The Rock’s new movie, the Disney CG-animated feature Moana, topped the domestic box office this weekend. The film brought in an estimated $81 million for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. WWE’s Triple H posted the following tweet earlier, congratulating The Rock on the film’s success. The Rock later responded with a tweet of his own. You can check that out below.
Went to see @DisneyMoana with @StephMcMahon and my girls. We loved it! Including me.. in a strong, manly way. Congrats @TheRock!
— Triple H (@TripleH) November 27, 2016
Ha we've been boys for 20yrs. "Strong and manly" is our jam!
Thx bro and luv to all the girls from all of us Johnson's. #Moana— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) November 27, 2016
100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Jack Swagger Smoking A Cigarette!! WTF?!?! MUST-SEE!!!