ROH TV Results – Aug. 8, 2024 – The Undisputed Kingdom vs. The Infantry

August 8, 2024
Arlington, TX – Esports Stadium Arlington
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Jeff Moss of

Quick Match Results

  1. Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara defeated Dark Order via GTH (pinfall)
  2. Taya Valkyrie defeated Hyan via Shania Pain (pinfall)
  3. ROH World Tag Team Championship – The Undisputed Kingdom defeated The Infantry via Hail Mary (pinfall)
  4. Rachael Ellering defeated Brooke Havok via Bosswoman Slam (pinfall)
  5. The Outrunners defeated Stephen Wolf & Barrett Brown via Total Recall (pinfall)
  6. Robbie Eagles defeated Darian Bengston via Ron Miller Special (submission)
  7. Tomohiro Ishii defeated Tony Nese via Vertical Drop Brainbuster (pinfall)
  8. Johnny TV defeated Fuego Del Sol via Starship Pain (pinfall)
  9. Billie Starkz & Athena defeated Queen Aminata & Red Velvet via Pinfall

Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vs. Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara

Last week, Guevara made a surprise appearance on ROH, saving Rhodes from a beatdown at the hands of a very cranky Dark Order. The Order, Uno specifically, feel like Rhodes is taking up a spot in ROH that they deserve. His winning the 6-Man Titles with the Von Erichs stuck in Uno’s craw and had Guevera not interfered last week, they would have taken out Rhodes. Guevara is the wild card here as he seems to have turned over a new leaf, but is still Sammy Guevera, so can he be trusted? 

Guevara and Silver kicked things off before Rhodes tagged in for a quick double team. Considering they had never tagged together, Rhodes and Guevara seemed very comfortable with each other and kept control of things through the opening portion of the match. Then my head exploded as Rhodes attempted a Spinarooni in the ring, an obvious homage to his former WWE tag partner, Booker T.

In an exchange with Reynods, Rhodes seemed to injure his knee (which had been worked over pretty well by Evil Uno last week). Rhodes got back to his feet and seemed to be ok, just in time for Evil Uno to hit the injured knee with a chair while the Ref’s back was turned. Silver and Reynolds tagged in and out, isolating Rhodes’ and brutalizing his knee as Guevara begged for a tag in the corner.

Rhodes finally got a hot tag to Guevara who literally leapt into the ring to crush Silver with a splash. Guevara went for a Spanish Fly, but only got a two count out of it. A GTH later though, and Guevara was able to get the pin on silver and win the match for his team.

Winner: Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara via Pinfall.

Backstage: Athena, Billie Starkz, Red Velvet, Queen Aminata

Backstage, ROH Women’s World Champion Athena had a word with Billie Starkz. Anthena said that she was getting used to Starkz disappointing her. She should not have lost her ROH Women’s TV Title at Death Before Dishonor, and Athena had to revoke her Minion Status, and demote her to Minion-In-Training again. Suddenly, the person that took that title, Red Velvet arrived with Queen Aminata. They called out the cheating that occured at Death Before Dishonor. Aminata said that she went to the board of directors and booked a tag match for all four women, tonight.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Hyan

Valkyrie has had an interesting few months in ROH. She has been supporting her husband, Johnny TV, in his endeavours and having decent, but ultimately pointless matches within the Women’s Division. Is tonight the night she sets herself on a path to clashing with some of the heavy hitters in ROH? 

Hyan has been around ROH since 2021, but Valkyrie didn’t really respect her tenure, calling her “an embarrassment” to the crowd. Valkyrie had control over the match, landing some devastating knees to a prone Hyan in the corner. The two battled back and forth as “womens wrestling” chants broke out in the arena.

The sheer strength of Valkyrie was difficult for Hyan to keep up with and after a Shania Pain, Valkyrie pinned her for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Taya Valkyrie via Pinfall.

Backstage: Maria Kanellis, Griff Garrison, Spanish Announce Project

Backstage, Melissa Santos interviewd Griff Garrison and Maria backstage. Before it could begin though, the SAP arrived to interrupt. Serpentico and Angelico demanded one more match for custody of Serpentico’s old mask. Maria considered this and then agreed as long as Angelico was banned from ringside. Oh, and also, if he loses, Serpentico must unmask for the rest of his career! A confident SAP agreed to the stipulations.

