CM Punk & Elite Fight Update: Punk Possibly Injured, Possible Suspensions & More

Here’s the latest on the backstage fight between CM Punk and The Young Bucks & Kenny Omega after All Out.

CM Punk Possibly Injured

There are reports that CM Punk may have suffered an injury during his match against Jon Moxley at All Out.

Rumors have been swirling that Punk was injured during the backstage fight, but sources close to Punk told Fightful Select that that isn’t true and Punk hurt himself doing a dive to the outside on Moxley during his match.

Rumors are that he may have injured his triceps muscle. Punk immediately was favoring it after the dive and seemed to be checking on his arm/elbow multiple times throughout the match. It’s unclear how serious the injury may be.


According to Dave Meltzer, there are suspensions that were handed down as a result of the fight, but it’s not clear who has been suspended.

Ace Steel, who was involved in the fight and reportedly threw a chair at Nick Jackson and bit Kenny Omega, will reportedly not be at Dynamite on Wednesday, Meltzer says. Meltzer also said that he believes that the others involved in the fight won’t be brought to Dynamite this week.

Jon Moxley and Chris Jericho will be at Dynamite on Wednesday, Meltzer added, despite neither originally being scheduled for the show. This is perhaps due to plan changes for the show due to the fight and possibly not having talent available.

More on the Fight

Fightful Select had more on the fight, as told by sources “close to the Ace Steel and CM Punk side of things.”

According to those sources, The Young Bucks approached Punk’s locker room after the media scrum and Punk wasn’t answering the door. The Bucks then reportedly pounded on the door and some sources claimed that they “kicked the door down.”

Ace Steel reportedly told people that his wife being in the locker room is what “set him off” and “made him go ballistic,” because he was “looking out for his wife above all else.”

Omega was said to not “seem nearly as upset initially” but “things got out of hand” and he became involved in the fight and reportedly was bitten by Steel.

The fight and altercation was said to be “very long,” with lots of back and forth talk and yelling after it was broken up.

Punk Done?

There are rumors that CM Punk may be done with AEW after this, but sources close to him and Steel say that they haven’t been informed of anything as of yet from AEW, Fightful says.

Fightful added that “virtually all” of the AEW roster they spoke to are not in favor of the way Punk handled things and almost all believe that if he isn’t let go by AEW, “heavy amends will need to be made.” Several longtime AEW wrestlers also said that they don’t understand how Punk couldn’t be let go after this.