WWE Releases Drew Gulak, Valentina Feroz, & Boa Among 11 NXT Talents Cuts on Friday

WWE reportedly released a new batch of talent earlier today targeting their NXT brand and developmental system, according to PWInsider and the Wrestling Observer.

Among the notable names confirmed to have been released was Drew Gulak. Other notable names released included Boa and Valentina Feroz.

PWInsider’s Mike Johnson reported that his sources stated that there had been some talks within the past several weeks that releases would be coming and would be targeting their brand.

In regards to the reasons for the talent cuts, those spoken to reportedly stated that the cuts were primarily made due to a combination of a lack of current creative plans, them not being utilized, and not being planned for anything in the near future for those departing.

In regards to Gulak, Johnson reported that those spoken to stated that Gulak had been “taken care of” by the D’Angelo Family as the storyline way to write him out of NXT and WWE. Prior to his release, Gulak had been pulled from WWE;s NXT brand and removed from the No Quarter Catch Crew over allegations made by Ronda Rousey accusing him of inappropriately touching her backstage during her time in the company.

Johnson reported that ten NXT talents had been confirmed to have been released on Friday, who were stated to be Gulak, Feroz, Ezekiel Balogun, Julian Baldi, Trey Bearhill, Emmamaria Diaz, Keyshawn Leflore, Darrell Mason, Vlad Pavlenko, and Kiyah Saint.

The Wrestling Observer’s Bryan Alvarez reported that his sources stated that NXT talent Boa was also confirmed to have been released to bring the current known total to eleven talents released today.

Full list of known NXT talent releases on Friday:

  • Drew Gulak
  • Ezekiel Balogun
  • Julian Baldi
  • Trey Bearhill
  • Emmamaria Diaz (WWE Next Gen signee)
  • Valentina Feroz
  • Keyshawn Leflore (WWE Next Gen signee)
  • Darrell Mason
  • Vlad Pavlenko
  • Kiyah Saint
  • Boa