Charles Robinson Lists His Favorite Wrestlers To Work With, Vince McMahon, More

Charles Robinson appeared on Talk is Jericho this week and talked about his in-ring run as “Lil’ Naitch” and more. Some highlights are below:

On if he ever gets instructions from Vince McMahon through his earpiece: “Thank God, no. People used to think that’s my hearing aid, but it’s not, guys!. There are times that I still get a little scared, like when I go out there for WrestleMania. That’s very nerve-racking. You have 70 [or] 80,000 people [and] this year, you have more than 100,000 people watching what you do, so that’s something hard to overcome, but that’s part of being a pro.”

On getting injured during his “Lil’ Naitch” run: “In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, I believe it was, Flair and I teamed up [and] took on Savage and Medusa. We had a tag match and it finished with the elbow drop onto me, Savage elbow drop, which I didn’t know how to position myself, whether to hold my chest or breathe. I just laid there and took it. And he landed in on me and put me in the hospital for two weeks. Yeah, collapsed lung.”

On his favorite matches he’s refereed: “Well, WrestleMania 19 was pretty good. It was Shawn Michaels against some Canadian [Jericho]. Yeah, I had my haircut real short. I’ll never do that again. That was the worst haircut ever. [Michaels’] hair was pretty bad too. [Jericho] had the best hair. But that was a great match. But that, [and] WrestleMania 24, Flair and Shawn Michaels when Flair retired. [It was] certainly the biggest honor, but who else could they’ve used though? Right? It was very nice of them to let me do it. I think we were crying about a minute into the match. But the last one, the last match that was big was Shawn Michaels against The Undertaker [at] WrestleMania 26, I believe. That’s where Shawn retired. So it’s Flair and Shawn, Undertaker and Shawn, and [Jericho] and Shawn. Huh, it’s Shawn. What a coincidence, so it means a lot that Shawn was in all three matches.”

On his favorite guys to work with: “I don’t have problems with really anybody, but some of the easier guys, I always loved working with Daniel Bryan. He was easy to work with. I don’t know. He’s just so laid back, so you don’t worry about it if you do mess up that you’re going to get chewed out or get in trouble. Dolph Ziggler, I love working with him. The energy that he has in the ring is just phenomenal. Of course, I like working with [Jericho]. Gosh, Seth Rollins, I can’t wait for him to get back and work with him.”

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