WWE NXT Battleground 2024 Results – June 9, 2024 – Trick Williams vs. Ethan Page

June 9, 2024
Las Vegas, NV – UFC Apex
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T

Quick Match Results

  1. WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Ladder match – defeated Michin, Sol Ruca, Lash Legend, Jaida Parker, and Fallon Henley via grabbing the title
    • Near the end of the match, Ruca hit back-to-back Sol Snatchers to Parker and Henley sending them out of the ring. This led to Jordan and Ruca climbing the ladder and fought at the top that ended with Jordan and Ruca both kicking each other in the head sending both off the ladder onto the floor. Michin hit a clothesline to Ruca sending her over the ropes to the outside leading to Jordan kicking Michin sending her onto a ladder on the mat and followed it with a split-legged moonsault onto Michin and the ladder. Jordan then climbed the ladder and grabbed the title for the victory.
  2. WWE NXT Tag Team Championship – Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) defeated The O.C. (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson) via Phoenix Splash (pinfall)
    • Frazer pinned Anderson after Axiom hit a Super Spanish Fly to Anderson and Frazer followed it with a Phoenix Splash for the victory.
  3. Women’s NXT Underground match – Lola Vice defeated Shayna Baszler via Spinning Back Fist & Hammer Fists combo (referee stoppage)
    • Near the end of the match, Baszler caught Vice in a Triangle Choke leading to Vice managing to escape the hold and left the ropeless ring. This led to Baszler punching Vice in the back of the head and Vice responding shoving Baszler into the steel steps. Vice then sent Baszler back into the ropesless ring and hit a spinning back fist and followed it with a series of mounted hammer fists to head resulting in the referee stepping in and calling for the bell for the ref stoppage knockout victory.
  4. WWE NXT North American Championship Triple Threat match – Oba Femi (c) defeated Joe Coffey & Wes Lee via Pop-up Powerbomb (pinfall)
    • During the match, Gallus’ Mark Coffey & Wolfgang ran out and attacked Femi laying him out for a bit before Femi regained his senses and laid out Gallus as payback.
    • Femi pinned Coffey after Femi caught Lee mid-air and hit a stiff powerbomb in return and followed it with a pop-up powerbomb to Coffey for the victory.
  5. NXT Women’s Championship – Roxanne Perez (c) defeated Jordynne Grace via Pop Rox (pinfall)
    • During the match, Tatum Paxley ran out from the crowd and grabbed Grace’s TNA Knockouts World title and tried to run away with it before being confronted by TNA’s Ash By Elegance who put a stop to Paxley’s shenanigans. This led to Grace being distracted and left the ring laying out both Paxley & Ash. After some more back-and-forth action, Perez countered Grace’s Juggernaut Driver and hit a Pop Rox for the pinfall victory to retain her title.
  6. NXT Championship – Trick Williams defeated Ethan Page via Trick Knee (pinfall)
    • Near the end of the match, Page pummeled Williams in the corner with a series of punches leading to the referee pulling Page out of the corner. This led to Page turning around and confronted the referee resulting in him getting hit with a Trick Shot by Trick Williams who scored the pinfall to retain his title.