Matt Riddle has set his goals for 2016 and they include working in Japan as well as the EVOLVE Championship. Riddle appeared on The Kevin Gill Show and talked about how his year has gone and where he’s going from there. YOu can listen below.
“2016 is going end just where I want it,” he said. “I am going to go international and wrestle in England right before the new year. I will have hit overseas. I’ve already wrestled in Canada for C4 and other companies like Alpha-1. I’ve just got to PWG. I’ve basically hit all of my goals for the most part. 2017, the big goal there is Japan. That’s probably the one thing. I want to be the EVOLVE Champion and I want to go to Japan. Those are the two things I really want to accomplish in 2017. Granted, I can’t make some of those thing happen but I’m going to do the best I can.”
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