Vince McMahon Sex Trafficking Lawsuit Update – Missy Hyatt Contacted Janel Grant Over Her Own Past Alleged McMahon Harassment Incident

As noted before, former WWE employee Janel Grant filed a lawsuit this past January against TKO Executive Chairman Vince McMahon accusing McMahon of committing sex trafficking and sexual abuse towards her during her time in the company. McMahon, former WWE Head of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis, and WWE all recently filed motions requesting for Grant’s lawsuit to be moved to private arbitration. Grant recently paused her lawsuit against McMahon on behalf of a request made by the United States Department of Justice, who officially launched their own criminal investigation and joined the lawsuit as an “interested party.”

Wrestling Shoot Interviews held a recent interview with former WCW, WWE, and ECW manager and wrestler Missy Hyatt. One of the topics discussed included Hyatt’s thoughts about the current lawsuit against McMahon and revealed that she had contacted Grant about her own past sexual harassment incident with McMahon in 1987.

“I believed everything. I believe it all. It did not shock me. Vince slept with everything. He’s into threesomes and stuff, and just into a lot of weird stuff. It didn’t surprise me when I read that.

I called their lawyer and I told them my situation with what happened with me. When I was doing Missy’s Manor, I had to push Vince out of my hotel room because he was trying to stick his tongue in my mouth. After I did that, next thing I know, they want me to be a Federette. ‘I don’t want to be a Federette.’ ‘We’re going to do something with you and Honky Tonk Man.’ I didn’t trust them, so I left and had to beg Jim Crockett and Dusty (Rhodes) for a job.

We were in Vegas doing the tapings. We went out. [Vince] taught me how to play Blackjack. Gave me $100 and I won $180 or something. I tried to give him all the money. He was like, ‘No, keep it.’ We went to a dinner at Ceasars where they pour the wine over your shoulder. A seven course meal. This is a big group of people and stuff. I was wearing this leather dress. ‘Mean’ Gene (Okerlund) poured coffee in my lap. I had a couple of cocktails. He said later on that they did that to see how I would react. To see if I’d freak out. ‘You handled that really well.’ Yeah, I had a couple of cocktails. I was loaded. I really didn’t care. That night, [Vince] walked me to my hotel room and was trying to get into my hotel room and I was pushing him out. I was engaged at the time. If I wasn’t engaged, maybe, but he had such bad teeth. You’re a millionaire and you can’t get your teeth fixed? He has really bad teeth. He has rotten teeth. It’s really gross. Maybe he’s gotten it fixed, but in the 80s, it was pretty bad. I didn’t want to stick my tongue in that. I never had to sleep for a job. Yes, I’ve done a lot of wild things with some wrestlers, but I never did it for a job, and I don’t think I ever had to because my talent speaks for itself. I never had to sleep anywhere for a job.”

Transcript h/t: