Impact News: More TV Tapings Outside Florida, Alberto, More Departures?

Impact Moving Away From Florida for TV Tapings

Impact is planning on holding future TV tapings in several different cities, according to PWInsider.

NYC, Toronto and Chicago are cities that are currently being “eyed,” though they may also return to Orlando at some point.

Impact/TNA/GFW has taped the majority of their shows at Universal Studios in Orlando, FL throughout its history, so this is a pretty big and potentially good change.

Alberto El Patron

Alberto El Patron, who is expected back at Impact’s next tapings in November, is expected to receive a big push when he returns, according to PWInsider.

More Departures?

Robbie E announced today that he is leaving Impact.

Eddie Kingston’s contract is set to expire soon and there’s no word yet on if he’ll be re-signing, PWInsider says.

There’s also been word recently that there may be more “departures” soon.

Some wrestlers have also reportedly been upset about not getting calls back from management when they have questions recently.