Various: Cena on Fans & Modern WWE, Apollo Crews, WWE-NJPW, Lucha

Cena on Some Fans Dislike of Modern WWE and Nostalgia for the Attitude Era

The Independent held a recent interview with John Cena and one of the topic discussed involved the dislike of modern WWE by some fans. Cena believes a lot of this dislike is due to people having too much nostalgia for the Attitude Era and not liking WWE catering to more audiences than the very specific male audience from the Attitude Era days.

“What I love the most about it – next time you watch – so they always shoot the ring in a certain way, it’s called the hard camera shot. Look beyond everything, look at the audience, that’s the perfect picture of what I love, it’s everybody. And that’s why – I mean you wanna go deep down the rabbit hole – that’s why everybody nowadays is polarising, because our audience is too big, so that’s one of the problems that we have to fix but at the same time it’s a great problem because if your audience is the world how are you going to please everybody?”

Apollo Crews to Make an Appearance for PCW Early Next Year

Preston City Wrestling recently announced WWE star Apollo Crews will be making an appearance for the company on February 10th as part of their Road to Glory 2018 tournament. Crews will be returning for one night only and has former ties to the company from his pre-WWE days when he was known as Uhaa Nation.

WWE Versus NJPW Match to Occur at Next Month’s RevPro Event

Revolution Pro Wrestling recently announced the card for January 20th’s High Stakes 2018 event will feature stars from both New Japan Pro Wrestling and WWE’s United Kingdom division. This will be a tag team match involving Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr. facing off against Tyler Bate & Trent Seven.

Future of Lucha Forever Very Dire

Lucha Forever recently issued an official statement revealing they will “no longer be a trading company” as of this month and implying at likely shutting down soon. Making things worse for the company’s future was the announcement of all future shows being cancelled.