Various: Kevin Nash on Missing WCW Starrcade 1997 Over Heart Attack Scare Incident, Von Erichs on Signing with Major Wrestling Company Soon, Indies

Kevin Nash Comments on Heart Attack Scare Incident Being Reason He Missed WCW Starrcade 1997 Event

A recent episode of the Kliq This podcast featured WWE Hall of Famer and co-host Kevin Nash discussing his thoughts about WCW’s famous Starrcade 1997 event and revealed the reason why he missed the event was due to him having a heart attack scare incident caused by him consuming pot brownies at the time.

“Okay, true story. My mother-in-law and her husband were in Arizona for Christmas, and a buddy of mine made me a pan of pot brownies because I knew I wouldn’t be able to smoke because my mother-in-law was there. This is back in my Soma days, I had a little bit of problem, it was muscle relaxers. It was Christmas, man. I was drinking a little bourbon, drinking a little beer, drinking a little wine, drinking a little champagne, having some Somas, having some Xanax. So all of a sudden man, and I have no idea, but my buddy says to me, ‘Where those brownies at?’ I said, ‘What do you mean?’ He said, ‘Man, there’s like an ounce of week in that.’ I’m like. ‘Oh, fuck.’ It’s like eating bud with chocolate on it, is basically what it was. It was like eating grass. So that shit started to kick in, and it took a while, and I had this big house. I had a couch that was huge, and I sat in it, and I swear to you, man, the thing just ate me. I got heavier and heavier and heavier. Finally, I got up and I walked down [to another room]. It was easy the length of a bowling alley that I had to walk through to get to the master. As I walked, I just started fucking sweating. So I thought, fuck, man, am I having a heart attack? So I went in the master, and this is ‘97. I’m looking at my wife’s closet door, and I take my shirt off because I’m sweating through it. I look, man, and I’m fucking gray. I’m just fucking gray. I said, man, am I having a heart attack? So I go outside. It was cold as fuck, there was steam coming off me. I walk back inside and I sat down on the fucking bed, and I put my hand [on my neck,] and I was all fucked up, I couldn’t count ten seconds. At this point like yeah, let me self-diagnose, before WebMD. I said, I’m not gonna take the chance, dying on Christmas. I always had that thing because my father died of a heart attack, and so I called.”

Nash also gave his thoughts about the conversation he had with an EMT during his health incident that day.

“The guy comes in, the guy’s Australian. I said I think I might be having a heart attack. He goes, ‘Why’s that?’ I said, ‘I don’t know, I just don’t feel real good. I said I feel fucked up.’ He says, ‘You having a hard time breathing?’ I said, ‘Man, I’m having a hard time, just…yeah, I guess, I don’t know. I’m so fucking wasted.’ The guy said, ‘What have you taken?’ I start naming this fucking list. The guy says, ‘Is this a suicide attempt?’ I said, ‘No, man. It’s Christmas.’ [Laughs] I said, ‘No, it’s Christmas. I’m not gonna kill myself on Christmas, man. I’m just fucked up.’ He says, ‘I guess.’ So they take me to Scottsdale North Hospital, and I go in there, and they do a PET scan on me. Because my diaphragm was so thick, you can’t get the image. So the guy that’s working on Christmas, he’s going to diagnose me, and the guy says, ‘I can’t find the bottom of your heart. It’s not showing up.’ So they put a heart monitor on me, I’m fine. I don’t have any symptoms. But when they take my blood, there’s an enzyme when you have a heart attack that goes through the roof. Well, I also fucking that day trained legs and back because I had the key to the gym. So of course, I’ve got a high level of this enzyme because I’ve broken down so much muscle tissue from working out. I spent the night at the hospital, and I’m like, ‘Oh, fuck.’ I called Eric [Bischoff], I said, ‘I think I’ve had a heart attack. They think I’ve had a heart attack.’ Eric’s like, ‘Alright’ I gave him the number of where I was, and then the next day came, and he’s like, ‘I’m sending a private plane for you.’ It ended up, Scott [Hall] had to work double duty. I wasn’t gonna tell anybody, ‘I’m so fucked up.”

Nash also gave his thoughts about his stay in the hospital and being too high to do any real medical tests.

“The nurse came in, she said, ‘I want you to walk around so you can…’ I’m thinking, ‘Do you have any idea how fucking high I am?’ [Laughs] I was there for 24 hours under observation, and the doctor comes in the next day, he says, ‘Not only did you not have any heart problems last night, you didn’t have one irregular heartbeat, which is unbelievable.’ He said most people would have something. I’m like, okay. He says, ‘You can go.’ So I go, and I go back to the house.”

