NXT Results – Mar. 14, 2023 – Gargano, Contract Signing

Results by Richard Trionfo of PWInsider.com

Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Orlando, FL – NXT Arena (WWE Performance Center)
Commentary: Vic Joseph & Booker T

Quick Match Results

  1. NXT Tag Team Championship: Gallus (c) defeated Pretty Deadly via running knee and TKO combo on Wilson
  2. Stand and Deliver Qualifying Match: Zoey Stark defeated Sol Ruca via 360 Knee
  3. #1 Contenders Three Way Match: Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre defeated Kayden Carter & Katana Chance and Tatum Paxley & Ivy Nile via swanton by Fyre on Nile
  4. Dabba Kato defeated Apollo Crews via sit out chokeslam
  5. Stand and Deliver Qualifying Match: Gigi Dolin defeated Kiana James via abdominal stretch bomb

In-Ring: Johnny Gargano

Johnny Gargano makes his way to the ring. Johnny wants to know where did they leave off. Johnny asks everyone to watch his back because the last time he was in this ring, Grayson Waller hit him in the back with a steel chair.

Last time he was in this ring, he said he would teach his son to be the best man he can be. To be the best man you can be, you have to finish what you start. It is Wrestlemania season and there is a lot of talk about finishing your story. Johnny says he is back to finish his story.

Fifteen months ago, his story ended on a cliffhanger. When he returned to Raw, a little piece of him was missing. Johnny says he was face down on that table with Grayson Waller standing over him. Waller didn’t just take his last minute from him, he took closure from him. Johnny says he respects Waller for doing that. That is why I gave you a gift. I waited to see what you could do with that moment. The last person to take me out was Tommaso Ciampa and he became one of the greatest NXT champions.

I sat back and watched you, but what did you do? You had two chances and you failed. Then you whined and cried and complained to everyone. You disrespected these people, the locker room, and then you disrespected NXT. A lot has changed in fifteen months, but one thing that will not change is the fact that NXT is my home. You do not screw with a man’s home. For seven years of blood, sweat, and tears. . .

Vic Joseph shows Johnny footage of Grayson Waller at his home.

Johnny leaves.

Backstage: Wes Lee, Axiom

We see footage from earlier today of Wes Lee arriving at the building and Axiom says he is following Wes so no one takes his spot tonight. Wes asks Axiom what is he going to do in the eight hours between now and the match. Wes says he is hungry so Axiom goes with him.

Backstage: Johnny Gargano

We are back and we see Johnny Gargano leaving the parking lot with McKenzie following him to get a comment but he says nothing.

NXT Tag Team Championship
Gallus (c) vs. Pretty Deadly

Elton and Mark start things off and they lock up. Mark with a clean break and Elton slaps Mark. Mark and Elton exchange punches and forearms. Mark with a side head lock and a shoulder tackle. Mark with an arm drag into an arm bar. Elton with a knee and Irish whip but Mark with a back elbow. Wolfgang goes after Elton on the floor but Elton gets away. Kit tags in and Elton goes for the leg. Kit with a sunset flip for a near fall. Kit with an inside cradle for a near fall. Mark with an arm drag into an arm bar. Wolfgang tags in and he hits a wrist lock suplex. Wolfgang with a biel and Elton pulls Kit out of the corner. Kit with kicks in the corner. Wolfgang sends Kit to the apron and Kit goes for a slingshot move but Wolfgang catches Kit and sends him to the mat.

Mark tags in and Wolfgang with a hard Irish whip. They give Kit a double monkey flip. Wolfgang catapults Elton to Mark for a back body drop and then Elton and Kit are sent to the floor. Kit gets back in the ring and Mark with a forearm and European uppercut. Wolfgang tags in and he punches Kit and connects with a European uppercut. Kit backs Wolfgang into the corner and Elton tags in and punches Wolfgang. Wolfgang with elbows but Elton with a chop. Wolfgang with a punch.

