AEW Dynamite Blood & Guts 2024 Notes: Results, MJF Debuts New American Title, International Title Rematch & Allin vs. Perry for TNT Title Matches Set for All In 2024, Kamille Makes AEW Debut, Team AEW Wins Blood & Guts Match

AEW Dynamite Blood & Guts 2024 Results – July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024
Nashville, TN – Bridgestone Arena
Commentary – Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz

Quick Match Results

  1. FTW Championship – Chris Jericho (c) defeated Minoru Suzuki via Judas Effect (pinfall)
    • The stipulation for this match was that the Learning Tree’s Big Bill & Bryan Keith would be banned at ringside during the match.
    • Following the match, Jericho’s victory celebration was cut short by Suzuki who dodged Jericho’s attack attempt and laid out Jericho with a Gotch Style Piledriver. This led to Big Bill & Keith running out attacking Suzuki. After some more beat downs by the Learning Tree, Katsuyori Shibata’s music played and he came out to save Suzuki and brawled with the Learning Tree, which ended with Shibata sending the Learning Tree out of the ring.
  2. Britt Baker defeated Hikaru Shida via Lock Jaw (submission)
    • Near the end of the match, Shida hit a Falcon Arrow to Baker and tried to follow it with the Katana that was blocked by Baker who locked in the Lock Jaw for the tap out victory.
    • Following the match, Baker’s victory celebration was cut short by Mercedes Mone who came out and talked about Baker’s challenge for her title at All In 2024. Mone responded stating “no” leading to a mysterious woman showing up behind Baker in the ring and attacked her. This mysterious person was revealed to be Kamille who continued her attack on Baker laying out. Mone then got into the ring and revealed she had joined forces with Kamille.
  3. PAC defeated Boulder via Brainbuster (pinfall)
  4. “The Glamour” Mariah May defeated Caitlyn Alexis via Storm Zero (pinfall)
    • Following the match, Toni Storm’s music playing leading to May giving a surprised reaction only to laugh over the fakeout pulled on the crowd. A mysterious hooded person entered the ring and revealed herself to be Storm. This led to a brawl breaking out between Storm and May that was broken up after AEW officials ran out to separate the two. Storm managed to grab a microphone and yelled at May stating “Are you prepared to die” leading to the two trying to go at each other again only to be restrained by AEW officials.
  5. Blood & Guts match – Team AEW (Swerve Strickland, Mark Briscoe, Darby Allin, & The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster)) defeated Team The Elite (Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry, The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson), & Hangman Adam Page) via Matthew Jackson saying “I Quit”
    • The first two entrants for the match were Perry for The Elite and Allin for Team AEW. Nicholas Jackson was the third person to come out to give the Elite the 2-on-1 man advantage. Briscoe was the next person to come out to even up the odds at two each. Matthew Jackson was the next person to come out to give the Elite the 3-on-2 advantage. Bowens was the next to come out to even up the odds again at three each in the ring. Okada was the next to come out to give the Elite another man advantage at 4-on-3. Caster was the next to come out to even up the odds again at four each. Page’s music played next signaling him to be the next to come out but he failed to show up leading to it staying at 4-on-4 in the ring. Strickland was the final person to come out making it appear that Team AEW would have the man advantage only for Page to run out and laid out both Strickland & Prince Nana. Page then handcuffed Strickland to the cage and continued his attack on the outside. This led to Matthew grabbing a microphone and yelled at Page to honor their deal and get in the ring or else he would be fired. Page stared back and reluctantly stopped his attack and got into the ring.
    • During the match, Jeff Jarrett came out help Strickland only to be stopped by Brandon Cutler only for Billy Gunn to come out and punched Cutler that was followed by Jarrett hitting the guitar shot to lay out Cutler. Jarrett & Gunn tried to free Strickland from his cuffs to no avail leading to Nana revealing he had bolt cutters and freed Strickland, who got into the ring to finally even up the odds for Team AEW.
    • Near the end of the match, Briscoe climbed up the cage ahd hit a Froggy Bow to Matthew through a table. Allin did the same climbing up the truss and hit a Coffin Drop to Perry through a table. Caster then grabbed a pair of handcuffs and handed it to Briscoe who cuffed Perry to the side of the cage. Caster attacked Perry with a kendo stick and Briscoe responded asking Perry if he quits, which Perry spit at Briscoe in defiance. This led to Allin grabbing a can of gasoline from under the ring and poured gas on Perry. Allin then grabbed a lighter and threatened to set Perry on fire if he does not quit. Allin also demanded a shot at Perry’s TNT title as well or else he will set him on fire. Perry refused at first leading to Matthew intervened and told Allin that he was taking things too far. Matthew gave Allin his shot at the TNT title for All In 2024. Allin responded stating that was not enough and demanded him to also say “I quit” or he will set Perry on fire. Matthew responded saying the words resulting in the referee calling for the bell and Team AEW being declared the winners.

