it means to be the TNA World Tag Team Champions and posing the question, “Who’s next?” Enter Speedball, who thanks ABC for helping him become the best. He then asks them for the honor of joining the X Division qualifying matches.

Video: Steph De Lander

Steph De Lander is in the hot tub, dialing PCO to check on his ETA but her call goes straight to voicemail.

TNA Knockouts World Championship Open Challenge Match
Rosemary vs. Jordynne Grace (c)

Rosemary enters the iMPACT Zone to answer Jordynne Grace’s Open Challenge! 

The match begins with Jordynne Grace offering a handshake, but Rosemary pounces on Grace, pummeling her and gaining control right away. Grace turns things around when Rosemary attempts “As Above So Below,” overpowering her and taking her down with a combination of power and speed, culminating in a Vader Bomb.

Grace goes for the Juggernaut Driver, but Rosemary evades, and Grace rolls through only to be hit by another spear from Rosemary. Rosemary tries for her finisher again, but Grace counters with a Death Valley Driver. Grace gets Rosemary to the top rope and delivers a stalling suplex from the second rope, then goes for the Juggernaut Jackhammer. However, Rosemary reverses and hits a German Suplex

As the match intensifies, Ash By Elegance appears ringside, and The Personal Consigliere distracts the referee while Ash lays both Knockouts out with a kendo stick. The referee sees this and calls the match, ending it in a no-contest.

Winner: None.

Video: TNA Bound For Glory 2024 Announcement

TNA Bound For Glory is coming to Detroit on Saturday, October 26! Tickets for both Detroit shows go on sale Friday, August 23, at 10 a.m. EST at TNA+ subscribers get early access with a pre-sale on Thursday, August 22, starting at 10 a.m. EST. More details will be available August 9 at 10am on!

In-Ring: Josh Alexander

Josh addresses Nic Nemeth, talking trash about being the face and standard of TNA Wrestling, and goes on to call Nemeth a transitional champion.

Nemeth, not taking kindly to The Walking Weapon’s words, hits the ring, grabs a mic, and smashes Josh with it before superkicking him in the face, sending a clear message. He then picks up the mic and declares that he is a fighting champion and that if Josh wants a match, he’s got it next week on iMPACT! 

Backstage: Santino Marella, Frankie Kazarian

Santino officially announces that Josh Alexander is the #1 contender for the TNA World Championship. Kazarian interrupts, claiming that the title shot should be his. Santino responds, saying Kazarian isn’t even in the conversation, but since Nemeth is a fighting champion, Kazarian will get his chance. 

Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way Match
Zachary Wentz vs. KC Navarro vs. Dante Chen

The match begins with intense back-and-forth action, showcasing the essence of the X Division. Navarro and Chen take the center stage in the ring while Wentz is still on the floor.

Chen gains momentum by taking down Navarro, but Wentz quickly reenters the fray. Chen manages to take down both Navarro and Wentz with a combination of moves, including a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Navarro. 

As Chen tries to maintain control over Wentz, Wentz counters with a front flip neckbreaker while Chen is holding Navarro. Gaining momentum, Wentz delivers a double stomp to Chen and follows up with a German suplex on Navarro. Wentz then catches Chen with a knee strike and nails the UFO Cutter on Navarro, securing the win!

Winner: Zachary Wentz via Pinfall.

Next Week Show’s Card Rundown

A video aired announcing the card rundown for next week’s show.

Video: Steph De Lander, Matt Cardona, PCO

Steph De Lander is seen in her hotel room when there’s a knock at the door. It’s Matt Cardona, who says they have bookings and money to be made. She promptly shuts the door in his face. The scene then cuts to PCO, held by two men, as Cardona viciously stomps on his head! 

Wolfgang vs. Joe Hendry

Joe addresses the TNA Faithful and Wolfgang, reminiscing about their time together in Scotland and how he came to NXT and made them believe. He then reminds Wolfgang that he hasn’t forgotten how Wolfgang held him down so Joe Coffey could smash him with a guitar. Fueled by this memory, Joe jumps Wolfgang, and the bell rings to start the match! 

Hendry takes control from the start, tossing Wolfgang out of the ring and following him to continue the assault. They exchange chops, but Wolfgang gains the upper hand by hot-shotting Hendry on the top rope. Wolfgang then pummels Hendry, beating him down and locking in a submission. Hendry fights out and lands a massive knee strike on Wolfgang, forcing him to retreat to the corner. Wolfgang attempts a leap at Hendry, but Hendry completely moves out of the way. 

Wolfgang recovers with a body check, sending Hendry to the floor, and continues to punish him by slamming him on the outside. Back in the ring, Wolfgang goes for a suplex, but Hendry counters with one of his own. Wolfgang briefly regains control with a Vader Bomb, but when he attempts a Swanton Bomb, he crashes and burns, landing straight into a Standing Ovation from Hendry, who secures the win!

Winner: Joe Hendry via Pinfall.

Backstage: Mike Santana, The System

In the parking lot, Mike Santana and The System attempt to brawl, but security rushes in to hold them back.