Various: Mercedes Mone Makes Surprise Appearance at Fantasticamania Mexico 2024, Kyle Fletcher Accepts Atlantis Jr. Challenge for ROH TV Title, Eric Young

Mercedes Mone Makes Surprise Appearance at NJPW x CML Fantasticamania Mexico 2024

Friday’s Fantasicamania Mexico 2024 event for New Japan Pro Wrestling and Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre at the Arena Mexico in Mexico City, Mexico featured AEW TBS Champion Mercedes Mone making a surprise appearance.

Following Stephanie Vaquer’s victory over La Catalina to retain her NJPW Strong Women’s Championship, Mone came out to the ring and confronted Vaquer. Mone grabbed a microphone and congratulated Vaquer on her win but stated that he vowed to take her title at Forbidden Door 2024. Vaquer responded back leading to Mone slapping Vaquer and the two briefly brawling before it was broken up by a CMLL referee. Mone then posed with her TBS title and Vaquer’s NJPW Strong Women’s title before leaving.

Kyle Fletcher Accepts Atlantis Jr. Challenge for ROH TV Title for June 28th CMLL Show

Friday’s Fantasicamania Mexico 2024 event in Mexico City for NJPW and CMLL also featured Kyle Fletcher making a surprise video appearance.

During the show, a video aired featuring Fletcher on the big screen. During his promo, Fletcher accepted Atlantis Jr.’s recent challenge for his ROH World Television Championship at CMLL’s Super Viernes event on June 28th at the Arena Mexico.

“Now last night while I was busy with Lee Johnson, I heard that you had the audacity to challenge me to a match because let’s be honest, I was always going to come out of that match as still the ROH World Television Champion. Now, I’ve gone on record to say I plan on being the greatest of all time one day and I see no better way of doing that than by defending my championship on one of the most legendary professional wrestling venues of all time, Arena Mexico. So Atlantis Jr, I will see you next Friday and I will show CMLL, all of Mexico, and the entire world why I am Kyle Fletcher, I am the protostar, and I am who I say I am.”

Eric Young Comments on TNA & WWE NXT Crossover Being “There’s No Reason Why It Can’t Blossom Into Bigger Things”

The Miami Herald held a recent interview with TNA Wrestling talent Eric Young. One of the topics discussed included Young’s thoughts about TNA’s current working relationship with WWE or talent crossovers.

“It’s a great thing for pro wrestling in general. There’s just no reason why companies can’t work together to benefit everybody. I think you’re seeing literally the seedlings of that. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Obviously, the WWE hold all the cards, they’re the big boys on the block, and they should be. They’ve been around forever. I’m still very friendly with Hunter [Triple H]. We talk, not as often as I’d like, but we still do chit-chat, so it’s a guy that I respect a great deal, and you can see the difference in the product when someone like him is running it. Partnering with AJ [Styles] going to Japan to work for [NOAH], the deal in between TNA and NXT, and I would imagine that blossoms into bigger and better things. There’s no reason for it not to. I can’t guarantee it because I got no say. I got no say, but I support it 100%, I knew it was happening long before it was happening, and it’s a really cool thing to see because the truth is, pro wrestling fans are the ones that benefit, and that’s what we should all be trying to do.”