ROH TV Results – Dec. 7, 2023 – Kyle Fletcher vs. Gravity

December 7, 2023
Eerie, PA – Eerie Insurance Arena
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Suit Williams of

Quick Match Results

  1. Billie Starkz defeated Dani Mo via Swanton Bomb (pinfall)
  2. Dalton Castle defeated Johnny TV via Bang-A-Rang (pinfall)
  3. Rachael Ellering defeated Nikki Victory via Bosswoman Slam (pinfall)
  4. The WorkHorsemen defeated The Infantry via Kick & Pendulum Flatliner combo (pinfall)
  5. Trish Adora & Lady Frost defeated The Renegades via Temperature Drop (pinfall)
  6. Survival of the Fittest ROH World Television Championship Eliminator match – Lee Johnson defeated Josh Woods via Frog Splash (pinfall)
  7. The Righteous defeated The Outrunners via Autumn Sunshine (pinfall)
  8. Survival of the Fittest ROH World Television Championship Eliminator match – Lee Moriarty defeated “Hot Sauce” Tracy Williams via The Fang (pinfall)
  9. The Butcher & The Blade defeated The Boys via Drag The Lake (pinfall)
  10. Angelico defeated Christopher Daniels via Navarro Death Roll (submission)
  11. Survival of the Fittest ROH World Television Championship Eliminator match – Kyle Fletcher defeated Gravity via Grimstone (pinfall)

Billie Starkz vs. Dani Mo

The #1 contender for the ROH Women’s World Title quickly won this match with a Swanton Bomb.

Winner: Billie Starkz via Pinfall.

After the match, ROH Women’s World Champion Athena jumped Starkz from behind. Starkz came back by sending Athena into the barricade. Security kept trying to pull the two apart, but they brawled through security and kept going after each other. Athena caught Starkz with a pop-up powerbomb on the floor, then rolled Starkz into the ring to hit Star-Ten onto the title belt.

Backstage: Blackpool Combat Club

Bryan Danielson & Wheeler Yuta were backstage. Danielson talked about Final Battle 2022 being Jay Briscoe’s final match in ROH before his untimely passing in January. He wanted to pay tribute to Briscoe with a match: The Blackpool Combat Club of Danielson, Yuta, and Jon Moxley vs. FTR & Mark Briscoe.

Johnny TV vs. Dalton Castle

There was a lot happening here, all of it surrounding a fairly lifeless match. The Taya/Kiera Hogan interaction could have been done backstage if this was a match they wanted to do.

Johnny scored the first nearfall with a cartwheel clothesline that led to a standing shooting star press. Castle got some momentum from the crowd on the outside before coming back into the ring and getting a nearfall with a DDT. Johnny sent Castle off of the apron before hitting a senton from a sitting position off of the apron.

The Boys got Castle back in the ring after Johnny repeatedly sent Castle to the floor, allowing Castle to sweep Johnny’s hand out from under him on a handstand kick attempt. Castle sent Johnny flying with suplexes, but Johnny sent Castle to the floor. Johnny went for a corkscrew dive, but the Boys pulled Castle out of the way. Castle thanked the Boys before going back into the ring.

He set up Johnny for the Bangarang, but Taya Valkyrie came out and speared the Boys. Johnny escaped the Bangarang, but Castle moved out of the way of Starship Pain. Taya distracted Castle, allowing Johnny to hit the springboard kick. Kiera Hogan involved herself in proceedings, pulling Taya off of the apron. Castle then hit Bangarang for the win.

Winner: Dalton Castle via Pinfall.

Rachael Ellering vs. Nikki Victory

These people know they don’t HAVE to hang out with each other, right? Does Maria know she can manage other people that she actually likes?

Ellering was friendly with both Hirsch and Maria during her entrance. Ellering was in firm control before Maria hooked her leg from the floor. Victory scored with a superkick, but Ellering came back with the Bosswoman Slam for the win.

Winner: Rachael Ellering via Pinfall.

She argued with Maria on the floor as Hirsch tried to keep the peace.

Backstage: Athena

Athena was backstage with Lexy Nair. She announced that per Tony Khan, the ROH Women’s World Title match between her and Billie Starkz will be the main event of Final Battle. She also informed Lexy that she would be the ring announcer for the match.

The WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake) vs. The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Capt. Shawn Dean)

The Workhorsemen isolated Bravo after Drake hit a Magnum-style belly-to-belly suplex. After a few minutes of action, Bravo escaped to get the tag out to Dean. Dean ran wild, hitting Henry with a Butterfly DDT. Bravo hit Drake with a Scissors Kick, leading to a Dean frog splash for a nearfall.

Drake got a tag out to Henry, but Dean drilled him with a rolling elbow. Infantry went for Boot Camp, but Drake cut it off from the floor. Dean avoided a cannonball and sent Drake into his corner where Bravo got a tag. Henry sent Bravo into a Dean superkick, allowing the Workhorsemen to catch Bravo with a kick into a pendulum flatliner.

Winner: The WorkHorsemen via Pinfall.

The Renegades (Charlette & Robyn Renegade) vs. Trish Adora & Lady Frost

Frost started with Robyn, landing a neckbreaker for a nearfall. Frost got sent to the apron, where Charlette swept her legs out from under her. The Renegades held control on Frost for a few minutes before Frost landed a set of kicks to both sisters.

Adora tagged in and ran wild, hitting a kneeling German suplex for a nearfall. Robyn locked Adora in an abdominal stretch, but Frost headscissored Robyn to break the hold. Adora hit the Lariat Tubman on Robyn, followed by Frost hitting her corkscrew moonsault for the win.

Winner: Trish Adora & Lady Frost via Pinfall.

Backstage: Maria Kanellis, Leyla Hirsch, Rachael Ellering

Leyla Hirsch & Maria were backstage with Lexy Nair. Rachel Ellering came in, still heated about the match. Hirsch said she would give Maria the benefit of the doubt before telling Ellering that she would have her back.

Survival of the Fittest ROH World Television Championship Eliminator Match
Josh Woods vs. Lee Johnson

After an opening exchange that saw Woods control things on the mat, Johnson caught Woods with a dropkick to ground Woods. Woods dumped Johnson to the floor with a hip toss before throwing him into the barricade.

Woods held serve on Johnson before Johnson shot out of the corner with a neckbreaker. Johnson sprung over Woods, catching his head and hitting a Final Cut for a nearfall. Woods cut off a corner charge with a boot, but Johnson booted Woods when he elevated to the second rope. They battled on the ropes before Woods hit a twisting suplex for a nearfall.

Woods went for the Chaos Theory, but Johnson rolled Woods up for a nearfall. Woods hit a pair of running knees before a gutwrench powerbomb scored a nearfall. Woods went for a running knee, but Johnson moved out of the way and hit a superkick. Johnson landed a frog splash to win and earn a spot in the TV Title match at Final Battle.

Winner: Lee Johnson via Pinfall.

The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum) vs. The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch)

The Outrunners landed a double back elbow on Vincent, but Dutch tagged in and dropped Magnum quickly. The Righteous held serve on Magnum for a while, but Magnum slipped away from Dutch and got the tag out to Floyd. Floyd ran wild for a while, dropping Vincent with a twisting suplex. Dutch came back in, dropping Magnum with a lariat and Floyd with a Bossman Slam. Vincent hit Autumn Sunshine on Floyd for the win.

Winner: The Righteous via Pinfall.

Survival of the Fittest ROH World Television Championship Eliminator Match
“Hot Sauce” Tracy Williams vs. Lee Moriarty

A good showing for both men in this solid technical affair. Williams is talented enough to be around more often.

The two technicians grappled to start, with Williams reversing the Border City Stretch into a rollup for a nearfall. They traded grappling for strikes, with Williams sending Moriarty into the corner with forearms. Moriarty came back with a kick to the arm before hitting a bridging half-hatch suplex for a nearfall. Moriarty hit a strike combination, ending with a low dropkick for a nearfall.

Williams reversed a suplex into an inside cradle for a nearfall, but Moriarty quickly came back with a flatliner into the buckles. Moriarty went for a Harlem Side Kick, but Williams countered it into a suplex. Moriarty went after the arm with kicks, but Williams caught one and dropped Moriarty with a crotch-lift Angle Slam. Williams elevated to the second rope and dropped Moriarty with a DDT onto the top turnbuckle before scoring a nearfall with a lariat.

