Impact Results – July 20, 2023 – Josh Alexander Gives Status Update

July 20, 2023
Windsor, Ontario, Canada – St. Clair College
Commentary – Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt
Results via

Quick Match Results

  1. Before The Impact pre-show: Alan Angels defeated Crazzy Steve via Halo Strike (pinfall)
  2. Sami Callihan & Rich Swann defeated The Good Hands via Double Team Elevated Slam (pinfall)
  3. Jake Something via Kevin Knight via Into The Void (pinfall)
  4. Courtney Rush defeated Savannah Evans via Spear (pinfall)
  5. Dirty Dango defeated Santino Marella via Pinfall
  6. Impact World Tag Team Championship – Subculture (c) defeated ABC via Roll-up (pinfall)

In-Ring: Scott D’Amore, The Good Hands

Scott D’Amore is in the ring as he resumes his role as President of IMPACT Wrestling. D’Amore says that Slammiversary was one of the greatest nights of his life as he joined forces with the returning Eric Young and NHL legend Darren McCarty to exact his revenge on Bully Ray and Deaner. D’Amore says he couldn’t have done it without his people in Windsor, Ontario, Canada and thanks the fans. D’Amore reveals that he will be the acting Director of Authority tonight as Santino Marella will compete against Dirty Dango later on. D’Amore is running down the card for tonight when The Good Hands interrupt. They continue to place blame on D’Amore for their downward spiral but D’Amore tells them that if they want a piece of the action, they can face off against these two individuals:

The Good Hands (Jason Hotch & John Skyler) vs. Sami Callihan & Rich Swann

Callihan launches Swann into a springboard crossbody on Hotch. The fight spills to the outside where Hotch bounces back with a step-up Moonsault to both of his opponents. The Good Hands gain the momentary advantage until Swann creates separation with a double dropkick out of the corner. Swann makes the tag to Callihan, who enters the match with a burst of speed. Callihan spikes Hotch with the Death Valley Driver but Skyler breaks up the pin. Swann and Callihan connect with innovative offense on Hotch to score the victory.

Winner: Sami Callihan & Rich Swann via Pinfall.

Backstage: ABC, The Rascalz, Scott D’Amore, Johnny Swinger, Zicky Dice

ABC are determined to take back the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles in their rematch against SUBCULTURE tonight. The Rascalz interrupt, who are responsible for costing ABC the 4-way match at Slammiversary. A brawl breaks out until security breaks things up. Scott D’Amore has security eject the Rascalz from the building so that it will be an even playing field.

Scott D’Amore informs Johnny Swinger and Zicky Dice that after their recent antics, they will face each other one-on-one next week. If Swinger wins, he will receive his long-awaited IMPACT World Title opportunity – but the loser of the match will be fired from IMPACT Wrestling.

Backstage: Eric Young, Nick Aldis

Gia Miller conducts an interview with Eric Young, who made his shocking return this past Saturday at Slammiversary. Nick Aldis interrupts and proposes that they join forces to prevent the “internet darlings” from running this promotion into the ground. Young hasn’t stated what his next steps are in IMPACT Wrestling but if there’s one thing he can get behind, it’s tradition – the tradition of settling their differences in the ring. Young challenges Aldis to a singles match and he accepts.

Video: Jake Something

A video aired hyping up Jake Something’s recent return to Impact at last week’s Slammiversary 2023 event.

Jake Something vs. Kevin Knight

Following his return in the Ultimate X match at Slammiversary, Jake Something competes on IMPACT! for the first time in over a year. Jake displays his incredible strength early on as he wipes out Knight in mid -air. Jake hits a big powerslam for two. Both men exchange strikes with Jake gaining the upper-hand following a series of chops. Knight bounces back with a springboard dropkick, followed by a crossbody to the outside. Knight hits a running clothesline, followed by a twisting splash for a near fall of his own. Knight leaps up the top rope but Jake counters into a thunderous super sit-down powerbomb. Knight creates separation with an innovative dropkick, then soars with a top rope crossbody. Knight can’t put Jake away as the tide turns once again. Jake connects with Into the Void to win.

Winner: Jake Something via Pinfall.

Courtney Rush vs. Savannah Evans

After Jody Threat and the Death Dollz defeated Gisele Shaw, Savannah Evans and Jai Vidal on Countdown to Slammiversary, Evans seeks vengeance on Courtney Rush in singles action. Shaw distracts the referee from ringside, allowing Vidal to get involved. Evans capitalizes with a big splash to Rush in the corner. Evans continues the assault with a leg drop for two. Rush tries to fight back but Evans shuts her momentum down with a Spinebuster out of the corner. Shaw provides another distraction for her partner and Jessicka has had enough as she neutralizes Shaw at ringside. Jody Threat appears at ringside and does the same to Vidal as she carries him out of the IMPACT Zone on her shoulder. Rush spears Evans to score the victory.

Winner: Courtney Rush via Pinfall.

Videos: Trinity, The Coven

Trinity proved that dreams do come true after she defeated Deonna Purrazzo to become Knockouts World Champion at Slammiversary.

