WWE NXT Notes: Results, Trick Williams Calls Out Ethan Page, Wren Sinclair Blackmails No Quarter Catch Crew Again, New Joe Hendry Video Airs, Card & Hendry Concert Set for 7/30 NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 1

WWE NXT Results – July 23, 2024

July 23, 2024
Orlando, FL – WWE Performance Center
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T

Quick Match Results

  1. No Disqualification match – Brooks Jensen defeated Josh Briggs via Spike DDT (pinfall)
    • Prior to the start of the match, Jensen attacked Briggs backstage as Briggs was preparing to make his entrance leading to them brawling to the ring and the referee calling for the bell to make the match official.
    • Near the end of the match, Briggs grabbed a chair and prepare to hit Jensen before hesitating. This led to Shawn Spears coming out and went on the apron yelling at Briggs to do it. Briggs dropped the chair and grabbed Spears resulting in Jensen picking up the chair and struck Briggs from behind. Jensen continued his attacks with a chair to Briggs and followed it with a spiked DDT onto the chair for the pinfall victory.
    • Following the match, Jensen left the ring and Spears put his hand on his shoulder pleased over Jensen’s chair attack actions.
  2. Eddy Thorpe defeated Lexis King via Impailer DDT (pinfall)
    • Near the end of the match, King attempted to hit The Coronation to Thorpe who countered by escaping out of King’s hold and hit the Impailer DDT for the pinfall victory.
    • Following the match, King attacked Thorpe sending him out of the ring and trapped Thorpe’s arm in the steel steps. This led to NXT officials rushing out trying to stop King who picked up his scepter and struck Thorpe’s hand resulting in Thorpe wailing around in pain.
  3. Oro Mensah defeated Ashante “Thee” Adonis via Leg Lariat (pinfall)
    • Prior to the match, Meta-Four’s Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson came out with Mensah to be in his corner.
    • Following the match, Mensah grabbed a microphone and gave a promo calling out Ethan Page and talked about what happened to Page last week and counted “1, 2, 3” multiple times.
  4. Wren Sinclair defeated Carlee Bright via Roll-up (pinfall)
    • Prior to the start of the match, Kendal Grey was with Bright to be in her corner and No Quarter Catch Crew were with Sinclair to be in her corner. The Tony D’Angelo Family came out and looked on from the NXT balcony.
    • Near the end of the match, Grey got into a confrontation with No Quarter Catch Crew on the outside after they interfered to help out Sinclair leading to Grey giving a T-Bone suplex to Myles Borne. Bright rolled up Sinclair for a set of near falls and attempted a splash that was dodged by Sinclair. Sinclair then rolled up Bright for the pinfall victory with some help by Charlie Dempsey while the referee was not looking.
    • Following the match, a very joyful Sinclair celebrated her victory with No Quarter Catch Crew who were not in a celebratory mood and Dempsey gave a look of instant regret over what he did since it meant Sinclair was going to stick around even longer with his group.
  5. Trick Williams defeated Cedric Alexander via Trick Shot (pinfall)
    • Following the match, Williams’ victory celebration was cut short by Pete Dunne who ran out and attacking Williams on the outside and tossed him back into the ring to lay him out.
  6. Meta-Four (Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend) defeated Karmen Petrovic & Sol Ruca via Modified Gory Special & DDT (pinfall)
    • Lash pinned Petrovic after hitting a modified Mone Maker to give Meta-Four the victory.
    • Following the match, Legend gave a promo issuing a challenge to Unholy Union’s Alba Fyre & Isla Dwan for their WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship at next week’s NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 1 show.
  7. Six-Man Tag Team match – The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz, Trey Miguel, & Wes Lee) defeated Axiom, Nathan Frazer, & Je’Von Evans via
    • Near the end of the match, Lee held onto Axiom on his knees as Miguel went to the top rope and hit a double foot stomp to Axiom. Miguel then hit a handspring double kick to Evans & Frazer knocking both of them off the apron. Wentz setup a standing moonsault that was assisted by Lee shoving him mid-air onto Axiom for the pinfall victory as Lee dove to the outside onto Evans and Frazer.
    • Following the match, The Rascalz and Axiom, Frazer, & Evans shook hands in the middle of the ring in appreciation of their hard fought match.

