WWE NXT Notes: Results, Joe Hendry Appears Again & Reveals He’s Sticking Around in NXT, NXT Great American Bash 2024 to be Two Week Special, Roxanne Perez Calls Out Giulia & Stephanie Vaqer, 7/23 Show Card

WWE NXT Results – July 16, 2024

July 16, 2024
Orlando, FL – WWE Performance Center
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T

Quick Match Results

  1. The Rascalz (Wes Lee, Trey Miguel, & Zachary Wentz) defeated Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark & Joe Coffey) via Double Team Burning Hammer & Double Foot Stomp combo (pinfall)
    • During the match, Joe Hendry’s music played and came out to the announcer’s table for some mid-match guest commentary.
    • Lee pinned Joe Coffey after Miguel & Wentz hit a double Cheeky Nandos kicks to Joe and hoisted him up on their shoulders for Lee to hit an assisted Burning Hammer & double foot stomp combo for the victory for his team.
  2. Je’Von Evans defeated Brooks Jensen via Springboard Cutter (pinfall)
    • Prior to the start of the match, Josh Briggs came out alongside with Jensen to be in his corner. Jensen stopped Briggs stating that he did not need him and Briggs stated that he had vouched for him and continued walking together to the ring.
    • Near the end of the match, Shawn Spears came out and watched from the ramp leading to Jensen getting distracted. After some chatter between Jensen & Briggs on the outside over Spears, Evans hit a dive to Jensen laying him out. After both got back into the ring, Evans hit a springboard cutter to Jensen for the pinfall victory.
    • Following the match, Evans’ victory celebration was cut short by Jensen attacking him from behind. This led to a furious Briggs pulling Jensen away and yelled at him saying that his job was on the line while Jensen ignored him and walked to the back.
  3. NXT Championship – “All Ego” Ethan Page (c) defeated Dante Chen via Ego’s Edge (pinfall)
    • Following the match, Oro Mensah ran out from the crowd and attacked Page only for Page to quickly beat up Mensah in return. Page then mocked Mensah and left the ring only for Mensah to regain his senses and attacked Page on the outside. Mensah then tossed Page back into the ring and laid him out. Mensah then taunted Page by pinning him showing that he is good enough to beat Page despite what Page had said about him earlier to NXT GM Ava.
  4. Tatum Paxley defeated Izzi Dame via Psycho Trap (pinfall)
    • During the match, Wendy Choo came out to ringside holding a black pillow and watched on.
    • Following the match, Tatum and Choo had a staredown at ringside leading to Tatum walking towards Choo, who responded pulling out Paxley’s headless doll. Paxley smiled and placed the doll’s head back on it and was given the doll back by Choo who left afterwards.
  5. Lola Vice defeated Jacy Jayne via Backfist (pinfall)
    • Prior to the start of the match, Jazmyn Nyx came out with Jayne to be in her corner.
    • Following the match, Fallon Henley ran out from the crowd and attacked Vice leading to Nyx & Jayne joining in on the attack. This led to Sol Ruca & Karmen Petrovic running out to save Vice and cleared the ring of Jayne, Nyx, & Henley.
  6. 6-Person Mixed Tag Team match – The O.C. (Michin, Karl Anderson, & Doc Gallows) defeated OTM (Jaida Parker, Lucien Price, & Bronco Nima) via Magic Killer (pinfall)
    • Near the end of the match, Anderson hit a spinebuster to Price leading to Parker kicking Anderson in return. This led to Michin sending Parker out of the ring and hit an Eat Defeat to Nima while the referee was not looking. Michin then hit a suicide dive to Parker on the outside while Gallows kicked Nima and tagged in Anderson. Gallows & Anderson then hit the Magic Killer to Nima for the pinfall victory.
  7. NXT North American Championship – Oba Femi (c) defeated Duke Hudson via Pop-up Powerbomb (pinfall)
    • Prior to the start of the match, Chase U’s Andre Chase, Thea Hail, Ridge Holland, & Riley Osborne came out with Hudson to be in his corner.

Joe Hendry Narrates His Return Appearance on Last Week’s Show & Reveals He’s Sticking Around in NXT

Tuesday’s NXT show featured TNA Wrestling talent Joe Hendry making a surprise appearance and narrating his return appearance at last week’s show.

During the show, Hendry made another surprise appearance and came out during the Rascalz’s six-man tag team match against Gallus.

Following the Rascalz’s victory over Gallus, Hendry mocked Gallus stating that had they believed in him more, maybe they would have won. This was in response to Joe Coffey and Gallus bashing Hendry and TNA Wrestling during their pre-match backstage walk to the ring. Before Hendry could finish what he was saying, a video aired recapping Hendry’s appearance on last week’s show that was narrated by Hendry.

In a follow-up segment, Gallus were seen backstage complaining about their loss to The Rascalz earlier and Joe Coffey complaining about Hendry going as far as to say his name out loud. This led to Hendry’s theme playing and him showing up next to them. Hendry confronted Gallus and revealed they better get used to seeing him around since he is here to stay in NXT. This led to Coffey putting his head in hands over being upset at the news as Hendry walked away.

NXT Great American Bash 2024 Announced as Two Week Special

As noted before, WWE recently announced that this year’s NXT Great American Bash 2024 special will be taking place on August 6th.

During tonight’s show, NXT announcer Vic Joseph revealed that this year’s NXT Great American special will actually be a two week special taking place on July 30th and August 6th on SYFY.

Roxanne Perez Calls Out Giulia & Stephanie at Tuesday’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez calling out Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer.

During the show, Perez came out to the ring and grabbed a microphone. Perez asked what will it take for everyone to treat her like the champion she is? Perez stated that she beat the biggest badass last week and she added another name to her resume. Perez stated that you would think she would be getting her flowers and claimed that you are witnessing greatness. Perez then bashed Lola Vice stating that they gave the loser Vice a standing ovation. Perez stated that it should have been her and that you don’t deserve a generational talent like her. After some more boasting about her achievements and comparing herself to Charlotte Flair, Perez stated that she will beat all of the records. Perez then stated that what pisses her off is that everyone is talking about how Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer will take care of her. Perez stated that they might as well roll out the red carpet because no one can compete with her. Perez then turned her attention towards Thea Hail stating that she can not believe that Hail is her next opponent. Perez stated that Thea has as much chance to beat her as Duke has of beating Oba Femi.

This led to Hail coming out to the ring and stated that Roxanne says everyone owes her respect. Hail stated that Perez is owed nothing and she barely won at Heatwave. Hail then stated that she used to look up to Roxanne and thought they weren’t much different. After some more words, Hail told Perez to rewrite the history book but hand her the pen to write Thea Hail as one of the youngest Women’s Champions.

Perez responded mocking Hail calling her brave for not coming out with her “chaperones” and stated that as long as she holds this title, it won’t be Hail’s time or anyone else’s time. Perez stated that she knows what it is like to lose a shot at the title and then spiral out of control. Perez then mentioned how Mr. Chase threw in the towel for Hail and stated that this championship is for big girls, not girls. Perez then insulted Hail stating that “you can go on and on about being a grown ass woman but you are a little girl.” This led to a brawl breaking out between the two and Perez and Hail rolling each other on the mat trying to lock the other in their respective crossface and Kimura Lock submissions. This led to Ridge Holland running out and pulled Hail off of Perez and Perez leaving the ring.

Current Card for Next Week’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured two new matches announced for the card of next week’s show on July 23rd.

These matches were setup following promos and segments throughout the show.

Current card for July 23rd NXT show:

  • Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King
  • Mensah Oro vs. Ashante “Thee” Adonis