Elton with a knee to the midsection and a side head lock. Elton with a knee and Kit tags in. Wolfgang with a hammer lock take down. Wolfgang with a cobra clutch and Mark tags in and gets a near fall. Mark with a cobra clutch. Kit with forearms but Mark ducks. Kit with a front face lock. Mark with a cobra clutch. Mark with an O’Connor Roll for a near fall. Elton punches Mark and Kit with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Elton with a leg drop for a near fall. Kit tags in and they hit a double back elbow for a near fall. Kit with a knee to the ribs. Elton tags in and hits a splash in the corner for a near fall.

Elton with kicks and he gets a near fall. Kit tags in and he punches Mark in the midsection. Kit with a boot to the back and then to the head. Kit works on the neck. Kit with knees and he tags in Elton. Mark with a back drop to Elton and an arm drag to Kit. Wolfgang tags in and he punches Kit and Elton. Wolfgang with a leg lariat. Wolfgang with a splash in the corner and a double sledge off the turnbuckles. Wolfgang with a slam and a back senton splash for a near fall. Mark tags in and they set for a double choke slam and hit it but Kit breaks up the cover. Kit punches Wolfgang and Elton with a knee and they clothesline Wolfgang over the top rope to the floor. Wolfgang pulls Kit and Elton to the floor.

Wolfgang is sent over the announce table. Elton brings a title belt into the ring and the referee tries to take it away from him but Kit hits Mark from behind with the other belt. Mark kicks out at two. Kit tags in and they set for Spilled Milk but Wolfgang pulls the rope down and Elton goes to the floor. Mark with a running European uppercut and Wolfgang tags in and they hit a running knee and TKO combination for the three count.

Winners: Mark Coffey and Wolfgang (retain championship)

Backstage: Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs, Kiana James

We go to Fallon Henley and Josh Briggs at Kiana James’ office and Josh is dressed in camo. Fallon tries to pick the lock but the door was open. Fallon asks how did he know the door was unlocked and he mentioned that the cleaning people let him in.

Josh hides in the corner while Fallon looks at the contract for a match and Fallon is not happy. Fallon tells Josh there has to be something about Kiana’s personal life.

They look at her planner and there is an item ‘Project Boyfriend’. They see that Zack is her brother, but there are items about events with someone named Sebastian. They find the note from the flowers and it is signed Sebastian.

Segment: Roxanne Perez Medical Update

Stand and Deliver Qualifying Match
Sol Ruca vs. Zoey Stark

They lock up and Zoey pushes Sol but Sol pushes back. Sol flips over Zoey and kicks Zoey. Sol with a back body drop and Zoey goes to the floor. Zoey gets back in the ring and connects with a knee to the midsection. Sol sends Zoey into the turnbuckles a few times. Sol with an Irish whip but Zoey sends Sol to the apron. Sol with a slingshot Codebreaker and a matrix. Sol with a clothesline for a near fall. They go to the floor and Zoey with a super kick. Zoey with a face buster and a clothesline for a near fall.

Zoey with a cravate. Zoey brings Sol back to the mat. Zoey with a knee and she returns to the cravate. Zoey with a knee to the head but Sol with an escape. Sol and Zoey exchange punches. Sol with flying shoulder tackles and a thrust kick and enzuigiri. Sol with a handspring splash and a power slam for a near fall. Sol clotheslines Zoey over the top rope to the floor. Sol goes to the top rope and hits a moonsault onto Zoey on the floor.

Sol with a springboard move but Zoey hits the 360 Knee for the three count.

Winner: Zoey Stark

Segment: Scrypts

We take a look at SCRYPTS and he talks about masks and how they cloak your face. It appears that he has a new mask.

#1 Contenders Three Way Match
Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre vs. Kayden Carter & Katana Chance vs. Tatum Paxley & Ivy Nile

Katana with a head scissors and head lock take down on Tatum and Isla. Katana gets a near fall on Isla and then Tatum. Katana with a body scissors to send Isla to the floor. Chance with a sunset flip to Tatum for a near fall. Katana with a back flip knee drop after Kayden catapults Tatum into the ropes. Kayden avoids a kick from Dawn and gets a near fall with a rollup. Carter with a shoulder to Tatum in the corner followed by a kick from Dawn. Fyre tags in and Kayden goes into Tatum. Alba with a forearm and Kayden with a forearm as well. Carter with a drop kick to Tatum and a splash to Fyre. Tatum slams Chance onto Fyre and Tatum gets a near fall.

