Impact Wrestling talent Laredo Kid recently announced in a now deleted tweet that himself and Black Taurus are currently free agents following the expiration of their contracts with the company on Wednesday.
as of today we are free agents ——
@Taurusoriginal VS @Laredokidpro1 @NJPWofAmerica @njpw1972 @AEW @ringofhonor @mas_lucha @luchalibreonlin @LuchaLibre_TM @LuchaOmega @luchablog @LuchaCentralCom @rderudolucha @LuchaLibreYYa @davemeltzerWON @WWENXT @FiteTV @IMPACTWRESTLING
Following Kid’s now deleted tweet, Black Taurus responded stating “Check it out.”
— Taurus (@Taurusoriginal) May 18, 2023
In a follow-up tweet, Kid clarified his earlier comments stating that him and Black Taurus are still open to working with other companies but are also still working with Impact and Lucha Libre AAA.
To be clear: @Taurusoriginal and I are open to work with other companies, but we are still working with our family who has always supported us in
— Laredokidpro (@Laredokidpro1) May 18, 2023
In🇲🇽 @luchalibreaaa