Various: The Bunny on Her In-Ring Career Future & Interest in Potential TNA Return, Goldberg on Interest in Having One Final Match, Indies

The Bunny Comments on Her In-Ring Career Future

As noted before, The Bunny departed from AEW this past November. The Bunny last wrestled this past September for a taping of AEW Rampage.

A recent fan virtual signing event for K & S WrestleFest featured The Bunny as the guest. One of the topics discussed included The Bunny providing an update on the future of her in-ring career.

“I’m figure skating right now and I’m loving it. I’m acting and I’m taking a little hiatus from breaking my body weekly… 19 years, I think I deserve a little break so, never say never but as of right now, I’m really enjoying my figure skating and acting. It’s very fun. But oh! And I have a project coming but I can’t talk about it yet but I do have a project coming which is very exciting. It’s horror-related.”

The Bunny also gave her thoughts about the potential of making a return to TNA Wrestling in the future.

“I agree, I agree (that no one really dies in TNA storyline). I could be resurrected. Absolutely. I think my soul is in the Undead Realm at the moment… (It was mentioned that she’s in the Undead Realm because she was around Rosemary too often) Not never enough. Not long enough. She’s my favorite. I love her, I love the demon, I love it all.

I had so much fun at TNA. Especially there was a time where it was me, Chels, Rosemary and A.K. (Allysin Kay), McKenzie (Mitchell). We just had this — Kiera (Hogan). We had this group and going to work was so much fun because we were all so close and we’d just have a blast. Do you know how many times A.K. would crack me up in the ring and I’d have to be serious? And (my) lips would be trembling because she would have me pissing myself laughing… Same with Chels. There were times when I’d be wrestling Chels and I would just be laughing, which sounds terrible but, we just had so much fun. It was the best.”

Transcript h/t:

Goldberg Comments on His Interest in Having One Final Match for His Career

A recent episode of the Busted Open Radio podcast featured WWE Hall of Famer Bill Goldberg as the guest. One of the topics discussed included Goldberg’s thoughts about his interest in having one final match for his wrestling career but not until after he gets his rotator cuff fixed first.

“Oh man, I’d love to, dude, 100%. But I have to get my torn rotator cuff taken care of finally because…we all live with these injuries, right, and I’ll come out and say it, when I came back with Brock [Lesnar], and nobody ever knew this, that first night in Denver, I blew my rotator cuff completely, and I never told anybody about it. I kept working through it because you work sparingly, once, twice a year. So I can crescendo and I can get as strong as I can. I ain’t doing shit until I get that done, and that’s hopefully coming up. I’m doing stem cells here soon, and then I’m gonna see if surgery’s needed. But yeah, man. I’d love to have one more match. You know how it is. Vince and I spoke about it, and he gave me his word, but all that stuff happened. Hey, man, I don’t hold grudges. Vince gave me so many opportunities, man. I’ll be forever grateful. But yeah, I would absolutely love to have that final match, I would. Am I good not having it? Yeah, I’m fine with it. But it’d be neat to have it.”

Goldberg also gave his thoughts about his final match does not have to be in WWE and could be with any wrestling company including AEW and elsewhere.

“It wouldn’t have to be with anyone, I could do it myself and get accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. I could do the promotion myself overseas, do it in Israel, do it in India, do it in Japan, maybe do one in the states. I don’t know. I’ve thought about a lot of things, but you have seen me, I’ve put my life on hold the last 18 years with my son. Everybody’s like, ‘Why’d you lose so much weight?’ Well, I’ve lost so much weight because every night at the dinner table, when there’s four steaks, I give him three, and I take one. My life has completely been predicated upon getting my son in a situation to where the next part of his life, hopefully he’s prepared for. Now my son is gone, and he’s been gone for two, three weeks, and I’ve kind of turned back into me a little bit [laughs], good, bad, or indifferent. Mainly good besides it’s making me fill my time with stuff not worrying about what the hell my son’s doing and whether he needs me or not and what’s going on. So I’m picking Muay Thai up again, I’m training again, I’m eating again, I’m taking care of myself. I’m doing things that I haven’t done in so long. You never know, you never say never. You know as wrestlers we never retire until you’re dead.”

