ROH TV Results – July 25, 2024 – Dark Order vs. The Von Erichs

July 25, 2024
Arlington, TX – Esports Stadium Arlington
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Arya Witner of

Quick Match Results

  1. Blackpool Combat Club defeated Shane Taylor Promotions via Lariat (pinfall)
  2. Gates of Agony defeated Spanish Announce Project via Open The Gate (pinfall)
  3. EJ Nduka defeated Jon Cruz via Exodus (pinfall)
  4. Johnny TV & Shane Taylor defeated Atlantis Jr. & Lio Rush via Marcus Garvey Driver (pinfall)
  5. Abadon defeated Dulce Tormenta via Black Dahlia (pinfall)
  6. 10-Man Tag Team match – Top Flight, Action Andretti, Fuego Del Sol, & Komander defeated The Iron Savages, Anthony Henry, & Nick Comoroto via Crossover Frog Splash (pinfall)
  7. The Von Erichs defeated The Dark Order via Lariat (pinfall)

Video: Mark Briscoe, Undisputed Kingdom

The show starts with video of Roderick Strong pinning Tomohiro Ishii from Collision last week and then being confronted by Mark Briscoe. That segued into a quick Blood and Guts recap and a backstage promo by Mark Briscoe where he was confronted by Mike Bennett. Bennett told Briscoe there are more important things than wrestling. Of course this was all a set up so Matt Taven could attack him from behind. Roderick Strong told him he may be ROH Champion now, but he’ll never be Mr. ROH.

Backstage: Undisputed Kingdom, Paul Wight

Lexy Nair interviewed Bennett and Taven, who don’t have opponents for Death Before Dishonor. Bennett said TK hasn’t been answering his messages, so they must be getting the day off. Taven was in the middle of thanking TK when Paul Wight walked in with good news and bad news. The good news is Wight is now on the ROH Board of Directors. The bad news is because of the shenanigans they have pulled, they will now defend at Death Before Dishonor against Ishii and Kyle O’Reilly.

Shane Taylor Promotions (Anthony Ogogo & Lee Moriarty) vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta)

Just a reminder, Yuta is the ROH Pure Champion and apparently they are now babyfaces because Claudio is slapping the fans hands. Tomorrow is Yuta vs Moriarty.

Moriarty and Yuta start and we get some nice wrestling with a lot of mirror spots. Yuta has a really nice armdrag. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but I will always appreciate a good armdrag. Ogogo tagged in and demanded Claudio tag in as well, so of course, Claudio obliged. Ogogo hit a punch to the liver, but Claudio quickly took back over and tagged out. Thanks to a distraction by Moriarty, Ogogo got the heat on Yuta. Yuta played babyface in peril really well and the crowd popped a little for the Claudio hot tag as the former ROH Champ ran wild on Moriarty. Claudio went for The Big Swing, but Moriarty fought and made the ropes. Claudio ran around the outside with a European Uppercut to Moriarty and fell through the barricade, which hadn’t been properly secured. Ogogo took back over, but missed his Discuss Punch and got hit with a pop up uppercut, but the fall was broken up by Moriarty. A 4-way broke out, highlighted by a Yuta Suicide Dive to Moriarty. Finally Claudio used The Big Swing on Ogogo and pinned him after a lariat in around 13 minutes.

Winner: Blackpool Combat Club via Pinfall.

After the match, Yuta and Moriarty had to be separated, but Shane Taylor punched Yuta in the jaw.

In-Ring: Lexy Nair, Red Velvet, Queen Aminata, Athena, Billie Starkz

Lexy Nair was in the ring to introduce the challengers in the Women’s title matches at Death Before Dishonor: Queen Aminata and Red Velvet. Aminata challenges Athena for the Women’s World Title and Velvet faces Billie Starkz for the TV Title. This was actually taped last night at Dynamite, while the opener happened last Saturday.

Lexy asked Velvet a question and then pulled the microphone away. Then she asked Aminata how she sleeps last night after what she did to Athena and pulled the mic away again. This time Aminata ripped the mic away and said the bitch got what she deserved.

This brought out Athena, who was carried to the ring by an ROH staff member. Athena hobbled into the ring and got held up by Lexy. Athena said Lexy did her best, but these two are too uncultured to do an interview segment. Athena said ever since she beat the tar out of those two, they were nothing but tyrants and bullies. Athena noted they called her Ashy and called Billie “trashy”. Athena said Aminata is not ready for the opportunity she usurped and the two of them are raggedy ass lot lizards. This brought out Billie Starkz, who attacked the challengers from behind. Billie is wearing matching gear and Lexy took off Athena’s boot because of course she’s not actually injured.

Ultimately the champions laid out the challengers leading into tomorrow.

Spanish Announce Project (Serpentico & Angelico) vs. Gates of Agony (Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun)

This was a lot more competitive than I expected it to be. Actually, Angelico and Serpentico got a lot of offense on Bishop Kaun. Of course, the Gates finally took over and specifically on Angelico. Serpentico eventually got the hot tag and did a flying crossbody to Toa, but got caught and dropped with a powerslam. That was probably a Pobody’s Nerfect moment, as they pretty much immediately ignored it and Serpentico ran wild for a few seconds, before he got cut off and pinned after Open The Gates.

Winner: Gates of Agony via Pinfall.

Jon Cruz vs. EJ Nduka

Nduka is like a foot taller than Cruz. Apparently he’s a legitimate 6’8 and I believe it. Nduka held Cruz up for a vertical suplex and held him there for around 10 seconds before tossing him. He did it a second time for a count of 11 from the crowd. Nduka used Snake Eyes and a flying shoulder tackle, called The Hammer, before picking up the win with Exodus, which is a spinning back suplex.

Winner: EJ Nduka via Pinfall.

Video: MxM Collection

We got a video package for the MXM Collection, who will debut tomorrow at Death Before Dishonor.

Johnny TV & Shane Taylor vs. Atlantis Jr. & Lio Rush

The bell rings, but the match can’t start until TV and Taya make out. Taya gets on the apron to yell at Lio Rush, but he runs at her, so she falls off into Johnny’s arms, but then Johnny has to drop her, as Lio is flying through the ropes at him. Taylor got tired of the shenanigans and booted Lio’s head off. Atlantis got in and worked really well with TV. Rush was in with Taylor and it honestly looked ridiculous with the size difference that Taylor needed interference by Taya on the floor to cut Lio off. Taylor slapped around Lio and bad mouthed him in the corner, which got the crowd to react, but they were yelling for Taylor to slap him around more. Taylor did mockingly get the crowd to chant for Lio briefly, however. We had a bit of a contrived spot where Lio rushed between Shane’s legs and then had to literally stop because it wasn’t time to make the hot tag yet and Johnny TV, who blind tagged in, needed to to get in the ring, run across and cut him off. Of course, seconds later, TV was playing to the audience and let Atlantis get the tag. A 4-way breaks out and Lio did this neat move where he bounced off the bottom ropes with his thighs and hit a Stunner. Finally Atlantis accidentally superkicked Lio and got pinned by Taylor after a Package Piledriver.

Winner: Johnny TV & Shane Taylor via Pinfall.

Abadon vs. Dulce Tormenta

Well if the show had ended, I wouldn’t have gotten to see my favorite non-binary wrestler win a squash match. Dulce got to do a little bit, but Abadon got the win with a Black Dahlia.

Winner: Abadon via Pinfall.

10-Man Tag Team Match
The Iron Savages (Boulder, Bronson, & Jacked Jameson), Anthony Henry, & Nick Comoroto vs. Top Flight (Darius & Dante Martin), Action Andretti, Fuego Del Sol, & Komander

This is Fuego’s first AEW match since February 2023. Well, it’s his first ROH match, but you know what I mean.

Everyone got the chance to tag in, do something, get cut off, sell for a minute and tag out to start the match. Bronson and Boulder threw around Komander like he was a 161 pound Luchador and they were 2-300 pounders. Fuego made up for lost time by being dropped on the pretty black mats by Henry and then got quadruple-teamed in the heel corner. In case you haven’t seen Nick Comoroto since The Factory broke up, he looks A LOT different without the beard. He has grown out sideburns and looks like the perfect 80’s/early 90’s heel and that’s not a bad thing. Bronson teased a standing moonsault, but instead did a sit down splash. Dante Martin eventually got the hot tag and him and Darius ran wild on all 5 heels until they had their heads knocked off by a double clothesline by Comoroto. Outside the ring, Iron Savages were teasing doing something to Fuego, but they got stopped and we had a crazy dive sequence by Dante, Action and Fuego. Finally in the ring, all the babyfaces hit a splash on Comoroto and Dante Martin pinned him.

Winner: Top Flight, Action Andretti, Fuego Del Sol, & Komander via Pinfall.

Backstage: Queen Aminata, Red Velvet

Backstage Queen Aminata and Red Velvet both vowed to win their matches.

The Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds) vs. The Von Erichs (Marshall & Ross Von Erich)

The Dark Order got the early advantage on Marshall, complete with Evil Uno cheating from the outside. Ian noted this wasn’t the Evil Uno we’re used to. I mean his name IS Evil Uno, what did you expect? Ross tagged in, but got power bombed by Silver on Reynolds’ knees, which did not feel good. I mean I am not Ross Von Erich, but I can’t imagine it would tickle. Ross was able to make the hot tag to Marshall, which gave him the chance to run wild. Silver went to the middle ropes, but Marshall got up with a dropkick to knock Silver to the floor. Marshall went for The Iron Claw, but Evil Uno jumped on the apron and got a Claw. However that just gave Reynolds and Silver and chance to gain a brief advantage. That lasted until Reynolds yelled at Kevin outside the ring. He turned around and got his head taken off by a clothesline by Marshall, who picked up the win.

Winner: The Von Erichs via Pinfall.

After the match, all three Dark Order members attacked Ross and Marshall. Kevin teased getting in the ring, but instead Dustin Rhodes ran in for the save. Reynolds was left and he stood up to all 3 faces, who just let him talk all the shit in the world, until Kevin got in the ring and slapped on The Iron Claw, which easily got the biggest reaction on the show.

The show ended with the Von Erich’s and Dustin standing tall.