MJF Trashes Will Ospreay Over Losing to Him Last Week for AEW International Title & Debuts New AEW American Title

Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite Blood & Guts 2024 show featured MJF tossing the AEW International Championship in the trash and debuting a new AEW American Championship.

At the start of the show, Will Ospreay was seen in a parking lot with AEW backstage interviewer Alex Marvez trying to get a scoop from him. Ospreay noticed that someone had slashed the tires to his rental car and borrowed the keys from Marvez for his car. Ospreay and Marvez then drove off but not before Ospreay told Marvez that he’s never driven in America and Marvez giving a concerned yell in response.

In a follow-up segment, Several cheerleaders were seen on the stage and ramp and helped introduce MJF as he came out and made his way to the ring. MJF grabbed a microphone and proceeded to insult Ospreay calling him a coward for not being able to use the Tiger Driver and stated that the fact people thought Ospreay would win when he couldn’t be Swerve is laughable. After some words directed at Swerve Strickland, MJF redirected his attention back to Ospreay in an insults-filled rant including bringing up Ospreay’s recently deceased grandmother. MJF then called out Ospreay to come out and face him like a man only to mock him for not showing up.

MJF then talked about how the AEW International title was build on workhorses and stated that working hard is for the “poors.” MJF proceeded to insult the crowd calling them unpatriotic and treasonous for booing him. MJF stated that this title like Daniel Garcia, Billy Boy, and the crowd is nothing more than garbage and tossed the title into a trash can on the outside. MJF stated that he deserves a title of great status and proceeded to unveil what he called was the new AEW American Championship. This led to a “USA” chant from the crowd that was interrupted by MJF, who stated that when he is talking about America, he is not talking about “nasty Nashville” but he is talking about the most magical place in the world. This led to someone in the crowd yelling out “We Going to Disneyland” before MJF stated Long Island, New York. MJF started to celebrate as confetti, patriotic music, and a giant US flag with MJF faces replacing the stars.

Will Ospreay vs. MJF for AEW International Title Announced for AEW All In 2024

Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite Blood & Guts 2024 show also featured the first of two new matches announced for the card of AEW All In 2024.

This new match announced was an AEW International (American) Championship match of Will Ospreay vs. MJF (c).

This match was setup following Ospreay interrupting MJF’s victory celebration and him debuting a new AEW American Championship that he claimed would be replacing the AEW International Championship. After Ospreay sent MJF out of the ring, Ospreay gave an insults filled rant at MJF and stated that he had a talk with Tony Khan and Christopher Daniels and they agreed to his request. Ospreay stated that it will be him and MJF again but this time on his own soil in the United Kingdom for All In 2024.

Kamille Makes Surprise AEW Debut at Wednesday’s Dynamite Blood & Guts Show

Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite Blood & Guts 2024 show also featured former NWA talent Kamille making her official debut in AEW.

Following Britt Baker’s victory over Hikaru Shida, Mercedes Mone came out and talked about Baker’s challenge for her TBS title at All In 2024. Mone responded stating “no” to Baker’s challenge leading to a mysterious woman showing up behind Baker in the ring and attacked her. This mysterious person was revealed to be Kamille who continued her attack on Baker laying out. Mone then made her way into the ring and revealed that she had formed an alliance with Kamille.

Team AEW Wins This Year’s Blood & Guts Match

Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite Blood & Guts 2024 show also featured Team AEW defeating The Elite to win this year’s Blood & Guts match.

Earlier in the show, a coin toss was held to determine which team would get the man advantage for the match. Referee Bryce Remsburg was seen backstage holding a coin and stated that they would flip it to determine the advantage for the Blood & Guts match. Before anything else could happen, Interim EVP Christopher Daniels was seen lying on the ground surrounded by The Elite. Matthew Jackson stated that they would handle the coin flip and had a double sided Elite coin and tossed it in the air, which landed showing the Elite to give them the advantage.

Darby Allin vs. Jack Perry for TNT Title Set for AEW All In 2024

Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite Blood & Guts 2024 show also featured the second of two new matches announced for the card of AEW All In 2024, which takes place on August 25th at Wembley Stadium in London, England.

This new match announced was a TNT Championship match of Darby Allin vs. Jack Perry (c).

This match was setup following the Blood & Guts match between Team AEW and The Elite. Near the end of the match, Perry was handcuffed to the cage and Allin threatened to set him on fire if he did not say “I quit” and also give him a shot at his TNT title. This led to EVP Matthew Jackson getting involved and first gave Allin his title shot at All In 2024 and afterwards stated “I quit” after Allin threatened to still set Perry on fire.

Current card for August 25th AEW All In 2024:

  • AEW World Championship – Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland (c)
  • AEW Women’s World Championship – “The Glamour” Mariah May vs. “Timeless” Toni Storm (c)
  • AEW International Championship – Will Ospreay vs. MJF (c)
  • AEW TNT Championship – Darby Allin vs. Jack Perry (c)