WWE: Roman Reigns Thankful for “Outpouring Support” After Father Sika’s Passing, Rey Mysterio on In-Ring Career Future, Matt Camp on His WWE Release

Roman Reigns Issues Statement Being Thankful for Outpouring Support Following His Father’s Passing

As noted before, WWE Hall of Famer Sika Anoa’i, real name Leati Anoa’i, passed away on Tuesday at the age of 79.

Roman Reigns reflected on Twitter earlier today paying tribute to his late father and being thankful for the outpouring support shown towards him following his father’s passing.

Rey Mysterio Comments on Future of His In-Ring Career

A recent episode of the Insight with Chris Van Vliet podcast featured Rey Mysterio as the guest. One of the topics discussed included Mysterio’s thoughts about the future of his in-ring wrestling career.

“I don’t until it’s being brought up and when my wife brings that up, that’s when I pause. I don’t know if I want to do it another two years, three years. I kind of listen to my body and my mindset, because my body’s been feeling great. With all the benefits that I get from doing like the cold plunge and the sauna. Overall, my mind has to be in the right place, so that’s probably the hardest thing for me. Because sometimes, the age factor comes into mind and not in the moment, but thinking ahead like I want to be able to still move around and walk at 55 or 56. Is my body going to feel the same?”

Transcript h/t: Fightful.com

Matt Camp Comments on His WWE Release & Idea That WWE Is A Family Being “Total Horseshit”

As noted before, WWE personality and WWE The Bump co-host Matt Camp was released by WWE this past February.

A recent episode of the Wrestling Matt Show featured co-host Camp giving his thoughts about his release from WWE earlier this year and the idea of WWE is a family is “total horseshit.”

“As everybody knows, or maybe you don’t, because I have answered some tweets that don’t understand that I don’t work for WWE anymore, have not since early February. I was told by Michael Cole when that happened, and he was not the one who let me go. It was an HR representative. I was told it had nothing to do with anything I did. It was a cost-cutting measure, whatever you want to do call it, we’re tightening the budget. I reached out to Michael Cole, and I said, ‘Hey, anything you can tell me?’ He was basically, ‘Okay, I guess you heard,’ and more changes coming to the team. I think McKenzie [Mitchell] had been let go a little bit before, Kevin Patrick would move on after that.

I was basically told more changes would be coming, and we have seen executives leave the company and wrestlers leave the company. Changes have been coming. I think we saw a writer leave the company over the weekend, at least it got announced that way. Let me tell you this, a lot of this news that trickles out, unless it comes from the people itself, it doesn’t mean it happened right there and then. The story about me getting let go from WWE, that came out a week after it happened. I chose to keep quiet. It was my call. I was mentally shell-shocked at the time, but it came out a week after, and that’s when I started to get the messages and all that stuff. That included from talent within the company. They didn’t know. That’s how I chose to handle it, and WWE did not put any announcement out, and I just disappeared. I disappeared off The Bump, I disappeared off the shows, they made no mention of it, which admittedly I thought was pretty shitty. I’m not asking for a future endeavors thing or anything like that. But that tells you what family means when you work for a company. It doesn’t mean shit. You’re a number, and that’s what I was. I understand that. But that whole family and ‘we’re family,’ it’s total horseshit. I had, three weeks prior to my release, The Rock showed up at headquarters, tell me what a big family this this, and shaking hands and we’re so happy to have you all aboard, and I went though these town hall meetings after a bunch of cuts happened, and it was very, ‘You’re still here for a reason.’ Then you’re gone, and people get let go, and that’s part of the business, I get that. But that whole family bullshit, and Rock’s like, ‘Let’s take a picture with everybody in it because I want to show that I was here.’ I’m in that picture, and then I’m not there a couple weeks later. It’s all who’s making the money. What’s the bottom line? It’s a business, I get that. I’m not mad about that. That happens, but people move on, and they go along.”

Transcript h/t: Fightful.com