Ivy tags in and they hit a double suplex on Fyre and Ivy gets a near fall. Ivy with a back heel kick to Chance. Chance with a cross body to Ivy but Ivy rolls through and gets Katana on her shoulders. Alba with a super kick to Ivy. Dawn tags in and hits a running double knee take down for a near fall. Carter kicks Fyre from the apron. Ivy kicks Dawn and Tatum pulls back the tag and Tatum says they were never a team.

Dawn with a knee to Ivy. Chance with a facebuster and Carter tags in. Fyre pushes Chance off the turnbuckles and Dawn with a knee. Tatum kicks Ivy and sends her back into the ring. Dawn with a lungblower and Fyre with a swanton for the three count.

Winners: Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre

Backstage: Tony D’Angelo, Stacks, Bron Breakker

Tony D’Angelo and Channing Lorenzo walk up to Bron. Channing suggests they can take out Carmelo because of the contract signing. Bron suggests they can do it Sopranos or Godfather style. Tony says they were going to take him out with a crowbar. Bron says he appreciates the offer but he has this one. Tony says he has a plan for them and Lorenzo asks about the winner of Carmelo and Bron or Wes Lee’s challenge but Tony talks about what Lorenzo has done and suggests the tag titles.

In-Ring: Ilja Dragunov, JD McDonagh

Ilja Dragunov makes his way to the ring. Ilja says his WWE career has been life changing for him, his son, and his wife. They have received opportunities he never expected. For every good thing, there have been blemishes. JD McDonagh has tried to take things from him. Ilja says he has no choice. To continue his ascension in NXT, he needs to rid himself of JD McDonagh once and for all.

JD makes his way to the ring. JD tells Ilja not to ignore that this was unavoidable. We are a lot more alike than we are different. Ilja says JD’s obsession will lead to his devastation. JD says Ilja drove him out of the UK and then he followed JD here to come after the title. When they are drawn together, they both suffer. Ilja says there is something he possesses. Pain makes him feel alive and he chooses that life. JD says Ilja’s strength is what he will put his body through, but that is why you don’t have a title. You have been chasing me down because you want to suffer. I will continue to think of new ways to make you suffer.

Ilja says this will end next week and there will be no more JD McDonagh. He says when there will be nothing left but random body parts and fluids that spell out ‘here lies the Irish Ace’. JD says he looks forward to their Symphony of Sadism. Like a scalpel in his eye, it will be hard to watch.

JD misses a head butt and Ilja with punches. They go back and forth. JD pushes Ilja back and Ilja clotheslines JD over the top rope to the floor. JD punches Ilja and Ilja chops JD. They fight to the back and out into the parking lot.

Backstage: Pretty Deadly

McKenzie is with Elton and Kit and mentions they are no longer in tag team contention. Elton says he cannot believe lost. Kit says they don’t need Stand and Deliver, Stand and Deliver needs Pretty Deadly. No match can contain them. Why be on the show when you can BE the show. They suggest that they host Stand and Deliver.

Backstage: Wes Lee, JD McDonagh, Ilja Dragunov

Wes Lee walks in the back and he sees Ilja and JD fighting and then Wes says something to JD and he punches JD.

Backstage: Tyler Bate, Thea Hail, Duke Hudson, Andre Chase, Ava Raine

Tyler and Thea are doing some yoga and Andre shows up and asks Tyler and Thea to leave so he can talk to Duke. Duke says people care about wins and losses. Andre says that is what anyone thinks about. Andre says Chase U is more about the record books. It is more than buildings and books and tests. It is about a feeling. It is where he found his purpose. He says Duke found his purpose here. Andre says Duke was content with hanging around but this is the first time that Duke cares. He says that maybe Chase University has done something for Duke.

We see Ava Raine watching from behind. She walks up and puts her mask on the megaphone.

Segment: Grayson Waller

We see Grayson Waller outside Johnny’s house and Grayson says he is impressed with the house. What if you left your door unlocked. Grayson says he better check out.

