ROH TV Results – June 6, 2024 – Johnny TV, Griff Garrison, & Cole Karter vs. Jacked Jameson & The Iron Savages vs. The Dark Order

June 6, 2024
Las Vegas, NV – MGM Grand Garden Arena and Portland, OR – Moda Center
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Jeff Moss of

Quick Match Results

  1. Queen Aminata defeated Mazzerati via Air Raid Crash (pinfall)
  2. Marina Shafir defeated Amira via Inverted Sleeper Hold (ref stoppage)
  3. ROH World Television Championship – Kyle Fletcher (c) defeated Dalton Castle via Reverse Tombstone Piledriver (pinfall)
  4. The Infantry vs. Nick Comoroto & Jacoby Watts via Top Rope Splash (pinfall)
  5. ROH Women’s Television Championship Proving Ground match – Billie Starkz defeated Zamaya via Swan Dive (pinfall)
  6. Triple Threat Trios match – The Dark Order defeated Jacked Jameson & The Iron Savages and Johnny TV, Griff Garrison, & Cole Karter via Pendulum Bomb (pinfall)

Queen Aminata vs. Mazzerati

Aminata has been on fire in her recent feud with ROH Women’s World Champion Athena. This match would serve to remind Athena, and everyone, that Aminata is very good at wrestling.

Mazzerati definitely won Best Hair of the evening with a killer layered purple/blue cut that perfectly matched her gear. It even gave her a bit of confidence off the top as the came out swinging, catching Aminata unprepared.

It didn’t last long however, because as mentioned, Aminata is very good at wrestling. She used her height advantage to control the pace of the match through most of it, executing suplexes and rollups like it was just another day at work.

Three big, brutal kicks hung Mazzerati up in the ropes, and possibly knocked her out. Aminata threw her into the centre of the ring though and delivered an air raid to get the big win.

Winner: Queen Aminata via Pinfall.

Backstage: Dalton Castle, Johnny TV, Taya Valkyrie

Backstage, Dalton Castle was interviewed by Lexi Nair. Castle’s therapist has been telling him to get his feeling out, and he apologized for putting Nair through his feud with “John TV.” As if conjured by a wizard, TV arrived demanding Castle give him back his sunglasses. Castle told him that he had no qualms with TV anymore, and denied taking the glasses. The two debated who had a bigger next move in ROH. It was not resolved though as both stepped out of frame. aaaaaand, Scene.

Marina Shafir defeated Amira

Always nice to see Shafir in action. She’s come a long way from her NXT days and is now a force to be reckoned with in Tony Khan’s Fiefdom(s). Amira was a hometown hero and would soon see why they call Shafir “the Problem.”

Shafir didn’t have to dig too deeply in her bag of tricks, but utilized her MMA and martial arts skills to absolutely pound Amira into the mat. Shafir kept working Amira over, keeping her on the ground and trying to catch her in a submission hold.

Eventually, Shafir locked in a crossface sleeper hold and Amira passed out shortly thereafter.

Winner: Marina Shafir via Referee Stoppage.

ROH World Television Championship Match
Dalton Castle vs. Kyle Fletcher (c)

Castle was escorted to the ring by his many Boys (numbering near half a dozen now). Castle is a former ROH World Champion, so a TV title reign would get him in a great position to challenge for that title again. Fletcher has been red-hot in ROH and AEW lately though, so it was not going to be an easy battle.

Fletcher refused a Code of Honor while the crowd chanted Castle’s name. Castle flexed his amateur wrestling muscles, trying to catch Fletcher in a test of strength and then a waist lock. Fletcher stayed to the outside, keeping Castle from picking up any momentum.

Fletcher lured Castle out of the ring, delivering some hard strikes and throwing him into the barricade, seemingly injuring Castle’s shoulder. Fletcher pulled him back into the ring and used the rope to continue working the shoulder of Castle.

Fletcher got distracted by a trash-talking fan at ringside, and Castle was able to get some offence in. Fletcher quickly returned to the shoulder though, keeping the match at a snails pace. Castle wasn’t giving up though and got a surprise two-count.

Fletcher decided enough was enough and moved in to finish off Castle. Castle fought back though and delivered a series of killer suplexes. Castle had Fletcher up for a Bangarang, but Fletcher caught the ropes to avoid it. Castle tried a second Bangarang, but Fletcher got out of it and Castle hung him up on the ropes to deliver a big running knee, knocking Fletcher to the outside.

Fletcher delivered a really nasty looking half nelson suplex that rang Castle’s bell pretty hard. He staggered back in the ring and Fletcher hit a brain buster to get the one, two, NO! Castle kicked out!

