WWE NXT Notes: Results, Ethan Page Gives 1st Speech as NXT Champ, Ava Give Brooks Jensen 2nd Chance in NXT, The Rascalz Surprise Appearance & Reunites MSK with Wes Lee, 7/16 Show Card, Joe Hendy Surprise Return

WWE NXT Results – July 9, 2024

July 9, 2024
Orlando, FL – WWE Performance Center
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T

Quick Match Results

  1. Karmeen Petrovic defeated Arianna Grace via Spinning Roundhouse Kick (pinfall)
    • During the match, Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx came out to ringside to watch.
    • Following the match, Petrovic’s celebration was cut short by Fallon Henley who ran out from the crowd and attacked Petrovic. Henley then walked up to Jayne and Nyx and stated that she was sick of these rookies.
  2. NXT Hertiage Cup Championship – Tony D’Angelo (c) defeated Lexis King, 2 points to 1 point
    • The D’Angelo Family were the corner people for D’Angelo while King had nobody in his corner. Eddy Thorpe was revealed to be the special guest DJ to play music in between the rounds.
    • D’Angelo scored the first point after hitting the Fuggedaboutit to King for the pinfall in the second round.
    • King tied up the score at one point each after hitting The Coronation to D’Angelo for the pinfall in the third round.
    • D’Angelo scored the decisive point after hitting a spinebuster to King for the pinfall victory to retain his title.
  3. Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey) defeated Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont via Leaping Boot Strike & F-5 combo (pinfall)
    • Wolfgang pinned Igwe after Gallus hit a double team leaping boot strike and F-5 combination.
  4. Thea Hail defeated Izzi Dame via Kimura Lock (submission)
    • Prior to the start of the match, Chase U came out with Hail to be in her corner.
    • During the match, Tatum Paxley came out from the crowd to watch Dame.
    • Following the match, Hail’s victory celebration with Chase U was cut short by Oba Femi who talked about Duke Hudson challenging him next week for the NXT North American Championship. Femi stated that he will destroy Hudson next week leading to Hudson responding back giving a rallying speech and stating that he will give Femi the biggest Andre Chase University Ass Whooping.
  5. OTM (Lucien Price & Bronco Nima) defeated The O.C. (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) via Double Team Modified Spinebuster (pinfall)
    • Prior to the start of the match, Jaida Parker came out alongside OTM to be in their corner.
    • During the match, Michin came out from the crowd and got into a heated confrontation with Parker that was broken up by NXT officials and security rushing out.
    • Nima pinned Anderson after OTM hit a double team modified spinebuster for the victory.
  6. Sol Ruca defeated Fallon Henley via Disqualification
    • Near the end of the match, Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx ran out and attacked Ruca resulting in the referee calling for the bell.
    • Following the match, Jayne and Nyx continued their attack ending after Nyx laid out Ruca with a Pele Kick. Fallon, Jayne, and Nyx left the ring and looked on pleased at what they had done to Ruca.
  7. Trick Williams & Joe Hendry defeated “All Ego” Ethan Page & Shawn Spears via Standing Ovation (pinfall)
    • During the match, Oro Mensah ran out and attacked Page at ringside leading to Mensah chasing Page out through the crowd and leaving Spears all alone on his team as a result.
    • Hendry pinned Spears after Williams hit a Trick Knee to Spears on the outside and tossed him back into the ring for Hendry to hit the Standing Ovation.

Ethan Page Gives First Speech as New NXT Champion

Tuesday’s NXT show featured “All Ego” Ethan Page giving his first speech as the new NXT Champion.

At the start of the show, Page came out to the ring holding his newly won NXT Championship and flanked by security. Page stated six weeks was all it took for him to take over the entire brand. Page stated that for him to accomplish something that miraculous in such a short time, it would take determination and adaptability. Page then stated being a world class athlete and having a huge ego helps. After some more words mocking the fans faces at the end of Heatwave and how everyone in this room and locker room hates him, Page stated that this was why he has security around the ring with him. Page stated that this keeps any “overzealous degenerates” from coming to the ring after him and he does not have time for delinquents. This led to Oro Mensah running out only to be quickly stopped by security and taken away. After some more words, Page talked about how he got to go home to main event “one of the greatest shows in NXT history and he walked out as champion. Page stated that he promises as your NXT Champion that none of these “outsiders” will come to NXT and ruin what we have. After some more words, Page directed his attention towards Trick Williams and proclaimed The Whoop That Era is officially done and we have entered the Era of Ego.

This led to Williams’ music playing and him being in a foul mood coming out. Williams first congratulated Page for the getting the win at Heatwave bit stated that he will get even with his rematch. Williams then demanded to get his rematch tonight. This led to Page responding back rambling on about Williams and denied his request.

This led to Shawn Spears music playing and him coming out to the ring. Spears stated that Page owes him a thank you and and if he did not have his view obstructed at the end of the match, you would not have won. Spears then insulted Williams calling him a “goofy ass” and losing the belt without being pinned. Spears stated that he tried to tell Trick would what happen and he can’t let him get a rematch. Spears then told Williams to get to the back of the line.

This led to Je’Von Evans music playing and made his way out to the ring. Evans told Spears and Page to both shut up and stated that he knocked both of them out and pinned them and almost became the new champion. Evans stated that he shot his shot and claimed he is going to do this again. Evans also stated that he isn’t waiting for anyone. Evans then punched Page leading to a brawl breaking out between all four guys that ended with Page and Spears being sent out of the ring and Evans and Williams standing tall.