In-Ring: Wes Lee, Axiom, Scrypts, JD McDonagh, Ilja Dragunov

We see the potential Wes Lee opponents fighting in the back. The cluster of humanity fight in the aisle. Axiom gets into the ring, but SCRYPTS with a drop kick to send him to the floor. JD McDonagh punches Lee and Ilja and JD fight to the floor. Lee with a flip dive onto everyone on the floor.

Backstage: Dragon Lee

We go to Dragon Lee with McKenzie. He says he has been around the world but to be here is exciting for him. He says he came here to be an example for Lucha Libre. He says he will love it here.

Backstage: Jacy Jayne

McKenzie is with Jacy and Jacy is in a sling. Jacy says Gigi did nothing last week. Jacy says Gigi is not one tenth as good as her. Jacy tells McKenzie to report the truth, not gossip. Jacy says Gigi dislocated Jacy’s shoulder a minute into the match because she knew she couldn’t win. Gigi wants to consider that a victory? Gigi is more pathetic than she thought. Every minute I am away from this place, I will think of what you did to me. When I come back, I will break your heart and your face . . . again.

Apollo Crews vs. Dabba Kato

Crews with a cross body off the turnbuckles to the floor and Crews with forearms and punches. Crews sends Dabba into the ringside barrier and follows with more punches and kicks. Crews with forearms. Dabba with a forearm to the back and Crews with punches but Dabba with forearms. Crews backs Dabba into the ring post and then Dabba chops Crews into the ring.

The match starts and Crews with a spear through the ropes. Crews with double sledges to the back. Crews runs Dabba into the ringside barrier and Dabba Irish whips Crews into the ringside barrier. Crews with punches and Dabba pushes Crews into the ring post. Dabba is sent into the ring steps. Crews kicks Dabba but Dabba with punches. Dabba with a curb stomp to Crews. Dabba chokes Crews in the ropes. Dabba with a forearm across the chest. Dabba grabs the top half of the ring steps but Crews kicks them away. Dabba with a punch and elbow to the back of the head. Dabba goes for a slam but Crews gets to his feet.

Dabba with a boot to the head. Dabba with a back breaker and he stretches Crews over his knee. Crews with a knee to the head. Crews with a back heel kick and he tries to get Dabba on his shoulders. Dabba gets Crews up and hits a gutbuster on his shoulder. Dabba with a forearm to the back. Dabba chokes Crews in the ropes. Crews punches Dabba but Dabba stays on his feet. Dabba with a knee to the midsection followed by a Northern Lariat. Dabba with a leg drop to the back of the head. Dabba with a claw and he puts Crews on the top turnbuckle. Crews with an enzuigiri from the apron and then he drops Dabba on the top rope. Crews with a bicycle kick and a second one. A third one backs him into the corner. Crews with a splash into the corner and he hits an Olympic Slam. Crews goes up top and hits a frog splash for a near fall. Dabba tries to get to the floor but Crews keeps Dabba in the ring. Dabba kicks Crews away.

Crews comes off the ropes and Dabba catches him on the floor and hits a choke slam onto the ring steps. Dabba gets back into the ring and the referee starts his count. Crews powers up at nine to beat the count. Dabba with a sit out choke slam for the three count.

Winner: Dabba Kato

Segment: Shawn Michaels, Wes Lee

We see footage from NXT Anonymous showing Shawn Michaels telling Wes Lee of what the Open Challenges are doing to him. Wes says he is doing this to thank Shawn for the opportunity. Wes says he needs to prove himself day in and day out. He says has wants to face ten of the best at Stand and Deliver. Shawn says he will give him four opponents for a Fatal Five Way and Wes can pick the opponents.

Backstage: Brooks Jensen, Kiana James

We see Brooks and Kiana in the locker room. Kiana looks for her partner and Brooks is looking for Josh. Kiana says she needs to be by herself when Brooks offers to go out with her to the ring but Kiana says she means just to go to the ring.

Stand and Deliver Qualifying Match
Kiana James vs. Gigi Dolin

Kiana with a wrist lock and Gigi with a reversal and a rollup for a near fall. Gigi with a hammer lock and snap mare but she misses a kick. Kiana with a rollup and Gigi with a knee and snap mare. Gigi with a running kick for a near fall. Kiana with a series of shoulders in the corner. Kiana with a neck breaker for a near fall. Kiana with a rear chin lock and Gigi gets to the ropes to force a break. Gigi with kicks to Kiana but Kiana with a kick.

