Athena Reportedly Suffered Injury at May 16th ROH TV Tapings

Athena reportedly suffered a leg injury at this past Thursday’s ROH TV tapings for Ring of Honor in Portland, Oregon, according to PWInsider.

Mike Johnson reported that one person in attendance at the taping stated that Athena had injured her left leg during her match against Viva Van. Athena reportedly suffered the injury following a spot involving Athena charging at Van who ducked down and pulled down the middle rope causing Athena to land hard on the floor. Johnson reported that when Athena returned back into the ring, she was seen noticeably limping but was able to finish the match. Van reportedly kicked out of Athena’s first pinfall attempt but then stayed down for a second pinfall to end the match after an audible was called by Athena to the referee.

Johnson reported that Athena stayed in character after her match but was unable to put any weight on her left leg and hoped out to the back while being assisted by a referee and a ROH staff member.

Johnson also reported that Athena was given a medical checkup after the match backstage but the nature nor severity of her injury is currently not known.