Williams went for a piledriver but his arm gave out. Moriarty went for the Border City Stretch, but Williams countered it into a crossface. Moriarty grabbed Williams’ fingers to escape, snapping the fingers once they stood up. Moriarty hit his lifting flatliner, called The Fang, for the win.

Winner: Lee Moriarty via Pinfall.

Backstage: Dalton Castle, Johnny TV, Taya Valkyrie

Dalton Castle was backstage with Lexy Nair. He talked about being the most made-for-TV wrestler in Ring of Honor when Johnny TV appeared. They named television shows in an increasingly aggressive manner before Taya Valkyrie came in. She said that the only reason Castle won earlier was because of his friends, and that he would never compare to Johnny.

The Butcher & The Blade vs. The Boys (Brandon & Brent Tate)

The Butcher started with Brandon, overpowering him with ease. Brent tagged in and helped hit a double dropkick to stagger Butcher. Butcher quickly got back in control, tagging in Blade. Brent caught Blade with a standing Sliced Bread before dropping Butcher with a double-team. They low-bridged Butcher and Blade to the floor but got caught with forearms on dive attempts.

Butcher and Blade isolated Brent in their corner, holding serve for a few minutes before Brent slipped away for the tag. Things broke down until Butcher and Blade hit Full Death for the win.

Winner: The Butcher & The Blade via Pinfall.

Backstage: Maria Kanellis, Griff Garrison, Cole Karter

Griff Garrison, Cole Karter, and Maria were backstage with Lexy Nair. They talked about needing to change something about the act before Maria suggested new music that she sang herself. Garrison was mesmerized by her voice.

Christopher Daniels vs. Angelico

After Angelico fought out of a Daniels headlock, Angelico dropped Daniels from behind. Angelico controlled Daniels after a kick to the neck, but Daniels came back with a pair of sunset flips. Angelico dropped Daniels with a punch to the face. Daniels came back with a T-Bone Suplex before firing up on Angelico.

Daniels hit the ten punches in the corner before hitting a big back body drop and an STO for a nearfall. Angelico caught Daniels with an up kick for a nearfall, but Daniels cut him off on the top rope. Daniels went for the Iconoclasm, but Serpentico hooked his foot from the floor. Angelico locked on his leg lock submission for the win.

Winner: Angelico via Submission.

After the match, Daniels went after Serpentico, but Angelico jumped him from behind. The two men beat down Daniels until Orange Cassidy and Danhausen made the save. Angelico came in from behind and chop-blocked Cassidy before leaving with Serpentico.

In-Ring: Tony Khan, Tony Nese, Smart Mark Sterling, “All Ego” Ethan Page

Tony Khan was in the ring to officiate the contract signing between Tony Nese and Ethan Page for their match at Final Battle. Khan announced that this would be an I Quit match. Mark Sterling showed a picture of Ethan Page in worse shape from years ago. Sterling said that Page was in better shape now but would quit on his fitness like he quit on all of his tag team partners and everything else he’s ever done.

Page talked about how Nese took him away from his goal of winning the TV Title, but after he beat Nese at Final Battle, he would move on and no one would care about Nese ever again. The contract was signed, and Page went to leave before Nese took the mic. He said that he never wanted to help Page despite the kind offer from Sterling. Nese gave Page one last piece of advice: always take your protein. Sterling blinded Page with protein powder before Nese hit him with the Running Knees and put him through a table.

Survival of the Fittest ROH World Television Championship Eliminator Match
Kyle Fletcher vs. Gravity

Gravity sent Fletcher to the floor with a handspring armdrag before hitting a tope to the floor. Fletcher caught Gravity on a springboard before hitting a spinning Side Effect. Fletcher clubbered on Gravity for a while before Gravity reversed a powerbomb into a snap hurricanrana for a nearfall. Gravity hit a standing moonsault for a nearfall before Fletcher came back with a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall of his own.

Gravity and Fletcher traded shots before Fletcher hit a running leg lariat. Fletcher went for his Tombstone but Gravity reversed it into a rollup for a nearfall. Fletcher dropped Gravity before hitting his Tombstone for the win.

Winner: Kyle Fletcher via Pinfall.