Transcript h/t:

Misc. Wrestling News & Notes

Variety reported that National Wrestling Alliance talent Max The Impalier is among the cast for the filming of a new horror film titled Dolly.

United Kingdom indies wrestler James Castle passed away on June 15th at the age of 35. Castle’s passing was first announced on Twitter by his real-life partner Zoe who stated that Castle’s cause of death was due to him losing his battle with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Castle’s wrestling career spanned from 2013 to 2020 and was cut short due to his battle with leukemia. Castle was most known for his time in Revolution Pro Wrestling, International Pro Wrestling UK, and The Wrestling League. Castle’s career achievements and accolades included being a three-time WL Heavyweight Champion, one-time IPW Tag Team Champion, and one-time RevPro British Tag Team Champion.

As noted before, former WWE NXT and Impact Wrestling talent Kimber Lee was arrested in May of 2023 following a DUI incident involving the assault of a police officer in Serbing, Florida. PWInsider’s Mike Johnson reported that Lee had filed a notice with the Highlands County Court in Florida stating that she was waiving her right to appear at her scheduled pre-trial hearing on June 26th based on recent court records. Johnson reported that this notice also included Lee stating that she was waiving her right to a speedy trial.

As noted before, former WWE wrestler Ted DiBiase Jr. was charged this past April with several criminal charges by the United States Department of Justice over his involvement in embezzling welfare funds as part of a larger welfare scandal in the State of Mississippi. PWInsider’s Mike Johnson reported that the Mississippi Southern District Court recently officially locked in a start date of January 17, 2025 for DiBiase Jr.’s criminal trial based on recent court records. Johnson reported that a pre-trial hearing is currently scheduled to take place on December 19th.

New Japan Pro Wrestling recently announced the full card for their New Japan Soul 2024 event on July 5th at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, Japan. Among the matches announced included an IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship match of DOUKI vs. El Desperado (c).

As noted before, Indie Wrestling Hall of Famer LuFisto was hospitalized last week due to her suffering from a flesh eating bacterial infection. LuFisto recently provided an update on Facebook stating “I posted a little something about it on my other social media accounts but to be more precise here and answer a few questions, my left leg started to turn a weird color yesterday so I called my US doctor and sent him pictures. He said it was an infection and immediately called my pharmacy for some antibiotics. They wouldn’t take his prescription because he is an American surgeon. I ended up at the emergency where I sat uncomfortably for so long that I fainted due to the excruciating pain. I was quickly moved to intensive care where after a bunch of tests, they found out that I had some sort of flesh-eating bacteria. (I can’t remember the name). It’s not something I got from the surgery but since I had wounds from it, it somehow got into my body in the past few days. I’ve been on three strong antibiotics since and they keep a close eye on me. I’m also on strong morphine. I have my own room now but have no idea how long I’ll be here. If the disease was to spread, there is a surgeon on call to open my leg and get rid of all that bullshit. So it is what it is. Another day in the life of Gen Goulet. To those who took the time to check on me, thank you.

Game Changer Wrestling recently announced that they will be returning to Japan for a new tour on August 12-14 in Tokyo.

GCW also recently announced one new match for the card of their Don’t Tell Me What To Do 2024 event on July 20th in Indianapolis, Indiana:

  • GCW World Tag Team Championship – Mutha Fatha (Dark Sheik & Effy) vs. Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku) (c)

Major League Wrestling recently announced one new match for the card of their Blood & Thunder 2024 event on July 12th in St. Petersburg, Florida:

  • 2024 MLW Opera Cup Tournament First Round match – Atlantis Jr. vs. Okumura

MLW also recently announced one new match for the card of their MLW Fusion taping on July 12th in St. Petersburg:

  • 2024 MLW Opera Cup Tournament First Round match – Mistico vs. Magnus

America’s Most Liked Wrestling recently announced one new match for the card of their Confrontation event on June 30th in Winston-Salem, North Carolina:

  • AML World Tag Team Championship – Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake & Zack Gibson) vs. The Andersons (Brock & CW Anderson) (c)