WWE NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 1 Notes: Results, Pete Dunne Explains His Issues with Trick Williams, Joe Hendry Gives Concert Mocking Gallus & Gallus Responds, Card for 8/6 Great American Bash 2024 Week 2 Show

WWE NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 1 Results – July 30, 2024

July 30, 2024
Orlando, FL – WWE Performance Center
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T

Quick Match Results

  1. WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship – Unholy Union (Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn) (c) defeated Meta-Four (Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend) via Gory Bomb & Flatliner combo (pinfall)
    • Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah came out with Jackson & Legend to be in their corner.
    • Dawn pinned Jackson after Unholy Union hit their double team Gory Bomb and Flatliner finisher for the victory to retain the titles.
    • Following the match, Mensah went into the ring to console Jackson & Legend only to be interrupted by Ethan Page who came out and mocked Meta-Four’s loss. Page stated he hopes Meta-Four restores the favor and console Mensah when he loses next week. Page got into the ring and told Mensah that this will be the best look you get at the NXT Championship. Page then took a swing at Mensah with the belt only for Mensah to duck and rolled up Page as Legend and Jackson counted to three. Meta-Four then left the ring celebrating while Page looked on in frustration.
  2. NXT Heritage Cup Championship – Tony D’Angelo (c) defeated Tavion Heights, 2 points to 1 point
    • No Quarter Catch Crew came out with Heights and the D’Angelo Family came out with D’Angelo to be their corner people for the match.
    • Following the end of the scoreless first round, Wren Sinclair was seen in the crowd cheering for Heights and No Quarter Catch Crew.
    • D’Angelo scored the first point after hitting the Fuggedaboutit to Heights for the pinfall in the third round. This led to Sinclair getting into the ring and shoved Myles Borne away and gave a berated pep talk to Heights to pump him up for the next round.
    • Heights tied up the score at one point each after hitting a belly-to-belly suplex to D’Angelo in the fourth round. Following the end of the round, Sinclair and Borne were seen arguing with Charlie Dempsey at ringside over Sinclair asking to be put in his group and Borne being against it. This led to Heights being distracted for the start of the fifth round.
    • D’Angelo scored the decisive point after hitting a spinebuster to Heights for the pinfall victory to retain his title.
  3. Cedric Alexander defeated Brooks Jensen via Lumbar Check (pinfall)
    • During the match, Shawn Spears came out to ringside to watch on in support of Jensen.
    • Near the end of the match, Brooks hit a Gourdbuster to Alexander on the announcer’s table and attempted to hit a Harlem Hangover style dive to Alexander only for Alexander to dodge away and Jensen slamming his leg hard onto the announcer’s table. Alexander tossed Jensen back into the ring and hit a Lumbar Check for the pinfall victory.
  4. Jaida Parker defeated Kendal Grey via Hipnotic (pinfall)
    • Carlee Bright came out with Grey and OTM’s Lucien Price & Bronco Nima came out with Parker to be in their respective corners for the match.
    • During the match, Myles Borne & Wren Sinclair came out leading to Borne confronting Bright over what happened to him the last time he was around Bright & Grey. This led to Grey getting out of the ring and hit an overhead suplex to Borne sending him into the barricade for the second time in as many weeks.
  5. Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, & Jazmyn Nyx defeated Karmen Petrovic, Sol Ruca, & Lola Vice via Fisherman TKO (pinfall)
    • Near the end of the match, Nyx hit a Pele Kick to Petrovic and tagged in Jayne who hit a discus forearm strike to Petrovic and followed it by tagging in Henley and hit a big boot to Ruca sending her off the apron. Henley then hit a Fisherman TKO to Petrovic for the pinfall victory as Jayne prevented Vice from getting back into the ring to break it up.
  6. NXT Women’s Championship – Roxanne Perez (c) defeated Thea Hail via Pop Rox (pinfall)
    • Chase U came out with Hail to be in her corner for the match.
    • Near the end of the match, Hail attempted a Kimura Lock to Perez who escaped the hold by grabbing the ring apron. This led to Perez poking Hail in the eye while the referee was distracted fixing the apron and followed it with a Saito Suplex. Perez then attempted an uppercut to Hail who dodged it causing Perez to be sent into the post. Hail then locked in a Kimura to Perez leading to Perez rolling to the ropes and sending both out of the ring. Perez then shoved Hail to the steel steps and followed it sending Hail shoulder first into the steps again. Perez then tossed Hail back into the ring and locked in a crossface to Hail who managed to counter it with a roll-up for the near fall. Hail then locked in a Kimura to Perez who countered it with a crossface leading to Hail trying to reach the ropes and Perez putting her foot on the ropes for leverage to roll over. Perez then hit the Pop Rox to Hail for the pinfall victory to retain her title.
    • Following the match, Perez celebrated her victory while Hail and the rest of Chase U looked on dejected.

Pete Dunne Explains His Bad Blood Issues with Trick Williams in NXT

Tuesday’s NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 1 show featured Pete Dunne giving his reasons for his current bad blood issues with Trick Williams in NXT.

During the show, Dunne was seen seated in a room backstage. Dunne talked about how he has been wrestling for eighteen years and sees grown men who can not handle not being able to get it done. Dunne stated that the first time he went to someone for advice, he got a horrible nickname. This led to footage of Dunne as “Butch” being shown. Dunne then stated that he was put in front of the Sheamus show and talked about how he is no longer with the Brawling Brutes. Dunne then stated that Tyler Bate is resting at home, which led to footage shown of Bate recovering from his torn pec injury. Bate then turned his attention towards Trick and stated “Trick, you can’t figure it out.” Dunne talked about being robbed on a bus and no one came to his help. Dunne stated that he knew he had to do it on his own and he will figure it out. Dunne stated “Trick, you say you are the face of NXT” and brought up his victories over Ilja Dragunov and Carmelo Hayes. Dunne stated that you should be able to know what to do. Dunne then stated next week I will show you what to do, revealing that a match between the two has been set for next week’s NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 2 show.

Joe Hendry Gives Live Concert Ridiculing Gallus & Gallus Responds with Beatdown

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured Joe Hendry performing his first ever Joe Hendry Concert in WWE.

During the show, Hendry was seen holding a guitar and seated in the ring. Hendry welcomes everyone to his first ever Joe Hendry Concert in WWE and stated he knew hew had to create something special for this crowd. Hendry stated that this would be a song that almost everyone will love.

Hendry started to sing and first talked about making things better for everyone in NXT and Booker T being the President of his fan club. Hendry then turned his attention towards Gallus and proceeded to ridicule the group and saying that Joe Coffey is the son of Dutch Mantel and Gallus got deported for having awful facial hair.

After he was done with his song, Hendry stated that it was time for an encore. Before anything else could happen, Gallus interrupted and made their way out to the ring. Joe Coffey stated that there will be no encore and called Hendry a flash in the pan and a one trick pony. Coffey stated that if he hears that song one more time, someone is getting dead. After some more words by Coffey, Hendry attacked Gallus only for Gallus to quickly regain the advantage due to their numbers. Wolfgang and Mark Coffey held up Hendry as Joe grabbed a guitar and whacked Hendry in the back laying him out.

In a follow-up segment, an angry Hendry was interviewed as he walked out of the venue and talked about his frustrations over what Gallus did ruining his concert. Hendry then issued a challenge to Joe Coffey for a match at next week’s show, which was confirmed for the show afterwards.

Current Card for Next Week’s NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 2 Show

Tuesday’s NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 1 show also featured four new matches announced for the card of next week’s Great American Bash 2024 Week 2 show on August 8th.

All of these matches were setup following promos, a contract signing segment, and match card graphics being shown.

Current card for August 6th WWE NXT Great American Bash 2024 Week 2 show:

  • NXT Championship – Oro Mensah vs. Ethan Page (c)
  • NXT Tag Team Championship – MSK (Zachary Wentz & Wes Lee) vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c)
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship – Tatum Paxley vs. Kelani Jordan (c)
  • Joe Hendry vs. Joe Coffey