WWE: Nick Aldis on In-Ring Career Future & Interest in Wrestling in WWE, Javier Bernal Broken Foot Injury Update, Mika Rotunda on Uncle Howdy’s WWE Return

Nick Aldis Comments on His In-Ring Career Future

Nick Aldis has been working for WWE since this past August, first for a producer tryout and later as the on-screen SmackDown Genetal Manager following him signing an official contract. Aldis last wrestled in October of 2023 for the National Wrestling Alliance.

A recent episode of the Gorilla Position podcast featured Aldis as the guest. One of the topics discussed included Aldis’ thoughts about the future of his in-ring career and his interest in potentially wrestling in WWE.

“Sure. It’s tough to answer this simply because I don’t want to ever give the impression that I’m trying to angle for something or go into something for myself. It’s unavoidable. I’ve seen a ton of sentiment from fans ‘we want to see you wrestle this guy.’ I appreciate all that. It’s not something I have any control or influence over. it’s very much a case of, when Paul [Triple H] and I first started speaking, I made it very clear that ‘I want to be part of the team and contribute in whatever way you think is best.’ If, at some point, [getting in the ring] is best then great. The GM conversation was the shortest conversation of my career. Bruce (Prichard) called me, ‘General Manager of SmackDown.’ ‘Great, when do I start?’ They laid out the terms and money, ‘All sounds great, let’s do it.’ Immediately, I said to my wife [Mickie James], ‘I’m going to try and be the best GM of all time.’ That’s all you can do.”

Transcript h/t: Fightful.com

Javier Bernal Broken Foot Injury Status Update

As noted before, NXT talent Javier Bernal has been out of action for WWE since this past week due to a broken foot injury.

Fightful Select reported that their sources stated that Bernal had suffered a broken foot injury during his tag team match with Drake Morreaux against Chase U at last week’s tapings for NXT LVL Up. This injury reportedly took place following a spot involving Riley Osborne doing a dive to the outside resulting in Bernal’s leg to buckle during the catch attempt. Bernal reportedly was unable to return to his feet without the help of a referee and Morreaux following the match.

It was reported that there was no backstage heat on Osborne over the injury and instead NXT officials viewed it as being just an accident.

Talents spoken to reportedly highly praised Bernal as a wrestler who is committed to his character work and had been “nothing but professional” in his interactions with other NXT talents. One NXT talent spoken to reportedly stated that they believe that Bernal will be able to pick up where he left off once he returns from his injury.

Mika Rotunda Comments on Uncle Howdy’s WWE Return

As noted before, this past Monday’s WWE RAW show in Corpus Christi, Texas featured Uncle Howdy making his surprise return to WWE and the Wyatt Sicks making their surprise debut.

Mika Rotunda, sister of Bo Dallas and the late Bray Wyatt, recently reflected on Instagram about her brother Dallas’ recent return to WWE as the Uncle Howdy character.

“Windham talked a lot about hurting in his character. He would describe real life pain and scenarios as a way to kind of harden, inspire or shape his future. He turned pain into a positive, through creativity and expression.

Last night, Taylor debuted for the first time as Uncle Howdy, without Windham. This was their dream, their vision. Their fairytale to fulfill. He carried this on his back. But more importantly in his heart. As siblings, we’ve always had a strong cord attachment to one another. As the lights when out in the arena and I watched from my TV, my pulse raised. My eyes welled. I felt every ioata with him. While also feeling this warmth, that can only be described as Windham. I’m so incredibly proud of Taylor.

Honoring the memory of a Windham or a loved one while navigating the path of grief is a profound and personal journey. Our family has been on a stage with the outside world to see inside it since 3:33pm on August 24th. A moment in time we as a family will never get past or over. But, somehow— we have to find a way through it.

How does one do that?

In my opinion, It’s in our day to day lives. And creating ways to celebrate their life and legacy, even as we cope with the pain of their absence.

For Windham, it’s in story telling. He was the greatest story teller I’ve ever known. And as we embrace the moments of sorrow, there is a duty to uphold. To keep finding ways to express his madness and genius.

In doing so, it is a testament from our family about the the depth of his love. And our love for him.

Upholding Windham’s homage can be a source of comfort and strength. We hurt. We heal.

In doing so, we keep their spirit alive and find solace in the impact they had on our lives. ???? ⭕️

Also, massive, gigantic and amazing praise to @robfee11 and @bakingjason for doing the alchemy behind the scenes. Unreal. You guys are!

Windham, Wish you were here.

Love you more”