ROH World Tag Team Championship
The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Capt. Shawn Dean) vs. The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) (c)

The challenge for this match came from the Infantry last week, interrupting another Kingdom promo about how there is no one in ROH who is on their level. Bravo and Dean have been on a hot streak lately, a look to be worth foes for the Champions. They entered in their X-Men themed gear too, which was really fun to see.

The Kingdom jumped the Infantry off of the Code of Honor, but they were able to dodge the attack and send Taven and Bennett to the outside. The Kingdom tried to walk away from the match, grabbing their belts and heading up the ramp, but the Infantry caught them and brought them back to the ring. Taven and Bravo ended up the legal men, and Dean jumped in for some double teaming.

Dean and Taven worked each other in the ring, neither holding back and both wanting to end things early. Numerous pins were attempted, but it was kickouts all around. Bennett tagged in and caught Bravo in a sleeper, but he managed to wriggle out. The Infantry stayed on the offensive though, until Taven reversed favor with big suplex on Bravo.

The Kingdom then tagged in and out, pounding away on an isolated Dean. There was much mocking and strutting from Bennett as Taven continued beating up Dean, until he tried to get a hot tag to Bravo. Bennett saw it coming though, and knocked him off the apron before the tag could be made.

Bravo finally tagged in and went for a big salute splash and pin, but Taven broken up the pinning attempt on Bennett. A miscommunication between the Champs left Bennett alone in the ring and Bravo and Dean tried to nail him with Boot Camp. Taven returned though and broke things up, distracting everyone so Bennett could punch Dean in the junk. A Hail Mary later and Bennett got the pin to retain the ROH Tag Titles in a really, really good match.

Winner: The Undisputed Kingdom via Pinfall to retain the ROH World Tag Team Championship.

Rachael Ellering vs. Brooke Havok

Not a lot has been said about Ellering lately. Ellering entered the inaugural ROH Women’s World Television Championship tournament earlier in the year, and faced her friend Leyla Hirsch in the first round but was unsuccessful. Havok was trained at the Nightmare Factory, so she wasn’t just a flash in the pan.

Ellering had a size and experience advantage over Havok, but but Havok was able to keep up with her off the top. Ellering seemed reluctant to really lay into Havok for some reason, but kept control of the match just the same. The crowd was absolutely dead for this, you could hear a pin drop.

Ellering managed to get agressive and bloody Havok’s nose. Havok drew some energy from this, but now that the gloves were off, Ellering had her right where she wanted her. An unnecessarily complicated dropkick attempt from Havok opened things up for Ellering, and she crushed her with a BossWoman Slam to get the win.

Winner: Rachael Ellering via Pinfall.

Backstage: Shane Taylor Promotions

The new ROH Pure Champion Lee Moriarty was joined backstage by Shane Taylor. Moriarty challenged Action Andretti to a match for the Pure Title to prove who was best. Taylor then called out Andretti’s friends Top Flight, saying they need to bring their best when they deal with Shane Taylor Promotions (now called STP apparently)

The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum) vs. Stephen Wolf & Barrett Brown

The Lambo Duo! The Speedboat Dreamboats! The Youngest Men Alive! Whatever you call them, Turbo and Magnum have made The Outrunners a household name amongst ROH fans and one would have to think will be in line for a Tag Title shot in the future. For this episode  though, the Kings of “Spin to Win” (whatever that means) were up against Wolf anf Brown, a relatively low-tier team on the ROH roster.

This match was the exact right amount of cheese and schmaltz that the Outrunners always bring. Lots of big slams, posing and dancing about. The crowd loved it. After a refusal from their opponents, Floyd and Magnum gave themselves a Code of Honor to start the match.

Wolf and Brown were in this match for one reason: to get absolutely beat up, thrown around and crushed to make the Outrunners look good. And that they did. I thought that Wolf was broken in half after a big clothesline. Brown didn’t fare much better, falling victim to Magnum using Floyd as a weapon. The Outrunners hit Total Recall and pinned Brown, clearing the way for much celebration.

Winner: The Outrunners via Pinfall.

Robbie Eagles vs. Darian Bengston

Darian Bengston is a wrestler. So is TMDK’s Robbie Eagles. Ergo, it makes sense to have them wrestle each other. That was about all there was to this match, story wise. Bengston, a Nightmare Factory graduate, also studied at the prestigious London School of Lucha Libre.