Transcript h/t:

The Von Erichs Tease at Announcement of Signing with Major Wrestling Company “Coming Soon”

A recent episode of The Von Erich Podcast featured former Major League Wrestling talents and co-hosts Marshall and Ross Von Erich giving their thoughts about their current free agency. Marshall Von Erich gave his thoughts about why they have not gone to WWE and teased at a future announcement coming soon regarding them signing with a major wrestling company.

“The reason we haven’t gone to a major company yet is, it’s definitely in the cards, but Ross and I, we had an opportunity to go to WWE, to do a tryout. We both didn’t feel like it was time because once you go, you’re showing this is what we have to offer, this is the best of what we have to offer. We didn’t feel like we were at our best yet. So why would we go when we don’t feel like we’re at the top or whatever? So we wanted to give it some time, and that’s kind of what the move from Hawaii was. We were in Hawaii. We’ve picked family over wrestling. I’ll never forget, I was [at the] Hall of Fame, Michael Hayes was [getting inducted], and my dad was inducting. I was sitting there looking at all the wrestlers and everybody up front. I was like, this is what I wanted to do. I was looking at it and all the guys were talking about how many marriages they had, and I’ve been married to the business, and I’ve done this, I’ve done that. They almost bragged about how many failed marriages they had. I was sitting there looking at it, I was like, ‘Man. I don’t know if this is it.’ But what else is it? If I’m gonna wrestle, I want to get to the top of it, but this is the top. I don’t know if I want to be here. At the time, that’s where my head was at. I started having sons and stuff, and talking to Ross, we both felt like we’re getting polished enough where I could go anywhere and have a good wrestling match. I know what I’m doing now. Before, the time they called us, we didn’t. So right now, we feel like we’re polished and ready. We could go wrestle anywhere. I feel like it’s coming, it’s coming soon. So this is like the calm before the storm. We’ve been in conversations with both companies and stuff. So we’re kind of just seeing where it goes, but it feels like the calm before a storm because I got a feeling it’s coming soon. I would love to talk on it more, but there’s some stuff I can’t really talk about yet.”

Transcript h/t:

Misc. Wrestling News & Notes

PWInsider’s Mike Johnson reported that his sources stated that TNA Wrestling officials current plans for the main event matches for this June’s Against All Odds event are for “Broken” Matt Hardy to face off against Moose for the TNA World Championship and Ryan & Nic Nemeth to face off against The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) for the TNA World Tag Team Championship.

As noted before, former AEW talent Jose The Assistant was in attendance at TNA’s Impact tapings this past weekend in Newport, Kentucky. Jose The Assistant recently reflected on Instagram confirming that he was in attendance at the tapings. Jose The Assistant statedThe women and men at @tnawrestling are putting on GREAT professional wrestling matches. GO SEE THEM! TNA has an incredibly talented roster, a strong production team and the live events have super loud fans. It had been a while since I had been at wrestling, going there felt GOOD. #tna #tnawrestling #prowrestling #luchalibre

Dave Meltzer reported in a recent episode of the Wrestling Observer Radio that his sources stated that Rossy Ogawa recently contacted WWE asking if they could loan him some of their talent for his Marigold event on July 23rd in Tokyo, Japan. Meltzer reported that IYO SKY and Kairi Sane were some of the names asked by Ogawa for his upcoming event.

Matt Cardona recently announced on Twitter that he will be starring in an upcoming Western film titled Down the Long River.

West Coast Pro Wrestling recently announced that Shelton Benjamin will be making his official debut appearance for the company at their Untouchable event on July 20th in San Francisco, California.

Game Changer Wrestling recently announced that Ninja Mack will be making an appearance for the company at their Crime Wave 2024 event on June 29th in Dallas, Texas.

GCW also recently announced that Gabe Kidd will be making an appearance for the company at their Worst Behavior 2024 event on July 5th in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Major League Wrestling recently announced that Bad Dude Tito is the next official competitor for this year’s Battle Riot match at their Battle Riot VI event on June 1st in Atlanta, Georgia.

MLW also recently announced two new matches for the card of their Battle Riot VI on June 1st in Atlanta:

  • MLW World Heavyweight Championship – “Filthy” Tom Lawlor vs. Satoshi Kojima (c)
  • MLW World Featherweight Championship – Delmi Exo vs. Janai Kai (c)

Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre recently announced three new matches for the card of their co-promoted NJPW x CMLL Fantasticamania Mexico 2204 event on June 21st in Mexico City, Mexico:

  • NJPW Strong Women’s Championship match – La Catalina vs. Stephanie Vaquer (c)
  • Zack Sabre Jr. & Michael Oku vs. Volador Jr. & Averno
  • Bad Dude Tito & Che Cabrera vs. Magnus & Rugido

Prestige Wrestling recently announced one new match for the card of their Combat Clash PDX event on July 12th in Portland, Oregon:

  • Ethan Page vs. Shelton Benjamin