Ava Gives Brooks Jensen Second Chance for His NXT Career at Tuesday’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured Brooks Jensen having a meeting with NXT General Manager Ava and being granted a second chance for his WWE NXT career.

During the show, Jensen was seen in Ava’s office for a meeting that NXT head official Shawn Michaels had setup last week. Ava told Jensen that his actions have been out of line, which Jensen responded apologizing to her and Michaels for what he did. Jensen stated that he got lost and out of control and he is not here to make any excuses and he owns up to his actions. Ava responded stating the life and job are not easy and there is a lot of ups and downs and highs and lows. Jensen responded back stating that this is all he wanted to do as a second generation superstar and Ava knows this. Ava responded stating that her and Michaels wanted to release Jensen but a few people vouched for him so they will give him a second chance. Jensen responded thanking Ava and stating that Ava won’t regret this. Ava responded back telling Jensen that he is a Superstar 24/7 and he has to hold himself that way. Ava and Jensen shook hands to end their meeting.

In a follow-up segment, Jensen was seen backstage attacking Je’Von Evans leading to NXT officials and Josh Briggs coming out to stop it. Briggs pulled Jensen off of Briggs and yelled at him asking Jensen what he is doing since he had vouched for him. Jensen responded stating that he is just making an impact.

In another follow-up segment, Jensen and Briggs were seen with an upset Ava in her office. Ava yelled at Jensen for attacking Evans earlier and letting down everyone who vouched for him. Ava stated that if Evans is able to recover by next week, it will be Jensen and Evans in a match. Briggs responded stating that he will be there with Jensen leading to Jensen rejecting Briggs offer and stated that he will do it alone.

The Rascalz Make Surprise Appearance & Reunite with Wes Lee on Tuesday’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured TNA tag team The Rascalz, Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel, making a surprise appearance in NXT.

During the show, Wes Lee came out to the ring to address his future in NXT following his loss to Oba Femi for the NXT North American title at NXT Heatwave 2024. Lee stated that he has had a rough couple of days and he went into Heatwave believing he could beat Oba Femi and get back his North American title. Lee stated that everyone saw what happened and Femi was the better man. Lee stated that the match was not the only thing he put everything into and he knew what his goal was when he got out of surgery, which he revealed being to “beat the unbeatable.” After some more words, Lee stated that is not what happened and he does not know where to go from here. Lee stated that he has been beaten before but this was different. Lee stated that he has had one hell of a run in NXT but he has to be honest with everyone and himself. Lee stated that it is time for …

Before Lee could finish, The Rascalz made their surprise appearance and came out to the ring. Lee asked The Rascalez what they are doing here leading to Wentz responding back stating he wants to know what Wes is doing here. Wentz stated that no one wants to see him go. Miguel responded stating that they miss him so much and he can’t believe that they are here. After some more words from Lee and Wentz, Miguel responded stating that they were the best tag team in this building and stated it is time to get MSK back together. Wentz responded stating that it was also time for The Rascalz to wreck shop around here. The Rascalz and Lee then gave a group hut to each other.

Current Card for July 16th NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured two new matches announced for next week’s NXT show on July 16th.

These matches were setup following promos and match card graphic segments throughout the show.

The first new match announced was a NXT North American Championship match of Duke Hudson vs. Oba Femi (c).

The second new match announced was a Six-Man Tag Team match of Gallus (Wolgang & Joe & Mark Coffey) vs. The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz, Trey Miguel, & Wes Lee).

Current card for July 16th NXT show:

  • NXT North American Championship match of Duke Hudson vs. Oba Femi (c)
  • Gallus (Wolgang & Joe & Mark Coffey) vs. The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz, Trey Miguel, & Wes Lee)

Joe Hendry Makes Another Surprise Appearance at Tuesday’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show featured TNA talent Joe Hendry making another surprise appearance in NXT.

During the show, Ethan Page, Shawn Spears, Trick Williams, and Je’Von Evans got into a verbal confrontation over their NXT Championship Fatal Four-way match at NXT Heatwave 2024. This confrontation turned physically resulting in a tag team match being made for the show’s main event involving Williams & Evans teaming up against Page & Spears.

In a follow-up segment, Brooks Jensen attacked Evans backstage leading to the announcement of Evans was not cleared to compete in the tag team match.

In another follow-up segment, Williams was interviewed backstage by Kelly Kincaid for some words about needing to find a new tag partner. Williams responded back in a heated tone stating that Jensen did Evans dirty and no one is going to stop him since he would take them two on one. Williams then had a second thought and stated that he would go look for a tag partner. After Williams left, Hendry briefly flashed on the video screen in the background.

In two follow-up segments, Gallus and Mr. Stone both referenced “say his name” as a teaser of Hendry appearing soon. Joe Coffey mentioned it during Gallus’ backstage confrontation with MSK while Stone referenced it during his talk with Ava and Stevie Turner in Ava’s office.

Prior to the start of the main event tag team match, Ethan Page came way out to the ring to be with Shawn Spears who was already in the ring waiting for him. Williams was the next to come out and after he made his way to the ring, Hendry’s music played and he came out to a loud ovation from the crowd.

This was Hendry’s first in-person appearance in NXT since the June 18th NXT show.