Eagles took control off the top, working a very technical style. Bengston was able to keep up, but it was obvious to see that he didn’t have the experience level of Eagles. He did have a speed advantage on Eagles, and that was apparent as the two ran the ropes, ending up with Bengston eating a big double kick.

Eagles set up Bengston in the corner for a Rock The Bells, an absolutely devastating set of knees to the face. Eagles kept going for a Ron Miller Special, but Bengston countered every time. Bengston proved himself to be a really hard hitting striker, but Eagles finally locked in the Ron Miller Special and Bengston was forced to tap out.

Winner: Robbie Eagles via Submission.

Tony Nese vs. Tomohiro Ishii

This was a clash of the two biggest small guys I’ve ever seen. Premier Athlete Nese is ripped to the heavens and The Conglomeration’s Ishii is such a brutal domineering force that his body swallowed his neck. It was like The Hulk fighting the Juggernaut and everyone was excited for it. Sterling announced that he had gotten the rest of the Conglomeration banned from ringside to keep the match one-on-one.

The match started with both men, well, hitting each other a bunch. Ishii’s chops reddened the chest of Nese who responded with punches of his own. Ishii just took it and begged for more. Sterling distracted the Ref and Diavari pulled Ishii off the apron to the outside. Nese distracted the ref while Diavari and Sterling beat up Ishii on the outside before throwing him back in.

Nese took advantage, putting a Chinlock on Ishii. What he didn’t count on though was Ishii’s lack of neck, rendering the hold useless. Ishii fought back and knocked Nese around with shoulder tackles and chops. Ishii went for the Brainbuster, which put Nese on his back for the pin.

Winner: Tomohiro Ishii via Pinfall.

Backstage: Rachael Ellering, Harley Cameron

Racheal Ellering was interviewed backstage about her win earlier in the night. Ellering was interrupted by Harley Cameron who had a suggestion for Ellering: Change everything.

Johnny TV vs. Fuego Del Sol

When we last saw TV, he was being eliminated from the 6-man Elimination match for the ROH TV Title at Death Before Dishonor. Outside of that match and his prior feud with Dalton Castle, TV really hasn’t really been doing much. Hopefully tonight’s bout would set him on a new course in ROH.

This match was very by-the-numbers. Aside from watching two great workers wrestler there really wasn’t much going on. Sol got in flurries of offence and TV heeled it up as only he can. Valkyrie caused distractions, and the couple made out a lot (TV and Valkyrie that is, not del Sol. Though that would have been a great twist).

TV locked a sleeper on del Sol but the luchadore fought out of it and delivered several high kicks to TV’s cranium. TV regained the momentum, but crotched himself on the ropes trying a superplex off the top turnbuckle. TV recovered and managed to set up Starship Pain and win the match.

Winner: Johnny TV via Pinfall.

Queen Aminata & Red Velvet vs. Billie Starkz & Athena

This unannounced main event was made earlier in the evening when tensions began to appear between Starkz and Athena. Aminata and Velvet were looking to end the Minion Reign for good, and it remained to be seen if a very dejected Starkz would be a help or hindrance in the match.

Athena soaked up the crowd’s adulation while Starkz sulked in the background. Athena started things off against Aminata, but immediately tagged in Starkz, avoiding Aminata altogether. Aminata and Starkz have history going back to the Women’s TV Title Tournament that Starkz won through trickery. Aminata didn’t forget and tossed Starkz around the ring while Athena disapproved in the corner.

Champion took on Champion as Velvet tagged in and peppered Athena with punches in the corner. Starkz cheered on her mentor and Athena tagged her in to lock in an armbar on Aminata and gnaw on her fingers behind the ref’s back. Starkz began to get a bit of her smile back ans she and Athena tagged in and out to beat up Aminata.

The match continued as Aminata planted Athena on her head. That brought in Starkz and Velvet, and Starkz bit Velvet’s arm. That enraged Aminata who tagged in and levelled Starkz. Athena tagged in and fall-away slammed Aminata AND Velvet at the same time! Starkz tagged in and tried to pin Aminata, but it was only two.

Athena called for Lexy to pass her a mic just like Death Before Dishonor, but Aminata intercepted it. The two had a tug of war over it, while Lexy handed the TV title to Starkz who hit Velvet with it to get the pin and win the match.

Winner: Billie Starkz & Athena via Pinfall.

Starkz may have made her way back into the good books, but Athena still refused to high-five her after the match, so she wasn’t out of the Minion Dog House yet.