Matt and Jeff Hardy Say They’ve Signed With ROH + Win ROH Tag Titles

Matt and Jeff Hardy made a surprise appearance at the Ring of Honor Manhattan Mayhem VI show tonight at the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC and they won the ROH Tag Team titles from The Young Bucks.

Matt Hardy then announced that the Hardys had signed a deal with ROH and would be at the ROH PPV next week, the TV taping after that, and the “Supercard of Honor XI” show on April 1.

It looks like they’ve signed at least a short-term deal with ROH until the April 1 show. At one point, Matt said, “Nero, you know, a lot of people thought whenever we left that dreadful TNA that we were going to sign a contract with MeekMahan.” Jeff Hardy then made the “delete” motion and the crowd started chanting “delete.” Matt continued, “Now, myself and the nefarious Nero… we exist on the plane known as the Honorable Ring.”

Doesn’t necessarily mean that they are not signing with WWE though. Matt Hardy announced 3 specific dates in his promo, up until April 1, which makes it seem like that might be it (for now at least).

Here’s a video of their post-match promo:

And now, the greatest tag team in all of space and time are the Ring of Honor tag team champions of the world. Nero, you know, a lot of people thought whenever we left that dreadful TNA… (crowd chants “Fuck TNA”) Millions of people speculated that we were going to sign a contract with MeekMahan. (crowd chants “Delete”) Now, myself and the nefarious Nero… we exist on the plane known as the Honorable Ring.

The Bucks of Youth used to have the biggest contract in ROH history until the Hardys signed a contract. And this is only the beginning. We will be at the 15th anniversary show on PPV Friday. We will be at the television tapings on Saturday. We will be in Lakeland on April 1. And now, the Hardys house their talents and their vessels where the greatest wrestling in the world resides… ROH.

End of the match:


Matt Hardy Tweets