Gigi with a jaw breaker and a bicycle kick. Gigi with a kick to the head and a round kick. Gigi with an STO for a near fall. Gigi with a waist lock and Kiana with a rollup for a near fall. Gigi with an abdominal stretch bomb for the three count.

Winner: Gigi Dolin

After the match, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn show up behind Kiana and pull her to the floor and punch and kick her. Brooks comes to make the save.

Segment: Johnny Gargano, Grayson Waller, Candice LeRae

We see Johnny Gargano arrive at his house and he is attacked by Grayson Waller. Johnny punches Waller and sends him into a tree. Waller throws dirt in Johnny’s face and punches him. Johnny kicks a trash can and pushes it onto Waller. Gargano throws the trash can at Waller and he punches Waller on the steps.

Candice opens the door to see what is going on and she has their baby. Johnny tells her to go back into the house while he continues to punch Waller. Gargano slams Waller’s head against the wall a few times. Waller pulls Johnny into the wall. Waller hits Gargano in the midsection with a rake and then he tells Johnny to go home while Candice and the baby watch. Waller hits Johnny in the back with the rake. Waller curb stomps Gargano in the front yard.

Waller asks Candice and Quill if they are proud of Johnny. Candice checks on Johnny while Waller walks away.

Backstage: Kiana James, Brooks Jensen, Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs

Kiana is with Brooks. Kiana wants to know why she was jumped alone. Fallon and Josh show up and they wonder why Josh is dressed that way and Brooks asks if Josh watched the bear movie. Kiana wants to know why Fallon wasn’t there and Fallon wants to know why she wasn’t told about Kiana’s match. Fallon does not know about their tag title match at Stand and Deliver.

In-Ring: Carmelo Hayes, Trick Williams, Bron Breakker, Pretty Deadly

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams make their way to the ring for the contract signing. NXT Men’s Champion Bron Breakker makes his way to the ring. Carmelo wonders if there is going to be a host for this. Bron says they can make this official on their own. Carmelo says they can sign it now so the countdown to a new champion can begin.

Kit Wilson and Elton Prince come out and say that since they are the hosts for Stand and Deliver, they can host the contract signing. Carmelo says he meant no disrespect. Bron has held that title with all of the legacy of the past champions. On April 1st, you can feel the changing of the guard. Hayes says he is taking that title way further than Bron ever could. He will do it like he did to the North American title. You are coming in second to him at Stand and Deliver.

Bron says Hayes made the North American title bigger, in his head. You elevated that title because you weren’t ready for this one. He says he wants to face the Melo who the people chant for and beat Ricochet and Apollo Crews. Bron says Melo don’t miss and it is fitting because on April 1st, there will be a first for everything.

Elton says this is so fun to watch. Kit says he likes the backhanded comments. Hayes says he doesn’t want Bron with all of the anger management issues, tuxedo Bron, fisherman Bron, or the Bron who is smiling on posters. He wants the Bron who runs through walls, won at War Games, and made Tommaso Ciampa tap out. When you are that Bron, you are unstoppable. That will make it all the more sweeter when you give me all you’ve got when it isn’t enough.

Hayes says I AM HIM. Bron says Hayes is HIM, but you have to show Bron that HIM is more than what you put on a t-shirt or to further your character. If you do, we will get everything we wanted out of this match. Elton points out that Bron is the yin to Hayes’ yang. Bron says this has the potential to be the biggest match in NXT history. He says they both know about long title runs. Hayes says this is the youngest main event in Wrestlemania weekend history but pressure is nothing new to them. Hayes says he knows he will deliver but he wants to make sure that Bron will too.

Hayes signs the contract and he says he isn’t giving an inch. Bron signs the contract and he says neither is he. Kit and Elton say it is official for Stand and Deliver. They shake hands. Elton and Kit say that people come for drama and they want to see some drama. Bron takes off his shirt and Hayes takes off his jacket. Hayes and Bron send Elton and Kit through the table with belly-to-back suplexes.

We go to credits.