After exchanging a series of truly thrilling reversals and near falls, Fletcher caught Castle in a piledriver and managed to get the pin to retain his title and extend his six-month TV Title reign. Excellent match!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher via Pinfall to retain the ROH World Television Championship.

The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Capt. Shawn Dean) vs. Nick Comoroto & Jacoby Watts

Last week, Watts left Comoroto hanging, letting him to all the dirty work in a loss. This week, it remained to be seen if Watts would step up, or continue his mental manipulation of Comoroto. The Infantry ran off the Premiere Athletes last week, which stayed on their minds as the match began.

Like last week, Comoroto started off facing Bravo, and quickly found himself the victim of a few double teams while Watts watched from the corner. Comoroto had the size advantage over both members of the Infantry, but when he tried to tag Watts in, Watts was busy showboating for the crowd and missed the tag.

Comoroto looked to Watts for approval after every offensive move, but eventually found himself getting got by the high-flying Bravo. More double teams led Watts kicking Bravo through the ropes. The Infantry hit him with a couple superkick to send him off the ring apron (the hardest part of the ring).

Left alone again, Comoroto was taken apart by the Infantry and eventually Dean pinned him after a big splash from the top rope.

Winner: The Infantry via Pinfall.

Backstage: “Big Shoty” Lee Johnson, Kyle Fletcher

Backstage, Lee Johnson cut a promo. He called out ROH World TV Champion Kyle Fletcher who just happened to be wandering by. Fletcher stepped up to Johnson and reminded him that he already beat him. Twice. So he goes to the back of the line. Johnson said that he thinks he can beat Fletcher twice in one night, and challenged him to a 2-out-of-3 falls match. Fletcher accepted and stormed out.

ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground Match
Zamaya vs. Billie Starkz

In this Proving Ground match, if Zamaya was to last 10 minutes or pin Starkz, she would get a shot at the ROH Women’s TV title. Zamaya gave Mazzerati a run for her money in the hair department, as well.

Starkz tried a little trash talk off the top, but the bigger Zamaya put an end to it with a big scream. Starkz responded with a modified bulldog and the match was on. Starkz tried to fishhook Zamaya by putting her finger in her mouth and pulling her cheek. Starkz then stomped her in the corner, kicking pretend dirt on her face in in an act of disrespect.

In spite of the size difference, Starkz controlled the pace of the match, tossing Zamaya arund and using that darn hair to put her down. A big Swan Dive spash off the top rope and Starkz got the win and moved to 11 wins in a row.

Winner: Billie Starkz via Pinfall.

Suddently, Red Velvet appeared in the ring behind Starkz! Starkz bailed quickly before Velvet could get her hands on her. Running up the ramp, Starkz ran right into Queen Aminata! Aminata threw her back in the ring and Velvet unloaded on Starkz until the referees broke up the brawl.

Triple Threat Trios Match
Johnny TV, Griff Garrison, & Cole Karter vs. Jacked Jameson & The Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson) vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, John Silver, & Evil Uno)

One thing that ROH absolutely loves in this era is multi-team or multi-person matches. This was an odd one though, featuring only three teams of three instead of four. They missed an opportunity to call it a “Trio of Trios Trios match” but I’m sure they’ll remedy that in the future.  

Karter, Garrison and TV made unremarkable entrances. Jameson grabbed a mic and called the crowd “nervous virgins” in Las Vegas, a city that “used to be cool.” Then, a surprise -1 entered with the Dark order to a big ovation.

The match itself was what you’d expect from a match like this: Marginally organized chaos. There was a pose down, more yelling, another pose down, and then the match started with Silver and Jameson. It was strange that only two competitors were in the ring at a time. It led me to wonder how Garrison, Karter and TV would get into the match at all.

That question was answered though, when TV just jumped into the ring to knock the Savages to the outside. Then Garrision and Karter double teamed Evil Uno. I’m sure there was a legal man in there somewhere, but honestly, I could not tell you who it was.

When the dust settled, TV had Uno isolated in Garrison and Karter’s corner, the trio tagging in and out to lay in a beating on Uno. Finally, Uno was able to get a hot tag to Reynolds and it was the Savages turn to wait on the outside, hoping for an errant tag.

Jameson absolutely laid out Karter with a huge lariat but immediately ate a Shining Wizard from TV. More posing then occurred and when the ring cleared, Boulder and Bronson were double teaming Karter. Reynods got in the way though and Silver executed a huge suplex on the much larger Boulder.

More chaos ensued and during it, Silver managed to pin Jameson and get the win for the Dark Order, closing out a pretty great episode!

Winner: The Dark Order via Pinfall.