Rich Swann Suspended by TNA & Entering Rehab After Disorderly Intoxication Arrest

TNA Wrestling reportedly recently suspended Rich Swann following his arrest for disorderly public intoxication this past June in Florida, according to Post Wrestling.

Brandon Thurston reported that Swann was arrested on June 8th in Altamonte Springs, Florida following an incident resulting in him being charged with disorderly public intoxication and causing a disturbance, which is a misdemeanor offense in the state.

Thurston reported that he was informed by TNA officials that Swann is entering a substance abuse rehab program as a result of his incident and arrest. TNA officials first learned of Swann’s arrest following being contacted by this past Monday for comment.

In a public arrest report filed with the Seminole County and obtained this week by Post Wrestling, an individual, who was later identified as Swann, was initially described as a “Black male wearing a black shirt and blue shorts, attempting to forcefully enter an apartment door at approximately 9:50 pm.”

In the report, a resident who called the police stated in a sworn statement that “I was getting into the shower when I heard a loud banging coming from the front door. When my son… started yelling for me to come to the door, I came out of the bathroom and heard the loud banging so I went to my room and grabbed my handgun. I announced that I had a gun and for whoever was banging on my door to leave.”

Swann reportedly allegedly started yelling back “This is my house” and the resident opened the door and showed his gun. Swann reportedly was stated to have reacted by backing up and leaving the property. In the report, the resident then contacted authorities and when police arrived at the scene, they were told by the resident that Swann had run away towards the nearby woods.

Thurston reported that Swann possibly mistook the apartment for his own home due to the address of the apartment is a short walk from his own address.

In the filing, the resident reportedly told the police officer that he did not want to press charges against Swann.

Thurston reported that police received another phone call shortly afterwards from a woman located in the same neighborhood. This woman reportedly told police in a sworn statement that she had gone to her son’s apartment to pick up apartment packages when she encountered Swann. This woman reportedly stated “I heard a male trying to talk to me. [Swann] started following me and I asked him to stop” and Swann responded stating “What do you mean stop following you?” This women stated “So I started running as he followed me up to my door but I managed to get inside and lock it before he could get in.

Officers reportedly located Swann near the area and took him into custody. Officers reportedly then escorted Swann back to the first apartment and used FaceTime to contact the resident who confirmed Swann was the person who had tried to force his way through the door.

In the police report, Swann was described as being incoherent and appearing to be intoxicated. The police officer stated that he smelled alcohol on Swann’s breath, his eyes were glassy, and his speech was slurred. The police officer stated in the report “I asked if Richard had any drinks containing alcohol. He stated that he did. When asked how many, he stated, ‘A lot.’ I asked Richard when did he start to drink and he told me around 1900 hours,” about three hours earlier. [Swann’s] actions while intoxicated caused multiple disturbances and his behavior caused several residents concern for their safety.”

Swann was stated in the police report to have been driven to the John E. Polk Correction Facility in Sanford, Florida. Swann reportedly was released the following day on a $250 bond based on court records.

Thurston reported that Swann filed an Affidavit of Indigency to the court, which is an application a defendant can use to claim they cannot afford an attorney and should be appointed a public defender. Swann’s application reportedly was denied by the court and charged $50. In the filing, Thurston reportedly that Swann appears to have indicated that he is homeless but other records indicate that he has a home address.

Thurston also reported that a pre-trial conference for Swann’s case has been scheduled for Wednesday in Sanford.

Thurston also reported that Swann had been charged with the same offense in September of 2022 following an arrest for allegedly causing a disturbance while intoxicated at the apartment complex where he lives.

In regards to TNA, Thurston reported that TNA officials first became aware of these incidents when they were reached for comment. In an official statement to Post Wrestling, TNA stated:

“TNA Wrestling takes any and all charges against its performers seriously. Rich Swann is responsible for his own personal actions.

He has informed TNA Wrestling that he is voluntarily entering into a substance abuse rehabilitation program. TNA Wrestling has suspended Rich pending the completion of its investigation into the incidents.”

Besides his suspension from TNA, Thurston reported that Swann is also pulling himself out of future indies bookings.

This was Swann’s third arrest in Florida since 2017 with the other involving him being arrested in December of 2017 in Gainesville during his time working for WWE. In regards to the 2017 arrest, Swann was charged false imprisonment and simple domestic battery, which is a felony for the former and a misdemeanor for the latter in the state of Florida. This arrest revolved around an incident in a car involving his wife and pro wrestler Su Yung. Charges against Swann were later dropped and WWE initially suspended Swann for two months before releasing him.