Former Knockouts World Tag Team Champions The Coven vow to make a statement when they face off against Knockouts World Champion Trinity and Dani Luna next week.

Video: Jonathan Gresham

Jonathan Gresham requests a sit-down interview with Tom Hannifan. After coming up short at Slammiversary, Gresham says that he fought to bring back “rules” in Ring of Honor – yet somehow he finds himself competing in a match like Ultimate X this past weekend. Gresham reveals that this environment may not be for him before walking off the set.

Dirty Dango vs. Santino Marella

Santino Marella finally gets his hands on Dirty Dango in this highly-anticipated grudge match. Marella looks to prove that he’s not a “one tricky pony” as Dango called him, locking in an armbar in the early going. Dango fights free but Marella transitions into a leg lock instead. The pace quickens as Marella hits a series of arm drags. Dango retreats to the outside, then hangs up Marella on the ropes to slow things down. Marella goes low on Dango as the referee shows some leniency. Dango hits a strong Irish whip into the corner turnbuckles. Dango crashes and burns on high-risk offense. A mystery man in riot gear appears on the apron. Dango pushes Marella head-first into his helmet and scores the three count.

Winner: Dirty Dango via Pinfall.

After the match, the mystery man takes off his helmet and it’s revealed to be John E Bravo.

Backstage: Gisele Shaw, Savannah Evans, Killer Kelly, Masha Slamovich, Jody Threat, Jai Vidal

While searching for Jai Vidal, Gisele Shaw and Savannah Evans run into the new Knockouts World Tag Team Champions, MK Ultra. Jody Threat returns a disturbed Vidal after she carried him out of the IMPACT Zone earlier.

Alisha Edwards, Eddie Edwards, Traci Brooks, Frankie Kazarian

The problems between Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Frankie Kazarian and Traci Brooks appear to be far from over as a brawl breaks out between Alisha and Brooks backstage.

Impact World Tag Team Championship
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs. Subculture (Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews) (c)

ABC receive their contractually-obligated rematch against SUBCULTURE for the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles. Morgan hits Austin with a springboard crossbody to the outside. Austin is quickly thrown back into the ring where he’s caught with a Northern Lights suplex from Andrews. Austin hits an Enzuigiri to the back of Morgan’s head, creating separation and allowing him to make the tag to Bey. The pace quickens as Bey goes on the attack. Bey spikes Andrews with a Brainbuster for two. Morgan is held up in ABC’s corner before they take him down with double team offense for two. Andrews prevents the assisted Art of Finesse on his partner by kicking Austin in the back of the head. SUBCULTURE almost put Bey away with the Blitz Knee Bop but Austin breaks the pin attempt. Bey soars over the top rope, crashing into both members of SUBCULTURE on the floor. Webster denies ABC on the 1, 2 Sweet. Andrews hits Bey with Stundog Millionaire and everyone is down. The Rascalz appear at ringside as Zachary Wentz distracts the referee, allowing Trey Miguel to wipe out Austin. Andrews traps Bey in a pinning predicament to score the pinfall victory.

Winner: Subculture via Pinfall to retain the Impact World Tag Team Championship.

Video: Chris Sabin, Lio Rush

We have yet to receive a medical update on former X-Division Champion Chris Sabin who was injured by Lio Rush this past Saturday at Slammiversary.

Next Week Show’s Card Rundown

Don’t miss an all-new IMPACT! next Thursday at 8/7c on AXS TV and 8:30pm ET on YouTube for IMPACT Insiders. Johnny Swinger battles Zicky Dice in a Loser Leaves IMPACT match. Knockouts World Champion Trinity teams with Dani Luna to take on The Coven. Plus, Eric Young competes on IMPACT! for the first time in nine months when he faces Nick Aldis and more!

In-Ring: Josh Alexander, Alex Shelley, Lio Rush, KUSHIDA, Bully Ray, Moose, Brian Myers

Following his return at Slammiversary, Josh Alexander is here to provide us with an update on his condition. Alexander says that when he left back in April, he promised that he would come back better than ever. Alexander admits that he had some doubts while he was recovering but when he saw Steve Maclin win the IMPACT World Title at Rebellion, it motivated him to work harder. Alexander announces that he is 100% cleared for in-ring competition – but he’s not just here to compete, he wants to reclaim the IMPACT World Title that he never lost. IMPACT World Champion Alex Shelley goes face to face with Alexander and brings up their first meeting in which Alexander was victorious. Shelley wants to prove that he has what it takes to defeat the “Walking Weapon”. Shelley accepts Alexander’s challenge when X-Division Champion Lio Rush interrupts. Rush says that if he wants to become IMPACT World Champion, all he has to do is exercise Option C. Ultimate X winner and holder of a future X-Division Title opportunity, KUSHIDA, is out next and says that there’s no Option C until Rush has faced him with that title on the line. Out of nowhere, Bully Ray, Moose and Brian Myers storm the ring, attacking Alexander, Shelley and KUSHIDA. Bully wants Rush to join them but he hesitates and decides to retreat.