Trick Williams Calls Out Ethan Page Over His Promise to Regain NXT Title

Tuesday’s NXT show featured Trick Williams calling out Ethan Page claiming he will not stop his issues with Page until he gets his NXT Championship back.

At the start of the show, Williams was seen exiting his car in the dreaded NXT parking lot and made his way inside the venue. As he made his way backstage, Cedric Alexander asked Williams what he is doing, which Williams responded stating he appreciates Alexander’s advice but he won’t stop until he gets his NXT title back from Page. Ashante Thee Adonis showed up and stated that Trick won’t listen to him.

Williams then made his way out to the ring and stated that he does not feel the same since he lost his title. Williams stated that he had to talk to some OGs in the back and Page will see him again since he won’t stop until he gets his title back.

Williams was interrupted by Alexander who came out to the ring. Alexander stated that he did not want to do this in front of the whole world but the advice Williams asked for from him came from a good place. Williams responded stating that he appreciates Cedric but he is not stopping until he wins his title back. Alexander responded back stating that he is trying to make sure that Williams isn’t blinded by his passion.

This led to Adonis interrupting and came out to the ring. After some back-and-forth insults filled banter between Adonis and Williams, Williams brought up Adonis’ time in Hit Row as another dig at him. This led to Alexander stating that Trick is letting his emotions dictate his actions and told Adonis to go to the back so he can do what he has to do. This led to Williams and Adonis ignoring Alexander’s advice and continue their insults banter towards each other. An upset Alexander responded stated asking if he just heard Trick say that he was better than him and stated that Trick is mistaking his kindness for weakness. Alexander then challenged Williams to a match later tonight, which Williams accepted. Adonis responded that a Trick decision and a trick mistake leading to Williams responding punching Adonis and sending him out of the ring. Alexander and Williams then confronted each other in the ring and exchanged some words.

Wren Sinclair Threatens No Quarter Catch Crew Again to Join Their Group at Tuesday’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured Wren Sinclair threatening to spill her secret over what happened to Damon Kemp if No Quarter Catch Crew continued to refuse her demands to join their group.

During the show, No Quarter Catch Crew and Sinclair were seen backstage with the Tony D’Angelo Family. Charlie Dempsey asked Tony D’Angelo about a mystery letter he received which stated “I know what you did.” D’Angelo responded being puzzled over the letter leading to Sinclair revealing that the letter was from her. Dempsey asked D’Angelo to resolve it and D’Angelo responded stating to let her have what she wants. Sinclair then threatened Dempsey that it would be of his best interest to help her out during her match or they would not know what she would say, implying she would spill the beans on them being responsible for Kemp’s disappearance and being killed off.

In a follow-up segment, Dempsey helped Sinclair win her match against Carlee Bright and immediately regretted his decision since it meant Sinclair was going to stick around even longer with No Quarter Catch Crew and not stop with her blackmailing to join the group.

New Joe Hendry Video Airs & Hendry Concert Announced for Next Week’s Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured WWE airing a new video featuring Joe Hendry that was narrated by Hendry.

At the end of the video, Hendry announced that he will be making an appearance at next week’s NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 1 show. Hendry stated that he will be performing a live concert on the show.

Current Card for Next Week’s NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 1 Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured three new matches and a Joe Hendry concert announced for the card of next week’s NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 1 show on July 30th on SYFY.

These matches were made following promo segments and match card graphics throughout the show.

Current card for July 30th NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 1 show:

  • NXT Women’s Championship – Thea Hail vs. Roxanne Perez (c)
  • NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship – Meta-Four (Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend) vs. Unholy Union (Alba Frye & Isla Dawn) (c)
  • NXT Heritage Cup Championship – Tavion Heights vs. Tony D’Angelo (c)