Billed as “Big C,” the former Big Cass made an appearance at a CWL (Championship Wrestling League) show in Fowlerville, Michigan on Wednesday night.
Cass cut a promo in the ring about his WWE release, saying:
“I have a lot to get off my chest. Everybody in the world wants to know what happened. Why was he released from where he was before? It’s like everybody out there has the answers. I read the dirt sheets and there’s people on their computers and they’re all typing up and speculating what they think really happened. There’s a ton of stories and I’ve read them all. Some of them are true and I’m man enough to admit that. But most of them are false.
That day, there were only three people in that room. There are only three people in the world who know what happened and what was talked about that day. And I could damn well guarantee you the other two are not going to tell you what actually happened.
But as for me, my 90 days is up. And I can talk about whatever I want, wherever I want, whenever I want. And right here, right now in the CWL, I can tell you exactly what happened. I can tell each and every one of you the real story. But I’m not gonna do that! Because none of you deserve to know the real story. That story will be told by me on a network special about me on the network for the big leagues one day. Not for a bunch of 9-5 Joe Shmoes that shelled out money to see a star, and you’re damn right, you got a star. I’m from the big leagues! I’ve done it all! I’m a star!”
Cass then thanked the “stupid owner” of CWL for giving him a contract and said that as soon as he gets a better offer from a more prominent company, he’s going to pack his bags and leave and never come back.