TNA Impact! Results – Aug. 22, 2024 – The System vs. The Hardys

August 22, 2024
Tampa, Florida – Florida State Fairgrounds
Commentary – Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt
Results via

Quick Match Results

  1. Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way match – Hammerstone defeated KUSHIDA and Frankie Kazarian via Nightmare Pendulum (pinfall)
  2. Rosemary defeated Alisha Edwards via As Above So Below (pinfall)
  3. Six-Person Tag Team match – Rhino, PCO, & Xia Brookside defeated Kon, Madman Fulton, & Steph De Lander via PCO-sault (pinfall)
  4. Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way match – Laredo Kid defeated Jai Vidal and Bhupinder Gujjar via 450 Splash (pinfall)
  5. Jonathan Gresham defeated Charlie Dempsey via Pinfall
  6. The Hardys defeated Moose & JDC via Swanton Bomb (pinfall)

Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way Match
Hammerstone vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. KUSHIDA

Hammerstone dominated early with a massive belly-to-belly suplex on both Frankie Kazarian and KUSHIDA. After Kazarian attempted to ambush Hammerstone from behind, he quickly retreated, only to be caught in a double-team beatdown by Hammerstone and KUSHIDA. Hammerstone sent Kazarian crashing face-first into the steps, but Kazarian nearly stole the win with a slingshot cutter! Just as it seemed Kazarian was on his way to Ultimate X, KUSHIDA intervened, but Kaz was quick to counter with a leg drop. KUSHIDA teased a mist just as Kazarian was about to hit Fade to Black, then locked in the Hoverboard Lock. However, Hammerstone powered through, reversing it into the Nightmare Pendulum to secure the victory! Hammerstone is heading to Ultimate X at Emergence! 

Winner: Hammerstone via Pinfall.

Following the match, Kazarian picked up the pieces, unleashing his frustration on KUSHIDA with a brutal Fade to Black! 

Backstage: Eric Young, Steve Maclin

Gia Miller caught up with Eric Young to discuss his upcoming match against Hammerstone NEXT WEEK, but Steve Maclin interrupted, ominously reminding Young that “He’s always watching.” 

Backstage: Mike Santana

We heard from Mike Santana, who delivered a stern warning to The System.

Alisha Edwards vs. Rosemary

Rosemary unleashed a wicked spear on Alisha Edwards, followed by a devastating hip attack and an X-Factor. Just as she was about to finish off Alisha, Masha Slamovich grabbed Rosemary’s leg, only for Spitfire to storm out and take down Masha! In the ring, Rosemary capitalized, landing As Above, So Below, to pin one half of the Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Alisha Edwards!

Winner: Rosemary via Pinfall.

After the match, Rosemary left her mark by placing a black rose on Alisha, claiming another victim in the iMPACT Zone!

Backstage: The Personal Concierge, Ash By Elegance

The Personal Concierge introduced Ash By Elegance and delivered Jordynne Grace’s challenge for a match. Ash responded with confidence: “How about a match by Elegance?

Six-Person Tag Team Match
Rhino, PCO, & Xia Brookside vs. Kon, Madman Fulton, & Steph De Lander

Before the match could even begin, Matt Cardona appeared, not in his ring gear, announcing that he wasn’t medically cleared to compete. He then introduced his surprise replacements: Kon and the returning Madman Fulton! 

Rhino quickly tagged in PCO, who unleashed a relentless assault on Madman Fulton, even taking out Kon with a daring dive. Back in the ring, PCO delivered a DDT to Fulton and followed up with a spectacular elbow drop on Kon from the apron. Xia Brookside then hit Fulton with a Brooksy Bomb, with a little help from PCO. Rhino added a Gore, and PCO capped it off with a massive moonsault, securing the win for his team. SDL joined PCO in the ring to celebrate as an irate Cardona looked on. 

Winner: Rhino, PCO, & Xia Brookside via Pinfall.

Video: Nic Nemeth, Josh Alexander

Nic Nemeth and Josh Alexander are seen preparing intensely for their upcoming Iron Man Match at TNA Emergence.

Backstage: Jordynne Grace

Jordynne Grace spoke about her issues with Ash By Elegance and accepted her challenge, agreeing to face her on Ash’s terms—a “Match by Elegance” for the Knockouts World Championship.

Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way Match
Laredo Kid vs. Jai Vidal vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

Laredo Kid was in control, delivering a forearm shiver and a twisting moonsault on Jai Vidal, but Gujjar broke up the pin. Gujjar then unleashed a kick combo and a pop-up European uppercut on Laredo. Jai Vidal clawed at Gujjar’s eyes, landing a huge double stomp, but Laredo Kid was waiting in the wings. He executed a flawless Michinoku Driver followed by a 450 Splash, securing his spot in Ultimate X at TNA Emergence!

Winner: Laredo Kid via Pinfall.

Backstage: FIR$T CLA$$, Speedball Mountain

Backstage, Rich Swann was seen furiously confronting Daniel Spencer, insisting he should be in Ultimate X. Speedball Mike Bailey stepped in, declaring his mission to prove he’s the best of the best and challenged Swann to an X Division Championship match next week!

Charlie Dempsey vs. Jonathan Gresham

In a masterclass of catch wrestling, Dempsey and Gresham exchanged intricate holds, with momentum shifting between them. Gresham delivered a powerful shoulder tackle, leading to an intense test of strength between the two. After multiple bridges and counters, they went nose to nose, each refusing to back down.

Gresham targeted Dempsey’s knee, hyper-extending it, while Dempsey retaliated by wrenching Gresham’s ankle. But Gresham’s persistence paid off as he pressed Dempsey’s shoulders to the mat, locking in a wrist hold that secured the win. 

Winner: Jonathan Gresham via Pinfall.

After the bell, Dempsey delivered a cheap shot to Gresham, sparking a brawl that ended with Dempsey retreating to the back.

Video: WWE NXT, Joe Hendry, Zachary Wentz,

This past Tuesday on NXT!

Next Week Show Card Rundown


The Hardys (Matt & Jeff Hardy) vs. The System (Moose & JDC)

Jeff Hardy wasted no time, immediately going after The System with a chair, chasing Moose and JDC around the ring only to be cut off by Moose.

Matt Hardy set up Moose for Poetry in Motion, after tagging in Jeff Hardy

JDC and Moose turned the tables, starting a brutal beatdown on Matt Hardy. Matt managed to reverse Moose’s suplex and tagged in Jeff, who came in like a whirlwind, laying waste to JDC and Moose. Jeff unleashed a flurry of offense on JDC, who somehow kicked out. Jeff called for the Twist of Fate, but JDC countered, only for Jeff to hit Whisper in the Wind.

As Jeff tried to follow up, JDC hit a clothesline and tagged in Moose, who was met by Matt Hardy. Moose delivered a pump kick to Jeff and engaged in a fierce strike exchange with Matt. Moose attempted a top rope move, but Matt caught him with a cutter.

JDC tried to capitalize with his top rope leg drop, but Matt cut him off with a Twist of Fate from the second rope. Matt tagged Jeff, who finished with a Swanton, sealing the victory for The Hardys! 

Winner: The Hardys via Pinfall.

Post-match, Moose blindsided The Hardys, attacking from behind. Santana rushed to the ring, delivering Spin the Block on Moose, but Myers and Eddie Edwards ambushed Santana, leaving chaos.

Just when things seemed dire, Joe Hendry stormed down to the ring, clearing house! The Hardys and Hendry stood tall, laying out The System as Hendry’s music echoed through the arena. 

Chants of “We Believe” filled the air as Joe Hendry, The Hardys, and Santana stood victorious in the ring!